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Messages - Psiweapon

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Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / ARRP - PRIME 2.3a release
« on: September 21, 2013, 11:13:43 PM »

Ahem ahem, can you hear me?

*mic feedback*

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the a new version of PRIME: 2.3a - Metapsychics, and a new homepage to boot:

Sadly, the machine spirits appear to be in rebellion and Ancient is not available to give this announcement, since he's too busy reciting ancient incantations to soothe and subdue the restless machines. I would like to wish Ancient the best of luck in his time of need.

Version 2.3a now includes a ton of bugfixes since 2.2c , such as several crashes involving doors, invisible stuff glitches, and other nasty bugs lurking in wait to collapse the dungeon or boggle your mind - No more negative amounts of floppy disks! No more vengeful doors that crash your game when you attempt to optic blast their lock!

This new version also includes several new features. Metapsychic faculties now govern characters' proficiency in broad areas of mutant powers, there are new mutations to be gained and several new character classes which rely on mutant powers - the whole psychic powers aspect of the game has been double-enriched with an infusion of metacreative crystals of annelid origin.

There are also new items, such as the Blood Sword or the Cryolator, and even more Sci-Fi references from beyond the outer limits.

Windows binary

Linux i386 binary

Linux x86_64 binary

Changelog rendered in excruciating detail

I hope I didn't commit any blunders here, now go grab the game and give it a whirl!

Other Announcements / Re: Women & Roguelikes
« on: September 27, 2012, 07:03:03 PM »
Only dicks can save us now. A HUGE BAG OF DICKS.

You mean a bag full of bloody, amputated peckers or a bag full of Krice people?

Other Announcements / Re: Women & Roguelikes
« on: September 26, 2012, 05:43:51 PM »
Well the Nethack valkyrie is exclusively female. I wonder if the dwarven ones have beards?


I think women destroyed this forum.


Classic Roguelikes / Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
« on: September 24, 2012, 08:08:14 AM »
That uppercase D is not only frowning but also discreetly giving us the finger. What an ill-mannered dragon.

Other Announcements / Re: Women & Roguelikes
« on: September 23, 2012, 03:49:20 PM »
Tomb RaideRL.

Hm, my girlfriend is trying to make exactly this.

Congrats on your girl :)

Off-topic (Locked) / Re: D&D not allowed in USA prisons
« on: September 23, 2012, 03:35:26 PM »
This is a big issue. One of the problems is private sector, because it looks like every time when there is people involved private sector companies are just trying to profit like they always do, but it's not good when the "merchandise" is people. We need softer approach and laws to regulate that. Most EU countries do that, but there is growing tendency to move stuff to private sector, because politicians can then let someone else take care of difficult problems.

I think politicians and in fact everyone should realize that we need "true" democracy which includes both social politics and profit making for companies and economic side. There is no single way to handle everything without getting into trouble.

Krice? You posting an actually agreeable and non-trollish post?! My hat is off to you, sir, but I'm wondering if you've had any recent case of body snatchers.

Actual reply:

I don't think what I've put in bold in your post is the real cause why politicians these days give public services to private initiatives. It's because said companies have understandings with the politicians and will probably (if not surely) give the politicians a chair and an xbox hueg salary after they're out of officially politicking.

Off-topic (Locked) / Re: RPG roguelike
« on: September 23, 2012, 12:40:20 PM »
Here are some ideas I had some time ago that I think would help meshing RPG and roguelike:

1: An outdoors map rather than a dungeon (AFAIK FFHtR and GearHead do that)
    1.1: You can still have dungeons scattered here and there (FFHtR does that too)

2: A sufficiently pool of "story relevant" places from which some are drawn to create a randomized plot (I don't think that a wholly randomized plot would work / I don't know how the fork you make that)

e.g.: Imagine such a pool consists of a "natural" monster lair, an advanced civilization's remains, an ice palace, a lake and a town. (no TvTropes trap for those two ; )

The game could draw monster lair, advanced civilization's remains and ice palace. Then you'd have to go to the monster lair, clean it and grab a McGuffin that let's you access the advanced civilization's remains. And then there you'd get another McGuffin that lets you access the ice palace an beat the Big Bad in there.

For sidequests, there could be creatures (npc's) that are looking for whatever McGuffin / trying to accomplish whatever goal, for the most inane of reasons (as always, Inconsequentia is called like that for something) and you can help them out. Or not, and butcher them for the sweet, sweet XP and loot.

To beat some sense into such absurdity, places, creatures, items et cetera could have some "flavor" traits, e.g. firey, electricky, crafty, spooky, techy, whatever; and so a frosty magicky big bad would live in a frosty magicky castle, surrounded by frosty magicky countriside populated with frosty magicky underlings such as evil penguins and snow golems (which might be friendly if you share such traits) ; and require a Firey Mighty or Firey Techy McGuffin/artifact to defeat. Such an item would be guarded by a Threshold Guardian which need only share one of the artifact's flavor traits (firey, mighty or techy) thus giving room for variety.

Another interesting idea would be generating the game environment AROUND the character: You could make a spooky, techy hero, and the game would generate holy and/or magicky bosses and plot-relevant places to defeat/overcome, and maybe place a spooky foresty monster den or a techy electricky ivory tower where you could equally rest and make friends or go rampaging around.

Basically, using elemental rock-paper-scissors with at least two sets of both conventional and unconventional "elements" (flavors/themes) as a way of giving some shape and sense to a randomized story.

Incubator / Re: PRIME 2.0
« on: September 20, 2012, 06:38:12 PM »
  My mouse wheel walks the character toward the cursor. Brilliant. Seriously brilliant.

Seems to be an unintentional feature of NotEye. But nice indeed.

Dafuq? Is that true? Awesome.

What happened to searching? There is no Search command, but there is a Search skill (also Spot).

You don't see the cursor when looking at stuff, probably something to fix in the next versions.

Just now I finished pixeling the cursors. So far I made a default one, a psychic power one, and an item-related one.

I'm also making some effects, the lack of laser bolts darting around really dampens the atmosphere.

Other Announcements / Re: Women & Roguelikes
« on: September 20, 2012, 04:29:39 PM »


  I have a buddy that can't play games anymore unless he sneaks around because his lady thinks it's a juvenile waste of time. That may be a different topic, but the interplay of gender, relationships, social 'norms' and gamer shame is a very interesting one. It's bound to whip up all types of speak first think later comments, but still interesting.



That, dude.

Gamer shame, own and vicarious (like your friend's lady) is at the root here, I think.

If it's any help, my g/f takes interest in few videogames, but when she does she takes them damn seriously (Patrician III, Arcanum, Dwarf Fortress, Bejeweled) to name a few for which she has more bragging rights than I.

The question of making games that the ladies like is kind of moot, since any given person likes whatever games s/he likes for the most irrelevant reasons. I damn know there are games apparently heavily geared towards guys that I don't give a hoot about. Why? Because they're aimed for a certain type of gamer, who happens to usually be male.

Srsly, this is all about what do we think we're supposed to like and therefore feel more open/not ashamed to try.

Incubator / Re: Roguelike Bundle preparations
« on: September 05, 2012, 09:03:06 PM »
Widely recognized even if only as a costumed binge drinking night.

Incubator / Re: Roguelike Bundle preparations
« on: September 02, 2012, 02:32:22 PM »
I didn't really have vacations, I merely switched activities.

These days I'm trying hard to add as many tiles as possible to PRIME... but really, how much time I have available and for what activities is something that fluctuates wildly.

Incubator / Re: Fame Feedback Thread
« on: September 01, 2012, 03:48:14 PM »
Ok I don't have much room to talk here since I haven't tried the game... more homework to do!

But anyways, just a generic musing. As time passes I am more and more of the opinion that there should be some room left to exploits in any game - as long as they don't become a dominant / mandatory strategy.

Incubator / Re: Charity donation tracker
« on: August 30, 2012, 07:13:21 PM »
Add another notch for the red cross.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Re: Recettear
« on: August 30, 2012, 05:30:27 PM »
To stalk again the threads of mortal men!

I've bought Recettear today after giving a whirl to the demo yesterday, and I am quite happy with the purchase. Feels quite roguelike-y, just twitch-y instead of turn-y.

Classic Roguelikes / Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
« on: August 30, 2012, 05:04:36 PM »

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