Author Topic: D&D not allowed in USA prisons  (Read 13193 times)


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D&D not allowed in USA prisons
« on: August 24, 2012, 12:52:19 AM »

Basically this Kevin T. Singer dude, who's serving life sentence, has been confiscated all his D&D material by prison guards because three old farts with too much power in their hands decided it represents a threat for prison security. No more D&D in USA jails.

This is just very sad and if I were american would be enough to leave that place forever, expecially now with Ron Paul out of the presidential game. Not saying I am planning to stab someone or ever been much into playing D&D (I just played intensively self-made pen and paper RPGs and boardgames) but ths shows how just wicked a system can become. I guess in Europe we still can play D&D in jail? someone on roguetemple can confirm this? Just askin'!

Here's an online petition. Even though the fact happened in january 2011, I think we're still in time to spread the word and make this big. Just made a post on /tg/ ( and got about 20 signatures in ten minutes.

Somewhat OT: .. just read another guy experience into the infamous Joe Arpaio Maricopa county jail in Arizona: looks terrible down there. I have the impression the jail system in the USA is just a business.. making money from other people misery. I really love the way Sweden handle crime, with prisons who resemble hotels (windows, videogames, etc) and still a low crime rate. This is how a civilized and intelligent society should deal with criminals in my opnion.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2012, 03:51:35 AM by Skeletor »
What I enjoy the most in roguelikes: Anti-Farming and Mac Givering my way out. Kind of what I also enjoy in life.


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Re: D&D not allowed in USA prisons
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2012, 04:01:50 AM »
  The prison business is HUGE in the US. Many states pay more for prisons then they spend on education. Sad but true. We are the most heavily incarcerated society in the history of the world. We aren't a police state though. Nope. That's China and Russia. Not us.

  It's one of my top 5 reasons to dislike my country. One of the major things I hope we can fix. Here's a quick breakdown.

1. Privately owned/funded elections with unrestricted corporate donation. Root of many many problems. The reason we never fix anything and keep voting the same assholes in over and over.

2. Highest incarceration rate in history. Symptom of a fucked up system.

3. We kill tons of brown people. TONS. We act like they deserve it, and we are all righteous. Lame. I'm talking cops shooting up every minority they find as well as bombing the holy shit out of Muslim countries.

4. Massive income disparity. Top 1% control the majority of wealth. Ridiculous in a democracy.

5. All the top news stations are obvious fronts for political ideologies. Incredibly unhealthy in a democracy.

DISHONORABLE MENTION: Fattest country ever. Product of the food lobbies and extensive marketing. Jesus. Come visit. Walk into any rural Walmart and you'll be too shocked to speak. People should take responsibility for their own weight, sure, but I'm talking about the societal problem.




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Re: D&D not allowed in USA prisons
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2012, 09:41:21 AM »
This is a big issue. One of the problems is private sector, because it looks like every time when there is people involved private sector companies are just trying to profit like they always do, but it's not good when the "merchandise" is people. We need softer approach and laws to regulate that. Most EU countries do that, but there is growing tendency to move stuff to private sector, because politicians can then let someone else take care of difficult problems.

I think politicians and in fact everyone should realize that we need "true" democracy which includes both social politics and profit making for companies and economic side. There is no single way to handle everything without getting into trouble.

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Re: D&D not allowed in USA prisons
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2012, 03:33:47 PM »
I wonder if everyone plays an evil aligned character.  ;D


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Re: D&D not allowed in USA prisons
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2012, 03:35:26 PM »
This is a big issue. One of the problems is private sector, because it looks like every time when there is people involved private sector companies are just trying to profit like they always do, but it's not good when the "merchandise" is people. We need softer approach and laws to regulate that. Most EU countries do that, but there is growing tendency to move stuff to private sector, because politicians can then let someone else take care of difficult problems.

I think politicians and in fact everyone should realize that we need "true" democracy which includes both social politics and profit making for companies and economic side. There is no single way to handle everything without getting into trouble.

Krice? You posting an actually agreeable and non-trollish post?! My hat is off to you, sir, but I'm wondering if you've had any recent case of body snatchers.

Actual reply:

I don't think what I've put in bold in your post is the real cause why politicians these days give public services to private initiatives. It's because said companies have understandings with the politicians and will probably (if not surely) give the politicians a chair and an xbox hueg salary after they're out of officially politicking.
The invisible hand is a lie, the fiendish dogma of the market cultists. Lest the apostasy grows strong, their blood god will devour each and everyone, pious and infidel alike.