Indeed, but this does solve the case of the anti-roguelike fanatic. In fact, I find I even agree with him: It really would be tedious to play the same brogue seed over and over from the beginning until you beat it (if you don't have the skillz to beat it in under three tries).
Over and over from the beginning? You are playing the whole game all over from the beginning until you beat it, thousands of turns through the same easy difficulty for hundreds of times. I'm not playing all over from the beginning, I'm playing over only last few hundred turns, usually not more than once, where every different move makes the game different than before. And then I advance to harder difficulty and fresh/new content straight away. The only difference is you are wasting more time.
So here's your homework, LazyCat, go play and beat a roguelike the right way -- from the beginning without using seeds to make it the same every playthrough and without dying -- then come back with your informed judgment.
I did. I was talking about it before. It is you who never completed any roguelike without save-scumming. Admit it!
Actually, I'm a little surprised this kind of monstrosity is allowed to stand in the roguelike world without being heaped with scorn. I bet lots of brogue players doing these weekly seed challenges play the seed over and over again from the beginning. This is abominable! I thought it sounded like a good idea at first, but it didn't occur to me that they would make a game of playing the same thing over and over like that.
Are you again referring to save-scumming as "playing all over from the beginning"? What's wrong with you? Save summing is the opposite, it's to avoid playing all over from the beginning.