Just updated
http://www.armouredcommander.com/ with Alpha 5.1 binary and source. Changelog as follows:
- Added player tank info screen to encounter and campaign day interface
- "Brew up" roll after player tank knocked out now takes into account wet stowage and better ammo protection of later M4A1 and M4A3 Sherman models
- Roll for player movement has been updated to a 2D6 system; previously motion forward or backward should have had a chance to change enemy facings but didn't, that has been corrected
- HVSS has a chance of being on tank models that historically had it, gives a positive modifier to movement
- Hits on the turret of the player tank are applied based on turret facing; previously only the hull facing was taken into account.
- Lead tank mechanic added. If player is not a Jumbo, then they will never be Lead Tank two combat days in a row. Jumbo tanks have much greater chance of being put in the front.
- Player will now be offered a new tank model during refitting periods
- Extended combat journal through the first month of 1945; note that weather effects are still not implemented so no snow over the winter!
- On the encounter map, changed sector shapes and sizes, no more hexes that straddle two sectors, and more likely that units in medium range will be in hull front sector
- Fixed a bug where rotating the turret and firing the co-ax would not properly identify targets for the attack
- If an enemy AT Gun is moving, it must spend a turn emplacing itself before firing
- Updated Spotting roll to use 2D6 system
- Vehicle info, including armour levels, now displayed after right-clicking on enemy unit
- During ambush, enemy units are more likely to fire rather than reposition themselves
- Smoke factors now apply a +2 modifier to hit and to spot
I was quite pleased to have tracked down a few features and aspects of the game that I had left out during development. Ambushes should be quite a bit more deadly, and now you get a chance to upgrade your tank during refits.