Author Topic: Armoured Commander: WW2 Tank Commander Roguelike  (Read 225821 times)


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Re: Armoured Commander Alpha 1: WW2 Tank Commander Roguelike
« Reply #105 on: March 12, 2015, 10:09:09 PM »
You may need some of the libraries from the binary archive - you'll at least need to download libtcod. Do you get any specific libraries listed as missing?

I was thinking about that maybe source download should in general include the, libtcod-mingw.dll and SDL.dll


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Re: Armoured Commander Alpha 1: WW2 Tank Commander Roguelike
« Reply #106 on: March 12, 2015, 10:17:07 PM »
Added all three to the source archive.


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Re: Armoured Commander Alpha 1: WW2 Tank Commander Roguelike
« Reply #107 on: March 13, 2015, 07:37:48 PM »
May want to rephrase "your tank has entered a minefield" random event to something along the lines of "allied squadron enters the minefield". Damage never happens to me but frequently blows allied tanks.


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Re: Armoured Commander Alpha 1: WW2 Tank Commander Roguelike
« Reply #108 on: March 13, 2015, 07:41:52 PM »
May want to rephrase "your tank has entered a minefield" random event to something along the lines of "allied squadron enters the minefield". Damage never happens to me but frequently blows allied tanks.
Done for Alpha 6!


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Re: Armoured Commander Alpha 1: WW2 Tank Commander Roguelike
« Reply #109 on: March 13, 2015, 07:59:22 PM »
Have safe travels and thank you for all the work you've put into AC.

Not sure how far I will get but I'll take a crack and looking under the hood with the source code and see how things work.


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Re: Armoured Commander Alpha 1: WW2 Tank Commander Roguelike
« Reply #110 on: March 13, 2015, 08:05:15 PM »
I'm not sure how un-board-gamelikey it would be awesome to have the projectiles flying using the libtcod's line function.


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Re: Armoured Commander Alpha 1: WW2 Tank Commander Roguelike
« Reply #111 on: March 14, 2015, 12:45:08 PM »
I'm not sure how un-board-gamelikey it would be awesome to have the projectiles flying using the libtcod's line function.

Animations are definitely on the to-do list, including explosions, projectiles, and light weapons attacks. Will also change it so that destroyed vehicles stay on the encounter map as wrecks.


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Re: Armoured Commander Alpha 1: WW2 Tank Commander Roguelike
« Reply #112 on: March 14, 2015, 08:57:27 PM »
Just updated with Alpha 5.1 binary and source. Changelog as follows:

- Added player tank info screen to encounter and campaign day interface
- "Brew up" roll after player tank knocked out now takes into account wet stowage and better ammo protection of later M4A1 and M4A3 Sherman models
- Roll for player movement has been updated to a 2D6 system; previously motion forward or backward should have had a chance to change enemy facings but didn't, that has been corrected
- HVSS has a chance of being on tank models that historically had it, gives a positive modifier to movement
- Hits on the turret of the player tank are applied based on turret facing; previously only the hull facing was taken into account.
- Lead tank mechanic added. If player is not a Jumbo, then they will never be Lead Tank two combat days in a row. Jumbo tanks have much greater chance of being put in the front.
- Player will now be offered a new tank model during refitting periods
- Extended combat journal through the first month of 1945; note that weather effects are still not implemented so no snow over the winter!
- On the encounter map, changed sector shapes and sizes, no more hexes that straddle two sectors, and more likely that units in medium range will be in hull front sector
- Fixed a bug where rotating the turret and firing the co-ax would not properly identify targets for the attack
- If an enemy AT Gun is moving, it must spend a turn emplacing itself before firing
- Updated Spotting roll to use 2D6 system
- Vehicle info, including armour levels, now displayed after right-clicking on enemy unit
- During ambush, enemy units are more likely to fire rather than reposition themselves
- Smoke factors now apply a +2 modifier to hit and to spot

I was quite pleased to have tracked down a few features and aspects of the game that I had left out during development. Ambushes should be quite a bit more deadly, and now you get a chance to upgrade your tank during refits.


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Re: Armoured Commander Alpha 1: WW2 Tank Commander Roguelike
« Reply #113 on: March 16, 2015, 12:42:51 AM »
In PB unidentified tank was Panther/Tiger, the A/T gun was 88 and the SPG was something also nasty - is this the same in this game?


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Re: Armoured Commander Alpha 1: WW2 Tank Commander Roguelike
« Reply #114 on: March 16, 2015, 02:44:29 AM »
I was going to ask the same thing. In PB the player had to assume that unidentified units were 88's, Tigers, etc, this was partly because in a solo system there wasn't any other way of doing it and partly to increase the importance of sighting and IDing units asap.

Of course now with the computer acting as an umpire does it still need to be that way or does the computer use the actual units stats of the unit without the player knowing what is going on behind the scenes?


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Re: Armoured Commander Alpha 1: WW2 Tank Commander Roguelike
« Reply #115 on: March 16, 2015, 08:16:21 AM »
In ArmCom unidentified units already are what they're going to be when they're identified, they don't act as Tigers or 88s. In PB this was a useful mechanic because the solo player needed to know what stats to use when attacking or being attacked by an unidentified unit, and it adds a bit of excitement in the rush to identify. But in ArmCom the game can keep track of everything behind the scenes, so I felt it wasn't right to use this mechanic.

For now at least, you still don't know if that unidentified tank is a Panzer IV or a Panther, but when it fires at you or you at it, you should get some idea since you'll see either the gun caliber or the armour rating. In the movie Fury, I remember there's a scene where they can't see an AT Gun firing at them, but the commander knows it's firing a certain calibre of ammo just from the sound of the shells whizzing by.

There's still room to add in a new mechanic to do with unidentified enemy units, I just haven't thought of a good one yet!


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Re: Armoured Commander Alpha 1: WW2 Tank Commander Roguelike
« Reply #116 on: March 16, 2015, 10:07:19 AM »
SO...we're to "TRUST" the computer that it isn't cheating  :o

Sounds good to me.


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Re: Armoured Commander Alpha 1: WW2 Tank Commander Roguelike
« Reply #117 on: March 16, 2015, 10:14:34 AM »
SO...we're to "TRUST" the computer that it isn't cheating  :o

Sounds good to me.

You can look through the source code yourself and see exactly what is going on behind the scenes. No trust required.


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Re: Armoured Commander Alpha 1: WW2 Tank Commander Roguelike
« Reply #118 on: March 20, 2015, 08:31:10 PM »
Great game -- I really can't wait to see how this progresses. I have extremely fond memories of playing PB many many years ago.

I have two suggestions:

1) Make it easy to change the next round to be loaded (or maybe I'm missing how to do this). It should be very easy to toggle next round type to be loaded. Right now, it appears the mechanism is to change the round in the gun. I'd prefer to see the actual firing order procedure modelled: "Gunner, Shot, Tank, Fire" -- even if the Gunner as HE loaded, they'd fire the HE round and the loader would just reload with AP, loading from Storage if nothing was at hand in the RR. As a note, the Army FM 17-12 from 1964 notes that "The tank commander will not normally correct an error in the loaded ammunition element after the gun is loaded; instead, he will allow the gunner to fire the chambered round." I expect doctrine was the same in WW2.

2) I noticed in the Python source, you were using integer values for armor that abstract 'protection'. Personally, I'd be really interested in seeing a more sophisticated penetration modeling based on round type and velocity, angle of incidence and armor thickness and steel type. I expect that would be a lot of work to code, but the complexity can be hidden from the player, and the high fidelity of penetration ballistics could in-turn enable high fidelity damage modeling. But... I'm not coding this,. :)

Keep up the good work!

(edits for clarity)
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 08:44:16 PM by sage2 »


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Re: Armoured Commander Alpha 1: WW2 Tank Commander Roguelike
« Reply #119 on: March 21, 2015, 11:25:26 AM »
Just hit 'a' to cycle though the ammo type to reload! You can totally fire off an HE round at an armoured target just to get it out of the gun, and have AP ready for the reload. You gotta hope you make the RoF roll, but if you do, you also get the benefit of aquired target.

A full armour penetration model is definitely possible, but I'm not going to be the one to do it! This system is about as complex as I'm comfortable with right now. It will eventually incorporate improvised and appliqué armour, though. Someone could write a complex AP module to fit into ArmCom, however, and I could include it as an optional mod.