Author Topic: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain roguelike  (Read 76760 times)


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Re: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain roguelike
« Reply #75 on: March 30, 2016, 10:43:55 PM »
Warlocks Mountain is pretty much now abandoned. It was an extended version based on a D20 system. It has graphics, custom unique levels and more content in general. It is mostly unplayable IIRC, though someone may correct me there if any one has attempted to defeat it.

I have found improving this version a more satisfying experience. As it is more akin to the original WOFM experience.

So yeah I should one day update whatever sites I have editted over the years.

P.s What archive?
corremn's Roguelikes. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.  Warhammer 40000 the Roguelike


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Re: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain roguelike
« Reply #76 on: March 31, 2016, 08:29:59 AM »
Not the Congress Library I`m afraid, just a local thing:

Thanks for clarifying. I`m also one of the old school WoFM fans...just tried your version and it seems great, definitely goes on my RL playlist.

Virtua Sinner

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Re: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain roguelike
« Reply #77 on: February 14, 2017, 02:20:43 AM »
So, almost a year after I beat it the first time, I got a hankering to play again, this time with version 5, instead of 4.  Beat it on the second try.  Still a really fun game, so again, thanks so much for making it!

In ver. 5, as near as I can figure, the error with the final chest has been fixed - it opened straight away, without the need to drop everything except the required keys.

Again, killed the Iron Cyclops but it didn't drop its ruby.  Don't know if that's a bug or if it's not always supposed to drop it.

To other bugs I encountered, both easily fixable:

The first is a super small typo.  When I tried to pick up excess items I was told, "You have no room in you pack."  (Instead of "your" pack).

The second is something that would only rarely be encountered.  My provisions had ended up in slot x.  When I was trying to use slot x by pressing "u" then "x", it was interpreting "x" to mean I wanted to quit out of my inventory.  Had to drop an item to move the provisions into slot w before I could use them.


Roderick Grim the Adventurer left the great mountain.
He survived for 12755 turns.
He achieved level 5 with 1082 experience.
He killed 124 monsters out of 135.
Skill: 9, Stamina: 23, Luck: 9
Roderick Grim retires rich and famous. What a hero!
He entered Firetop Mountain.
He found the orcish barracks.
He crossed a large underground river.
He passed through an underground cemetery.
He discovered the maze of Zagor.
He found Zagors Gold!
+4 hand axe [Att:3] (equipped)
full plate mail [Def:5] of Sparks Resistance (equipped)
large shield [Blk:3] (equipped)
+2 crossbow [Att:6] (equipped)
9 +1 bolts (equipped)


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Re: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain roguelike
« Reply #78 on: February 14, 2017, 01:27:25 PM »
Yay, "What a hero".
See, told you it was easy, or I probably didn't tell you that, and its probably not that easy either :)  High stamina probably helped a bit but most likely it was that hard-earned roguelikers innate skill which can only be gotten through years of painful deaths.  plus a +4 hand axe is nothing to be sneezed at.

Hopefully the chest will always open now, at least it does for me. As for the Cyclops eye drop, and all item drops for that matter, there is a complex formula that calculates the chance of each item in the creatures inventory being dropped. Otherwise it disappears from the game.  Hence the reason you don't always get the butchers weapons/armour or cyclops eye.
FYI the eye will drop 50% or 66% of the time. (even I cant understand my 10+ year old code, see below)

Fixed typo, and yes the 'x' thing is something that I know but have never remembered to fix. All my game that are based off this code (there are many), use ESC as the cancel key. I have not retrospectively remembered to fix this. Thanks for reminding me again. It is now in my TODO list.

I have been thinking on and off to finally release the final version of this game, but I keep thinking that a graphics release probably would be a good way to finish development.
Hopefully I will get the developers bug again during the next 7drl comp. We will see.


Code: [Select]
// Calculate chance and drop random monster item
void MonsterItems::DropRandomItems(Monster*monster)
    int rand_item_pos = getInt(monster->inventory.size() + 1, 0);  // getInt returns a random number between arg1 and arg2 (inclusive of arg2 but maybe not arg1, hence the plus 1??)
                                                                                                         // possibly [arg1:arg2) or (arg1:arg2) but most likely the first.
    if (rand_item_pos== monster->inventory.size()) //no drop
        return 0;

    dropItem(monster, rand_item_pos);

    if (monster->inventory.size() > 0) //more items to drop
corremn's Roguelikes. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.  Warhammer 40000 the Roguelike


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Re: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain roguelike
« Reply #79 on: February 14, 2017, 10:49:35 PM »
So it looks like this was asked early on, but I am not sure if it was followed up in the later releases.

Is there a way to save the game progress, or is there only a "quit" function which kills your run?

Have a blessed day,


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Re: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain roguelike
« Reply #80 on: February 15, 2017, 02:15:06 AM »
Is there a way to save the game progress, or is there only a "quit" function which kills your run?

Yep, there is no save feature.  So ok, graphics and a save feature before final release.
Good point. Cheers.
corremn's Roguelikes. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.  Warhammer 40000 the Roguelike

Virtua Sinner

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Re: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain roguelike
« Reply #81 on: August 28, 2018, 09:25:06 PM »
I promised a Let's Play eventually.  Took a little longer than expected  :P

Thanks again for the game, Corremn!  Still love it!


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Re: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain roguelike
« Reply #82 on: August 29, 2018, 01:45:04 PM »
Show me that Rogue Love :)

Love it.  Funny thing is this game has been in my mind for a few months.  This might be enough motivation to find my code and release another version.

Awesome Job, too bad that poison was your undoing, the game does leave a lot unexplained. Its amazing that my original game was created in 2006, a time when I thought that players liked to discover out mechanics and what-not for themselves. The world has changed, it seems players like to be spoon fed now-a-days. Even now when I play a complex game, I am straight on to the Wiki to find out what this item does or how to maximise character builds etc.  My lake of information does really discourage new players to the genre and the game. Oh well I never created that game for them anyway.  I created it for people like you, even if I forced you to play an ascii roguelike  ;D

Thanks for playing this game, I wish someone else created this game, just so I can have that nostalgic trip back in time, however I laughed out loud when that ogre threw the pig carcass at you, I mean WTF? I don't remember coding that  :)  Oh and yes how awesome would that of been if you could of eaten said carcass and saved your life.

I have written down a dozen minor improvements/fixes just by watching you, so extra thanx. I reckon the dungeon needs some more themed stuff; more descriptions, ascii graphics during rest stages, etc

Just your video alone has given me enough reason for creating this game in the first place.

P.s I love your introduction, and your accent/voice is really cool.  Is IT really a good book? I haven't read that since I was a kid.

P.s.s And you pronounced my name correctly. More love your way

« Last Edit: August 29, 2018, 01:50:41 PM by corremn »
corremn's Roguelikes. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.  Warhammer 40000 the Roguelike


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Re: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain roguelike
« Reply #83 on: August 29, 2018, 02:35:11 PM »
And for feedback/notes on Virtua Sinner videos, because I am not a home and want to document a few things.

Stuff does not fall in water, it finds the first free space near you, no matter how far it is.
The 'cave' ogre level (on level 3)obviously used the wrong level generator - will need to fix this.
Add 'g' to pickup stuff to help ( I reckon ',' or 'p' might work aswell)
Poison seems a little overpowered :( and yes you became immune to poison because you were dead, one again I don't remember writing that :)

Other Things of interest;

The 'continuous walk' feature moves you in a straight line, but will stop if an enemy is in sight, or if you are near a item/object.  It should be safe to use at anytime.
I noticed Orc sentries do not have the '-' sleep overlay - I assume that is just to trick the player.
Enemy archers will not care who is in their way, so use them to take out other enemies. I wrote code to fix this but actually thought is more fun to use archers to take down enemies. Arrows will never pass though anything.
Also the same with 'Thud' messages; this is when the archer hits a wall instead of you. They don't learn and keep hitting the wall.  Once again I thought to leave this for the player to exploit. This message needs to change.

Your Game play;
Your advice on red levels and health is right on. I always clear level 3 and then hit the red stairs. And leave fountain until last.
On levels with a river, lure the enemy (like the Ogre/Spider) into the water, enemies are not smart around water, they also get eaten by piranhas.
I noticed you generally take on multiple enemies at once, I personally just duck back around a corner and wait for them to come for me. Archers miss a lot at long distance so you generally can safely run from them rather than move towards them.

corremn's Roguelikes. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.  Warhammer 40000 the Roguelike

Virtua Sinner

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Re: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain roguelike
« Reply #84 on: August 29, 2018, 05:26:45 PM »
If you do further work on this, by all means, let me know!  Still one of my all-time favourites.

Glad you enjoyed the Let's Play :)  And thanks for the play tips!

Virtua Sinner

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Re: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain roguelike
« Reply #85 on: August 29, 2018, 05:29:20 PM »
Oh, and as to whether it's a great gamebook - it's decent.  It was one of only two Fighting Fantasy books that I was able to beat on my first try (the other being The Shamutanti Hills).  Deathtrap Dungeon was always my favourite FF.


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Re: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain roguelike
« Reply #86 on: August 30, 2018, 03:26:35 AM »
Oh, and as to whether it's a great gamebook - it's decent.  It was one of only two Fighting Fantasy books that I was able to beat on my first try (the other being The Shamutanti Hills).  Deathtrap Dungeon was always my favourite FF.

Good old deathtrap dungeon.. the favourite game book of many.. great memories as a child.

What I enjoy the most in roguelikes: Anti-Farming and Mac Givering my way out. Kind of what I also enjoy in life.


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Re: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain roguelike
« Reply #87 on: August 30, 2018, 10:26:01 AM »
Still waiting for deathtrap dungeon the roguelike...

  Is IT really a good book? I haven't read that since I was a kid.

Haha I meant IT by Stephen King! Your copy was very worn.

Oh, and as to whether it's a great gamebook - it's decent.  It was one of only two Fighting Fantasy books that I was able to beat on my first try (the other being The Shamutanti Hills).

How the hell did you do that? I mean you had to go the correct path and survive to the end. I suppose it is easy enough with a high skill level but you had to fluke the path.  And that maze! Frustrating! I had to map the entire book out before I finally defeated it.
corremn's Roguelikes. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.  Warhammer 40000 the Roguelike

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Re: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain roguelike
« Reply #88 on: August 31, 2018, 01:15:03 PM »
"IT" is an awesome book.  Second best King work in my opinion...  behind The Stand.