It was an easy decision... Too many people just refuse to play anything that does not display ASCII, so a character mode has been finally introduced in Fame. I'm saying "finally", because - although never officially announced - I've been playing with that idea for several years. I have played ADOM (back in 1998 it did not have an ASCII mode) much more that any tile-based roguelike game... Technically, it was not very difficult to implement, at least the main game screen. Any other game window (and Fame has dozens of them) would need to use completely different user interface for the ASCII mode, so that for now it should actually be called "mixed mode" :-). And that's strange, but this new mode is not just an alternative output type. It completely diverts my way of thinking about the game and its development. I can't wait for the next release, which, of course, will be even better!
Download: entry:

Quick summary:
* ASCII mode
* religion
* auto-exploration improvements
* monster encounter improvements
* statistics improvements
* bugfixes
Detailed change log:
* ASCII mode
* gods, religion, sacrifices and prayers
* resistances are now taken into account in every situation when it makes sense
* moving to another location with mouse wheel
* repairing messages in the Inventory window are presented differently and disappear after some time
* encounter monsters are not generated if there are any monsters from the previous encounter in the location
* 3 new encounter types
* auto-exploration does not stop if a wall is encountered, instead the heading is changed
* slower movement during auto-exploration
* it is possible to interrupt auto-exploration with Esc
* crippled or missing limbs now make it impossible to use actions that previously only required not being paralysed/frozen
* the Holy Bolt spell is now available to NPCs
* spells casted from a scroll now have effectiveness of level 30 (approx.) instead of 1
* poison does more damage
* the post-mortem statistics now display attribute/resistance/skill changes experienced during the game
* minor enchancements in monster AI
* "do not show this" check box in the Tutorial window
* additional explanation displayed in the Inventory window when items (e.g. food) cannot be stacked due to different damage level
* the Randomize button in the Character Creation window no longer stops working after being pressed for the first time
* no longer possible to close a door if an item or a monster is occupying the same tile
* no more "Right-click to..." messages while dragging an item in the Inventory window
* the Hall of Fame table is automatically scrolled to show the current result
* added missing message for mixture of coagulation drinking effect
* added missing message for kicking items that slide away from the player
* death messages for monsters are now a bit more interesting (and compact)
* a pile of different corpses is no longer described as "items" in the full-screen mode extra info
* "pick up" action no longer available for cells other than the one with hero on it
* "come closer" action added for adjacent cells
* all strings in the Keyboard Configuration window are now fully translated
* [bugfix] fixed a potentially unstable behavior of quest items
* [bugfix] fixed a nasty AI crash when revisiting a location where a traveling family was fighting goblins and defeated some of them
* [bugfix] swapping position with an NPC immediately after entering a new location no longer crashes the game
* [bugfix] dying NPCs no longer drop items on wrong coordinates (this could crash the game)
* [bugfix] auto-explore stops after encountering a hostile creature
* [bugfix] switching to next/previous equipment sets now works even if the current set has been "lost" for some reason
* [bugfix] if there is no item laying on a plant, the player is no longer asked a question whether to pick up the plant
* [bugfix] fixed conditions for the goblin heads quest
* [bugfix] spells can no longer explode 1 cell past a solid object
* [bugfix] the 'OK' button works properly in the Keyboard window
* [bugfix] necromancer/wizard encountered in the wilderness no longer prefer melee fight to magic
* [bugfix] gold found in a chest no longer has "other" material set
* [bugfix] items offered by merchants no longer have "gold" material set
* [bugfix] monster encounters no longer fail to trigger when traveling with a companion
* [bugfix] companions are no longer "left far behind" when a monster encounter is triggered
* [bugfix] the Look command no longer fails to list Alt/Ctrl/Shift modifiers of keyboard commands
* [bugfix] repaired an incomplete message when a spell hits a monster
* [bugfix] added missing indefinite article to eating/drinking messages
* [editor] works in the immersion mode as well
* [editor] it is possible to properly change durability of an item