Author Topic: Fame 0.9.14 Released  (Read 63174 times)


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Re: Fame 0.8.5 Released
« Reply #45 on: May 02, 2013, 11:50:53 AM »
Very nice, getting things like controls and options menus moreso settled out now should free you up for plenty more gameplay oriented stuff to come---month by month it remains a tantalizing prospect to me reckoning the state this will be in come the end of December release.   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Fame 0.8.6 Released
« Reply #46 on: June 20, 2013, 08:43:23 PM »

RogueBasin entry:


Quick overview:

* more interesting food gathering system
* providing more information about possessed items
* metal items are made from different materials, affecting their properties
* new places and new artifacts to find, each with an associated story

Detailed change log:

* new skill: cooking
* corpses not edible anymore, but can be transformed into pieces of raw meat instead
* new locations and more artifacts
* items can be now identified by one of shopkeepers
* some of side quests now appear randomly
* some of items are now made from random materials
* items do not display special features until identified
* auto-complete feature in the Bestiary
* edit boxes do not require GUI focus, user can type at any moment
* quitting game in the Permadeath Mode
* the Character window shows attribute bonus
* it is no longer possible to read in darkness through the Inventory window
* no more sucking blood from golems or undeads
* hero is once again allowed to wait 1 turn even when bleeding or poisoned
* the Inventory window does not close when clicked an invalid item in special modes (use, identify etc.)
* the Cancel button in the Inventory window is not displayed if not actually necessary
* when a window is displayed on top of another window, the previous one is shadowed
* [bugfix] the game no longer crashes when using staircases in partially random dungeons
* [bugfix] monsters other than vampires are once again vulnerable to silver weapons (bug introduced in 0.8.5)
* [bugfix] it is no longer possible to close a door blocked by an alive monster by l-clicking the door
* [bugfix] attacking monsters by l-clicking them actually works
* [bugfix] setting immersion mode from the Options window actually works
* [bugfix] details view in Hall of Fame does show correct end date

Saved games from 0.8.4 and 0.8.5 are still compatible with 0.8.6.

Have a nice time cooking goblins ;-)

Fame (Untitled) - my game. Everything is a roguelike.


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Re: Fame 0.8.7 Released
« Reply #47 on: August 04, 2013, 11:11:03 AM »

RogueBasin entry:

Screen (from the improved editor):

Quick overview:

* editor improvements
* skills are significantly less time-consuming

Detailed change log:

* time amount required for certain activities (mainly skill-related, like cooking, mining, searching for traps etc.) has been significantly reduced
* resting is much faster now (screen not refreshed as often as before)
* auto-selecting first item in the Quest Log when Tab is pressed
* editor improvements:
 - recent file list
 - undo / redo
 - toolbar
 - status bar
 - button to quickly launch a new game
 - displaying whether the location has been modified
 - displaying file name
 - easier access to special object properties (Enter key)
 - objects with properties are highlighted on mouse over
 - target information for portals more clear
 - moving portals by drag and drop
* [bugfix] the game no longer crashes when a monster follows the hero to another location
* [bugfix] hero's chance to hit is calculated properly
* [bugfix] hero's picture is no longer obscured by another picture when wielding a bow (the bug was hardly visible unless the hero was a woman)
* [bugfix] it is no longer impossible to put a bow back into hero's hand when the other hand already holds arrows
* [bugfix] quitting the editor no longer causes the Hall of Fame to appear

Saved games from 0.8.4 up to 0.8.6 are still compatible with 0.8.7.

Fame (Untitled) - my game. Everything is a roguelike.


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Re: Fame 0.8.8 Released
« Reply #48 on: September 04, 2013, 08:09:27 PM »

RogueBasin entry:


Quick overview:

* improved monster encounters
* improved skills
* more accurate world map
* corrected key binding system
* many critical bug fixes

Detailed change log:

* battle encounters
* duration of various effects (burning, bleeding etc.) is not stacked in special attacks
* coordinates on World Map are calculated more accurately
* Founding skill is more player-friendly now
* a message appears in the log when the hero stands on a special object (staircase, door, sign etc.)
* monsters encountered in the wilderness surround the hero (their initial positions depend on FoV)
* monsters encountered in the wilderness disappear when the location is revisited after some time
* it is now possible to learn Cooking and Alchemy from NPCs
* if video mode initialization fails on Windows, the other driver is tried instead of just crashing
* it is no longer possible to: kick, talk, butcher, use tools, give items to NPCs, search for traps, set traps, loot, suck blood, swap position with a companion, close or lock doors while being paralyzed or frozen
* it is no longer possible to suck blood from ents
* the Shift modifier is always displayed in the key bindings table
* corrected key bindings for the "give" command (G in the ADOM scheme, Ctrl+G in the default scheme)
* added failure messages for Butchery and using tools
* minor language corrections
* [bugfix] the game no longer crashes when moving to SE from the corner of location
* [bugfix] the game no longer crashes when attempting to report Egifito's death
* [bugfix] the game no longer crashes when using the Founding skill
* [bugfix] merchants will no longer rip off the hero when he tries to sell something
* [bugfix] auto-complete in the Bestiary no longer shows incorrect results
* [bugfix] Backspace key in the Bestiary allows to dismiss the auto-complete result, too

Saved games from 0.8.4 up to 0.8.7 are still compatible with 0.8.8.

Oh, one more thing: the Linux version will come tomorrow.

Fame (Untitled) - my game. Everything is a roguelike.


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Re: Fame 0.8.9 Released
« Reply #49 on: November 06, 2013, 01:31:54 PM »
I was very lazy this time and spent whole weeks doing next to nothing. Especially in Fame. However, the version 0.8.9 has been finally done.

The biggest change is the new GUI skin. Some time ago I promised not to make many more GUI-related changes, but I just couldn't resist the temptation to remove that old, ugly stuff, particularly because my wife hated it. I hope you will like the new looks.

There are also some other improvements that should make gameplay more interesting. Monsters are now able to pick up items and use healing potions. Some can even steal items from the player. Some monsters (namely bats) can now fly over the water, while others can jump into it when burning.

It will be now more difficult for the hero to raise main attributes (strength, dexterity and so on). Additionally, the carried equipment, as well as being bloated, now affects hero's speed.

Quick overview:

    new GUI
    AI improvements
    minor modifications of the hero's features

Detailed change log:

    completely new GUI skin
    monsters can pick up items and sometimes use them
    new monster features: equipment stealing, damaging attacker
    requirements for gaining attribute levels are much higher now
    bats are able to fly over the water
    if the hero or a monster jumps into the water, it can extinguish the fire
    hero slows down when overloaded or bloated
    hero's speed displayed on the main interface instead of wealth, which is now available in the Inventory
    monsters that cannot swim will now drown
    combo boxes will hide the dropdown list when clicked outside
    [bugfix] the Inventory window closes when a spell is about to be cast from a scroll
    [bugfix] dungeon generation no longer produces faulty locations with only 1 room
    [bugfix] the editor no longer crashes if editor.ini does not exist

Saved games from 0.8.4 up to 0.8.8 are still compatible with 0.8.9.

Have fun!
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Fame 0.8.9 Released
« Reply #50 on: November 07, 2013, 04:40:04 PM »
Fame (Untitled) - my game. Everything is a roguelike.


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Re: Fame 0.9.0 Released
« Reply #51 on: December 12, 2013, 09:06:24 PM »

RogueBasin entry:

Quick overview:

* sounds
* better handling of torches
* bug fixes

Detailed change log:

* hero is able to hear sounds
* player is asked to light his torch when it is available, but not currently equipped and the Use command is issued
* torches are extinguished automatically when leaving a dark location
* version number is displayed for old saved games
* similar items are only listed once with the Detect Items spell, with the number of occurrences specified
* hero slows down when strained
* hero can die after consuming certain types of mushrooms
* [bugfix] the game no longer freezes when descending into the Basement Dungeon
* [bugfix] creatures other than traveling families can be encountered in the wilderness
* [bugfix] no longer possible to move while a modal window is displayed
* [bugfix] correct message when a hobgoblin steals an item from the hero (used to read "Hobgoblin steals 0 short swords"
* [bugfix] kicking a potion no longer produces 4 billion potions or an "invisible" potion
* [bugfix] reading the orcish report now gives a proper message
* [bugfix] reading an identified scroll does not result in a "turns out to be..." message
* [bugfix] the Inventory window closes after reading a book and most scrolls
* [bugfix] corrected "typos" in the Bestiary
* [bugfix] [editor] the portal window no longer causes a crash nor it lacks the "OK" button

Saved games from 0.8.4 up to 0.8.9 are still compatible with 0.9.0.
Fame (Untitled) - my game. Everything is a roguelike.


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Re: Fame 0.9.1 Released
« Reply #52 on: February 13, 2014, 01:18:30 PM »

Quick overview:

    easier gameplay for spellcasting characters
    more spells and items for spellcasters
    improved immersion mode

Detailed change log:

    10 new spells
    several new items
    casting a spell from a scroll requires Focus
    casting a spell from a scroll increases spell's experience (even allowing to learn the spell permanently in some cases)
    the Spells window is now able to display any number of spells
    scrolls chosen as starting items are initially identified
    changed one of the starting item sets: a spellbook instead of 5 scrolls of fireball
    chance for a successful reading of a "more common" spellbook is at least 30% despite the low Literacy skill level
    hero's picture in the Creation window is updated when the player changes a starting weapon skill to reflect starting equipment
    using Ctrl+click in the Inventory immediately updates item info displayed on the bottom
    immersion mode is now default
    no window title bar in the immersion mode (Windows)
    game display is properly centered in the immersion mode
    switching to the immersion mode using F11 works in the main menu
    [bugfix] rods no longer have "weird" target items (like armors etc.)
    [bugfix] scrolls no longer fail to disappear after being read from a looted chest
    [bugfix] gold received as a quest reward has a proper material
    [editor] setting item's material

Saved games from 0.8.4 up to 0.9.0 are still compatible with 0.9.1.

Have fun!
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Fame 0.9.2 Released
« Reply #53 on: April 13, 2014, 04:54:06 PM »

Quick overview:

    special rooms in dungeons
    extra information on the screen
    some spells improved
    plant system improved

Detailed change log:

    generating special rooms in dungeons
    displaying information about nearby monsters, items and some special objects in a panel on the right
    the power of some spells (Fireball, Snowball, Small Fireball, Small Snowball, Holy Bolt, Magic Bolt, Delirium Tremens, Freeze) now actually depends on spell level
    the Polymorph spell will now create different types of monsters
    plants now grow or die less regularly
    player can now decide whether to pick up a plant or an item if they are on the same cell
    monsters encountered in the wilderness can chase hero to another location(s)
    traps explosions are centered around the creature that triggered the trap
    spellcasting NPCs can use scrolls they picked up
    default FOV radius increased
    added log messages for spell hits
    [editor] when a new location is created, the file name gets cleared
    [editor] a default location name is proposed in the save file dialog
    [editor] [bugfix] portal subtype is not always set to "staircase down" when inserting a new portal
    [bugfix] scrolls of the 10 new spells (from 0.9.1) are no longer incorrectly mapped to the Fireball spell
    [bugfix] reading a cursed scroll no longer displays the message intended only for books
    [bugfix] reading an unidentified scroll now correctly displays the "old" name and the "new" name
    [bugfix] gold obtained when trading now stacks properly with gold from other sources
    [bugfix] stepping on a dead plant does no longer produces a "You see: cactus" message
    [bugfix] the background of a question prompt displayed at the bottom now has correct coordinates in the immersion mode

Saved games from 0.8.4 up to 0.9.1 are still compatible with 0.9.2.

Have fun!
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Fame 0.9.3 Released
« Reply #54 on: May 14, 2014, 04:50:36 PM »

RogueBasin entry:


Quick summary:

* monster herds
* alchemy improvements
* new items
* many critical bugfixes


* monster herds in dungeons
* 8 new items
* 5 new recipes (and some new potential ingredients)
* re-designed the Recipes window; now it displays ingredients and target items as icons and allows more complicated recipes
* added an indicator in the Construct/Alchemy window to help the player recognize which ingredients make any sense to mix up
* an appropriate message appears when attempting to use the Alchemy skill without an alchemy toolkit
* additional messages in the Alchemy/Construct window
* the Alchemy/Construct window does not close automatically
* common NPCs (bandits, citizens etc.) are no longer listed as "slain unique characters" in the statistics
* [bugfix] the game no longer crashes when reading the Scroll of Reveal Map
* [bugfix] the game no longer crashes when entering a location with some corpses close to rotting away
* [bugfix] Stats no longer decrease when the Character Information window is displayed
* [bugfix] in the "Family in trouble" encounter, the family is no longer hostile towards the Hero
* [bugfix] in the "Family in trouble" encounter, both the family and the attackers no longer stuck after killing one enemy
* [bugfix] special room generation no longer creates the same type of room every time
* [bugfix] it is no longer possible to go out of map in the south-western part of the Large Dungeon
* [bugfix] the second page of the Skills window works fine now
* [bugfix] the game no longer crashes when attempting to use the Alchemy skill
* [bugfix] monsters are no longer able to attack their opponents from a distance (unless they use ranged weapons or magic, of course)
* [bugfix] the Construct window no longer produces messages intended only for Alchemy
* [bugfix] clicking on the sack in the Alchemy/Construct window now correctly moves an item
* [bugfix][editor] special object panel no longer displays wrong property window
Fame (Untitled) - my game. Everything is a roguelike.


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Re: Fame 0.9.4 Released
« Reply #55 on: August 12, 2014, 07:18:33 PM »
It was an easy decision... Too many people just refuse to play anything that does not display ASCII, so a character mode has been finally introduced in Fame. I'm saying "finally", because - although never officially announced - I've been playing with that idea for several years. I have played ADOM (back in 1998 it did not have an ASCII mode) much more that any tile-based roguelike game... Technically, it was not very difficult to implement, at least the main game screen. Any other game window (and Fame has dozens of them) would need to use completely different user interface for the ASCII mode, so that for now it should actually be called "mixed mode" :-). And that's strange, but this new mode is not just an alternative output type. It completely diverts my way of thinking about the game and its development. I can't wait for the next release, which, of course, will be even better!


RogueBasin entry:


Quick summary:

* ASCII mode
* religion
* auto-exploration improvements
* monster encounter improvements
* statistics improvements
* bugfixes

Detailed change log:

* ASCII mode
* gods, religion, sacrifices and prayers
* resistances are now taken into account in every situation when it makes sense
* moving to another location with mouse wheel
* repairing messages in the Inventory window are presented differently and disappear after some time
* encounter monsters are not generated if there are any monsters from the previous encounter in the location
* 3 new encounter types
* auto-exploration does not stop if a wall is encountered, instead the heading is changed
* slower movement during auto-exploration
* it is possible to interrupt auto-exploration with Esc
* crippled or missing limbs now make it impossible to use actions that previously only required not being paralysed/frozen
* the Holy Bolt spell is now available to NPCs
* spells casted from a scroll now have effectiveness of level 30 (approx.) instead of 1
* poison does more damage
* the post-mortem statistics now display attribute/resistance/skill changes experienced during the game
* minor enchancements in monster AI
* "do not show this" check box in the Tutorial window
* additional explanation displayed in the Inventory window when items (e.g. food) cannot be stacked due to different damage level
* the Randomize button in the Character Creation window no longer stops working after being pressed for the first time
* no longer possible to close a door if an item or a monster is occupying the same tile
* no more "Right-click to..." messages while dragging an item in the Inventory window
* the Hall of Fame table is automatically scrolled to show the current result
* added missing message for mixture of coagulation drinking effect
* added missing message for kicking items that slide away from the player
* death messages for monsters are now a bit more interesting (and compact)
* a pile of different corpses is no longer described as "items" in the full-screen mode extra info
* "pick up" action no longer available for cells other than the one with hero on it
* "come closer" action added for adjacent cells
* all strings in the Keyboard Configuration window are now fully translated
* [bugfix] fixed a potentially unstable behavior of quest items
* [bugfix] fixed a nasty AI crash when revisiting a location where a traveling family was fighting goblins and defeated some of them
* [bugfix] swapping position with an NPC immediately after entering a new location no longer crashes the game
* [bugfix] dying NPCs no longer drop items on wrong coordinates (this could crash the game)
* [bugfix] auto-explore stops after encountering a hostile creature
* [bugfix] switching to next/previous equipment sets now works even if the current set has been "lost" for some reason
* [bugfix] if there is no item laying on a plant, the player is no longer asked a question whether to pick up the plant
* [bugfix] fixed conditions for the goblin heads quest
* [bugfix] spells can no longer explode 1 cell past a solid object
* [bugfix] the 'OK' button works properly in the Keyboard window
* [bugfix] necromancer/wizard encountered in the wilderness no longer prefer melee fight to magic
* [bugfix] gold found in a chest no longer has "other" material set
* [bugfix] items offered by merchants no longer have "gold" material set
* [bugfix] monster encounters no longer fail to trigger when traveling with a companion
* [bugfix] companions are no longer "left far behind" when a monster encounter is triggered
* [bugfix] the Look command no longer fails to list Alt/Ctrl/Shift modifiers of keyboard commands
* [bugfix] repaired an incomplete message when a spell hits a monster
* [bugfix] added missing indefinite article to eating/drinking messages
* [editor] works in the immersion mode as well
* [editor] it is possible to properly change durability of an item
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Re: Fame 0.9.4 Released
« Reply #56 on: August 13, 2014, 11:16:26 AM »
Nice!  Always of note for a big, new system to show up in the fray---still yet more to come on the level of this Religion one, or was this pretty well the last giant still stalking the wilds with just further content/polish remaining?
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Fame 0.9.4 Released
« Reply #57 on: August 14, 2014, 05:26:20 AM »
Nice!  Always of note for a big, new system to show up in the fray---still yet more to come on the level of this Religion one, or was this pretty well the last giant still stalking the wilds with just further content/polish remaining?

I always try to implement big features gradually, rather than rolling out everything at once only to discover later that it is messed up beyond all repair. It is easier to tune and polish a small system, or apply suggestions from players.
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Re: Fame 0.9.5 Released
« Reply #58 on: October 15, 2014, 02:04:50 PM »

I have spent the last 2 months mainly on fixing bugs. Many "big ones", haunting the game for months (or even years) have been finally hunted down. The biggest success was fixing some "impossible" Linux bugs. Ironically, the Linux version is not ready yet for another reason.

Among new features the most important one is the auto-aiming feature. By pressing J you either cast the last offensive spell used or shoot your current ranged weapon (if any). The target is also selected automatically and it is usually the closest enemy or (if there are several enemies at equal distance) the most wounded one. The whole system is probably not perfect yet, but it already works pretty well, eliminating the constant need for aiming manually. Now you do the manual aiming only when you feel that the auto-aim would be inappropriate for some reason, which is very, very rare. I'm really satisfied with this one.

I've spent some time trying to provide ASCII mode counterparts for various parts of the UI, but so far only the basic functionality of the Inventory window works well in the ASCII mode, so I have disabled it in the release version. It will be (hopefully) available in the next release, when the full functionality of the window is implemented. As of other dialog windows, I will strive to implement them incrementally in the future releases. It's a hard task, comparable only with implementing a new window from the scratch. It's probably much easier to provide a graphical version for an ASCII-mode-only game...

Oh, enough of this grumbling. As long as I have a computer with a working C++ compiler, there's no need to worry about this kind of stuff ;-).

Saved games from 0.8.4 up to 0.9.4 are still compatible with 0.9.5.

Quick summary:

    important bugfixes

Detailed change log:

    two-handed staves can now be used to block attacks
    main purpose description in item details (Inventory)
    it is now possible to give orders to multiple companions simultaneously
    with the Two Weapon Fighting skill, when a target of the first attack is killed, another hostile monster is attacked automatically
    immersion mode now available on Linux
    removing an item from the ground (in Inventory) no longer causes the scroll bar to reset to the position zero
    monsters ignore unique (or otherwise important) items instead of picking them up at will
    repair cost for cheap items is no longer zero
    mouse middle button used for changing location instead of the wheel
    ASCII mode: changed characters used for some monster types and items
    [bugfix] spellcasting no longer leads to undefined behavior (including crashes)
    [bugfix] switching from ASCII mode back to tiles mode no longer causes weird effects
    [bugfix] the game no longer crashes at exit (Linux)
    [bugfix] close button now works on Linux
    [bugfix] game no longer crashes when a friendly creature follows the Hero to another location
    [bugfix] monsters that follows the Hero to another location no longer immediately disappear if the location has not been visited for a long time
    [bugfix] NPCs no longer "forget" their default text after saving game
    [bugfix] fixed a rare bug that occurs in the Random Dungeon when the player using a stairway is informed that he cannot enter the location, but is transferred to the new location anyway - saving game at that point would corrupt the save file
    [bugfix] selecting the hero when attempting to 't'alk no longer crashes the game
    [bugfix] certain monsters in randomly generated locations no longer "forget" to use ranged attacks
    [bugfix] sacrificing items on an altar now works correctly
    [bugfix] certain items are no longer permanently damaged
    [bugfix] switching to immersion mode by pressing F11 is now correctly saved in game configuration
    [bugfix] corrected message order when a monster opens a trapped door
    [bugfix] missing +/- in resistances statistics
    [bugfix] corrected actions listed as available for special objects from different distances
    [bugfix] item details for shields no longer has doubled text "Chance to Block"
    [bugfix] incorrect text in statistics when the hero dies at certain time

Have a good time sacrificing poor goblins!
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Fame 0.9.6 Released
« Reply #59 on: November 29, 2014, 11:36:33 PM »

In this version I wanted to implement full functionality of the Inventory window (the most complex window in the game!) in ASCII mode. However, I decided to release a bit earlier because of some bugfixes that should become available to you as soon as possible :-).

Important changes are coming. Preparing the ground, I have rewritten the align system from scratch. Now it is possible for the hero to become "evil" and even killing monsters (most of them) should not shift the character towards "good". This has little meaning as for now, but will become critical in one of the future versions.

Saved games from 0.8.4 up to 0.9.5 are still compatible with 0.9.6.

Quick summary:

    new align system
    more functionality in ASCII inventory
    important bugfixes

Detailed change log:

    reworked align changes
    more functionality in the Inventory (ASCII mode); ASCII version of the window is optional
    plants grow and wither much slower
    additional message when a plant grows or dies under hero's feet
    [bugfix] the game no longer crashes at startup if the keyboard configuration file is empty or does not exist
    [bugfix] the game no longer crashes if a necromancer uses the Animate spell
    [bugfix] the game no longer crashes when attempting to save in a location containing necromancer's corpse
    [bugfix] spells deflected by beholders no longer cause zero damage to the hero
    [bugfix] damage other than melee no longer triggers werehedgehog's "spikes" feature

Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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