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I *knew* that introducing the configurable keyboard feature will take very long, but with so many keyboard commands it's not possible to have a perfect layout (especially if we assume that the definition of "perfect" varies from player to player). So that now you can change every key binding if you wish, or select a predefined keyboard scheme from popular games (at this moment only ADOM scheme is available). "Extended commands", i.e. consisting of two keystrokes, are supported, as well as any combination of Alt, Ctrl and Shift with any of the standard keys. It is possible to have any number of key bindings for one command (this helps to retain compatibility with other games from the genre despite design differences). Oh, and I fixed the numpad bug on Linux!
The old keyboard help window has been replaced by the configuration window, so that you can view key bindings and change them at the same time.
Do you remember that little "Options" button in the main menu? It never worked. Now it finally allows you to change some settings that were previously available only through editing the game.ini file manually.
The amount of work to get keyboard configuration done didn't left much time for gameplay-oriented stuff, but nevertheless I was able to add some interesting features. Some monsters will now surprise you with special attacks. Some are resistant to certain types of weapons, while being more vulnerable to others. This should make combat more interesting and weapon skill choice at the beginning should now be more meaningful. To emphasize this fact, your starting weapons now depend on the chosen weapon skill.
The "Look" window has been significantly redesigned. Now it is more elegant (I think) and displays some useful mouse/keyboard tips.
More changes:
* configurable keyboard layout
* Options window
* special features for some monsters (fire breathing, focus draining, cursing equipped items)
* certain monsters are more resistant to some type of weapons
* changed appearance of the Look window
* the Look window displays quick keyboard/mouse help for common actions
* the Look window no longer reveals monsters or items covered by fog of war
* more detailed statistics (identified items, transformed gems and few others)
* initial equipment depends on chosen weapon skill
* wizards attempt to cast spell (almost) regardless of distance if they have full focus
* equipment sets containing any kind of ammo or a thrown weapon are set up as "auto" by default
* thrown weapons are automatically defined as an equipment set if put in hand
* torches cannot be extinguished when the hero is inside of a building
* bandits (and other common NPCs) chasing the hero will now follow him to another location
* it is no longer possible to rest while bleeding or being poisoned
* healing potions restore a percentage of hero's maximum HP rather than a fixed number of HP
* more appropriate weather reports for the nighttime
* the Randomize button no longer chooses too low attribute values
* thrown weapons can be thrown away even if cursed (but will most likely not hit the target)
* items thrown at a wall when standing next to it no longer hit the hero
* tips for the usage of Ctrl and Shift keys in the Inventory window
* minor corrections to NPC dialogs in Eluuny
* clicking an undamaged item in the repair mode does not cause the Inventory window to close
* [bugfix] tutorial window is no longer triggered by killing other monsters (not related to the tutorial quest) in the basement
* [bugfix] food left on ground is affected by time again
* [bugfix] citizens (and other common NPCs) encountered in the wilderness can chat with hero
* [bugfix] monsters opening doors no longer cause a message saying "You open the door"
* [bugfix] items in a location do not rot away if this is the first visit
* [bugfix] higher Vitality no longer increases the chance for bleeding from wounds when being hit
* [bugfix] numpad "diagonal" keys now work on Linux
Saved games from version 0.8.4 are fully compatible with 0.8.5.
Have fun!