I'm happy to announce the release of the 0.7.7 version!
Download link:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/untitled-rpg/files/latest/download(if you cannot find the Linux version, it will be there soon)
RogueBasin entry:
* added diseases
* added limb damages (broken / cut off)
* new dungeon
* gameplay-related data moved to an archive file
* encountered monsters defend themselves in groups
* hero's attributes can now decrease
* food is still digested when hero is sleeping
* food left on ground is affected by time (i.e. rots away)
* remains of some monsters (like golems) are not edible anymore
* eating some things may have side effects
* a progress bar is displayed when performing a time-consuming action like reading a book
* messages while eating are differentiated and make more sense
* remains of a skeleton appear simply as "bones"
* [bugfix] necromancers no longer waste their focus points attempting to unnecessarily cast Animate
* [bugfix] no more "serpent flies" encounters (they were really hydras...)
* [bugfix] batch syntax check for U files no longer says that compilation is disabled
* [bugfix] terrain list in 'location properties' in the editor does not say 'New Terrain' anymore
* [bugfix] terrain list selection in the editor is now updated properly
* [bugfix] 'Clear Location' in the editor now works properly for all terrain types
* [bugfix] editor no longer crashes when attempting to place a lode
* [bugfix] editor no longer generates a default script for NPCs with BOM
* [bugfix] cursor in the editor is displayed properly