Design / Random ship-dungeon
« on: November 17, 2016, 02:41:17 PM »
I'm in the middle of revising/expanding my roguelike CryptoRL2 (more info here and here).
My next roguelike setting will be on board of spaceships and I'd like to hear some ideas how build random dungeons around this concept: ship-dungeons!
My "pillars" on this roguelike will be:
1) exploration: explore to find better weapons, find "exit" and collect stuff. No levels, only equipment to be stronger and survive
2) meta gaming: more you play, more you know about setting, dangers and so on and you can build tactics
3) permadeath: I'd like to use this concept creating a seed for dungeon creation, so it's possible for player to try different levels
In my mind I've found some methods for ship-dungeon generation:
1) random walk: works fine for cave-based dungeons (I've used this for CryptoRL2), but not so cool for ships, because is too unpredictable and can create small corridors with awkward turns. I think is fine for cave dungeons, but need more work on it. Pure cellular automata feel, at least for me, like I'm missing something, some "crucial points"
2) grid based dungeon: like in spelunky a dungeon is just a space divided using a grid (see here and here for an introduction). On random generation, there is a random walk between "start cell" (decided from one side of the grid) and "end cell" (decided from opposite side of the grid). After that "rooms" will be placed on each cell of the grid, taken randomly from a "pool" of templates (based on a theme).
Results here is good and can be realized easily with an high degree of randomness. I think this method is more suited for a random ship-dungeon, because you can create rooms for basic system (engine, dormitory, engineering bay, escape pods, etc..) mixed with "special rooms" (captain room, stargate room, alien nest and so on) on a grid with a specific shape (square, rectangle, ellipse, with wings, battlestar galactica and so on) and iterate on it
3) classic room/corridor: place rooms randomly and connect them using corridors. I don't really like this way for my theme, what do you think about it?
4) bsp: I think with my theme is fine, but I need to use "square splitting" strategy and will be become like grid based dungeon, more or less
Thanks for your time and thoughts!
I'm in the middle of revising/expanding my roguelike CryptoRL2 (more info here and here).
My next roguelike setting will be on board of spaceships and I'd like to hear some ideas how build random dungeons around this concept: ship-dungeons!
My "pillars" on this roguelike will be:
1) exploration: explore to find better weapons, find "exit" and collect stuff. No levels, only equipment to be stronger and survive
2) meta gaming: more you play, more you know about setting, dangers and so on and you can build tactics
3) permadeath: I'd like to use this concept creating a seed for dungeon creation, so it's possible for player to try different levels
In my mind I've found some methods for ship-dungeon generation:
1) random walk: works fine for cave-based dungeons (I've used this for CryptoRL2), but not so cool for ships, because is too unpredictable and can create small corridors with awkward turns. I think is fine for cave dungeons, but need more work on it. Pure cellular automata feel, at least for me, like I'm missing something, some "crucial points"
2) grid based dungeon: like in spelunky a dungeon is just a space divided using a grid (see here and here for an introduction). On random generation, there is a random walk between "start cell" (decided from one side of the grid) and "end cell" (decided from opposite side of the grid). After that "rooms" will be placed on each cell of the grid, taken randomly from a "pool" of templates (based on a theme).
Results here is good and can be realized easily with an high degree of randomness. I think this method is more suited for a random ship-dungeon, because you can create rooms for basic system (engine, dormitory, engineering bay, escape pods, etc..) mixed with "special rooms" (captain room, stargate room, alien nest and so on) on a grid with a specific shape (square, rectangle, ellipse, with wings, battlestar galactica and so on) and iterate on it
3) classic room/corridor: place rooms randomly and connect them using corridors. I don't really like this way for my theme, what do you think about it?
4) bsp: I think with my theme is fine, but I need to use "square splitting" strategy and will be become like grid based dungeon, more or less
Thanks for your time and thoughts!