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Messages - Gornova

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Early Dev / CryptoRl
« on: August 15, 2015, 09:08:12 AM »
I'm here to present my first roguelike, CryptoRL

For more information, please visit:


* random generated caves: a new adventure every level!
* 3 type of monsters, with 3 different behaviours (attack you on sight, wandering, flee if too weak)
* 3 items to keep you alive
* run for 5 caves and return to Kelmera!

In order to play you must have installed Java 1.8 on your system

Download here, version 1.0 :

Thanks for your time!

7DRLs / Re: Malleus Goblinficarium (7DRL 2015) - FINISHED
« on: August 14, 2015, 08:05:16 AM »
Malleus Goblinficarium is a really cool game, I love it! In some way remembers me FTL's experience: first games with a lot of deaths, then after few run a nice experience. Graphics is okay, well done for a 7DRL !
About inventory and weapons: i like to see more weapons, because choose right weapon is a key point of decision in MG!

Really solid concept, looking forward for more development!

7DRLs / Re: Rogue Sector [7DRL 2015 - SUCCESS]
« on: August 12, 2015, 07:32:00 AM »
really nice game, do u plan to work for an improved version ?
for example: new ships, more graphics, levels and so on ?

Development Process & non-technical / Re: Possession 2
« on: July 28, 2015, 03:20:21 PM »
Really interesting series of post, thank you about sharing!

About world simulation: seems boring to find a room full of dead bodies (a joke for a ghost with possession power ? :P lol), but could be a great plot twist for player. Wait forever and everyone will die eventually! To me seems a good enough motivation to keep exploring and make choices.

For example explore a maze in a certain order could resolve in a different encounters because in other part of the same maze all creatures are dead  :o

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