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Messages - getter77

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Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Telengard v1.07 exists!
« on: March 18, 2009, 11:41:12 PM »
Ok folks, here's something random I just came across with 2 articles and now a blog that I shall proceed to dig through to see what else has slipped past me.  File this one under  "kinda Roguelike, freaking insane technological and programming accomplishment"  the "kbrl" folk among ye should especially take note.   Project site where the guy did this  Scroll down to the March 15, 2009 entry    then this article that goes into a bit more depth.

Peeks into source codes, interviews and other nifty links within each.


Programming / Re: Kharne Alpha 1 Available
« on: March 17, 2009, 10:46:10 PM »
Shaping up nifty so far...keep up the good work!   8)

oh how those colorful icons do trigger the instinct for tiles one day

Indeed!  Hence the budget price compared to most console and very recent PC fare helps a tad.   ;)

To be fair, this was paid for in part thanks to a grant from my income tax refund, and Shrapnel is based here in the states, so I'm gonna call that a win/win just because.

Granted, I've already made my purchase, but this was refreshing to see a response to seeing as how it was pretty much what I was figuring on my gut feeling:

"As you can tell from the forum it's been rather dead, which is unfortunate. Scallywag has some nifty mechanics and a slightly different focus than most RLs (that being that speed to completion is more important than hacking everything in sight). The key point though is how easy it is to mod, and it's truly baffling that point hasn't been latched onto. When it first came out I knew a few people messing around with the ideas of some mods, but nothing ever came of it.

All I can say is play the demo. The demo gives you an excellent sample of what to expect in the full game (you can even mod the demo). If you're not interested in doing a lot of modding keep that in mind, as that will impact what the game is to you.

As far as updates, etc, the game when released was rather stable, with nothing out of the ordinary being reported. Unfortunately I believe the developer has other priorities in is life at the moment so don't expect any updates anytime soon."

So, perhaps some other folk here at the Temple may also throw in $30 for a digital or boxed copy somewhere in the not so distant future.  Either way, we'll see what can be gotten cooking in the future down the line with this.


True to form, I elected to not take the chance of an OOP situation and just now completed my order for Scallywag: In the Lair of the Medusa and a game by the name of Dominions III for a grand total of $92.85 or so.   Seems Dominions III comes with a color 300 odd page that's nice.   :D

Like Kamyran's Eye 2..and I suppose 1 since nobody's tried that one even though it was released as freeware after it did commercial time,  at some point I'll dig into the game and make things known as I can here at the Temple.

Perhaps some of you will join me on my merry way with this!   8)

There's some reviews out there, but ones written way back when or shortly before the game came out, and you know how that goes with PC I was hoping to get a reasonably fresh perspective on it.

Being that I purchased the above mentioned Kamyran's Eye II, and also purchased Legerdemain, and plan to send off a postcard for LambdaRogue when the next version hits, I clearly have a precedent for throwing some degree of money at these things on top of the console and handheld side of the equation.   I posted on the forum they have for the game that hasn't seen use in quite awhile, and there also noticed that the developer's website is down and has been for quite some time so hopefully that'll help.

As you can see the game also seems to contain a rather robust editor, which leads various cogs to turn in my head about having things get a tad more lively with it around these parts and others down the line when I and others could pick at it.  I should say the existence and inclusion of such an editor does a fair job to add value to the package in addition to the game itself compared to Legerdemain and Kamyran's Eye II, which lack such a feature---perhaps more value than the game itself if elbowgrease is applied.

I can't say I see any ethical qualms for paying for Roguelikes versus the spirit of communal and individual ingenuity though.   Like everything else in the videogame world, you do what you can, as you can, as the notion strikes you and what happens will happen for good or ill.

Hopefully somebody else here can weigh in else it looks like it'll be on me to take the plunge for the chance of later being able to enrich things around here, especially as if it does go OOP somebody will need to be a source for whatever form the game might be able to ultimately take.

Other Announcements / Scallywag: In the Lair of the Medusa---to buy?
« on: March 16, 2009, 01:38:03 PM »

Just like last time with Kamyran's Eye 2 that resulted in me buying it pretty well blind but still not getting around to full on playing it proper yet, what's the good word with this game?   I fear it will go OOP soon, as well as the editor seems robust and hey, ROGUELIKE!

I'm pretty much within inches of buying it, but of course, money is kinda a finite resource to be spent deftly within gaming if it is highly prone to failure or some such before winning is possible or even good play...

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Triangle Wizard R 5.04 released
« on: March 15, 2009, 02:29:57 PM »
Patch R 5.04 Notes:

-Fixed a rare bug where water/lava slowness was made permanent if the exit stairs was flooded.
-Exiting the INS screen will now set the selected spell to be the current one.
-Fixed a minor bug involving Dark Gift and picking up melee damage powerups.
-Fixed an exploit where you could permanently increase your melee damage by using a specific shrine.
-Leveling up will now remove Fury and Dark Gift enchantments instead of halting leveling up until they run out.
-Persistancy settings are now unchanged by dispel magic or by changing dungeon levels. Your spells will still be removed though, but the settings remain constant.
-Soulstealer now casts Dweomer Thief at level 3 instead of 5.
-A few balances changes were made to several Council Members.

Nah....look at the release schedule in general...fixes and additions are frequent because the community for the game finds stuff and requests stuff on top of the developer continuing to think of new content in his spare time.   Besides, again looking back at release history context, amid ALL these patches, this is the first time where there needed to be an actual "mini-patch" to cull some bugs and fix some oversights.   All the prior R x.02's would be substantial enough in their own right to be major versions outright compared to other Roguelikes in general.

That's the scary thing you don't seem to know about stu, and probably since I haven't mentioned it.   The developer only has time to work on the game a little on weekend and a little on a few evenings in the week---that's it.  In those short spats of time, just look at what he's wrangled in sum total from the first version I posted about in terms of the evolving changelog.   Such efficient progress is commendable for one guy!   Imagine if he hit a lotto or something and could elect to actually throw substantial time at it like the Dwarf Fortress dev...

If he didn't care about the player base the game would not be half the game it is currently.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Triangle Wizard R 5.03 released
« on: March 10, 2009, 12:50:19 PM »
Patch R 5.03 Notes:

-Fixed some bugs involving persistancy and channeling being unable to be turned off.
-Fixed a bug with persistancy and Liquid Form spell.
-F2 examine screen now shows gibberish names while the player is confused.
-Dweomer Thief will now no longer reset proficiency levels on spells you don't know.
-Dweomer Thief can now correctly be resisted by magic resistance.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Triangle Wizard R 5.02 Released!
« on: March 08, 2009, 04:49:26 PM »
Patch R 5.02 Notes:

-Maximum creatures allowed in dungeon is now 75 instead of 50.
-You can now turn shaded walls on via the gloval_settings.tri file. It is now on by default.
-Press ALT (or SHIFT) + U to create a character dump. A dump is automatically generated upon death. Press ALT (or SHIFT) + C to delete the character dump file.
-Game will no longer crash when going to the Tomb screen while there in noone in your tomb.
-Thaumaturgic shrine will no longer stack power ups.
-Persistant invisibility will not briefly reveal you anymore during the recast phase.
-Persistant spells can no longer be nullified when two creatures overlap.
-Persistancy now keeps original spell level.
-Dweomer Casters receive much less score from having spells (since they gain them for free). This avoids having Dweomer Caster characters with a huge score in low levels.
-Dweomer Casters can now pick up regeneration powerups for Magic Missile and Dweomer Thief again.
-Dweomer Casters can no longer buy regeneration powerups in stores.
-Spiked walls are more random in appearance.
-Nymph Dweomer Casters can no longer regenerate spells on the first level.
-Added several new classes (thx Sealer ;)).
-Spell selection via letters will no longer require you to scroll past the same spell multiple times after rearranging letters.
-Using letter selection will no longer let you select spells which you don't have.
-Projectiles can no longer penetrate walls when those walls are being visited by a creature that can walk through walls.
-Added the Gnome as a playable race.
-Cerebremancers now also start with Anarchy.
-Creature information now also shows active effects.
-Fixed a minor bug involving shattering.
-Added Dragon Emulator class (thx. Planeswalker!)
-Fixed a major bug involving friendly buff spells cast upon dying.
-Toxic water can now contaminate or dillute nearby water or toxic water over time.
-Made the tail of the Cyclone Blast larger.
-Electrical damage does 25% more damage to creatures near water.
-Electrical damage does 50% more damage to creatures submerged in water. (i.e. non swimming creatures).
-Fire damage does 50% less damage to creatures in water.
-Being in water will douse fire. (i.e. remove the burning effect).

Pretty major stuff in this "minor" patch....wall shading, new classes, new race, character dumps....tis coming along people!   8)

Sorry, I think I assumed at the time folk would just retreat the the earlier updates for a link.   :P

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: r.g.r.d. reddit
« on: March 01, 2009, 10:14:41 PM »
Excellent idea, thanks for the link, bookmarked.

Now the next trick is to one day actually sign up on reddit instead of lurking...  :D

Early Dev / Re: New games?
« on: March 01, 2009, 10:13:22 PM »
Overall though, I think the results in various areas matter moreso than time is a matter of luck more than anything.  There's nothing to say the guy behind Incursion couldn't get struck by a "mood" ala in Dwarf Fortress and bang out the rest of the game relatively bug free by the end of this year.   It shouldn't even need to be considered how long something has been at it to get listing amongst the big dogs but rather what nifty things the game does period.

That's the critical thing right there, once listed in the same breath you attract more/new players, who can then enjoy and contribute, which then naturally, yet artificially, ramps up the game quality, which attracts more, and so on.  Essentially, the more people freak out and make a big deal about the latest well deserved version or patch or whatever for as many Roguelikes as possible----the better.  There's no harm at all in having a very long list of greats at their various strengths for newcomers, active players, and returning old timers---in fact that should be the goal of such to be able to objectively say  "Yep, this works and does cool stuff...into the list!"  as often as possible, sooner the better for the sake of progress and more people getting to enjoy a more abundant variety of games.  Liveliness is the key to the future in Roguelikes same as all others.

/gets off his madman soapbox...for now....

Early Dev / Re: New games?
« on: March 01, 2009, 03:06:01 AM »
I think it's simpler than that.  I think the reason there aren't many new games considered to be on par with the "major" roguelikes is because there just aren't new ones that are as large and ambitious as those ones are.

Like, I think Mage Guild and Spelunky are two examples of really great recent games, but both of them combined are still only a few hours long.

Makes sense.  But it would seem a far wiser thing to celebrate games like Spelunky and such proper by listing them as outstanding ones for what they DO accomplish---length is easily trumped by replay value afterall as far as that being the entire crux of Roguelikes.  I suspect Incursion will be the next "Major" one to somewhat crack the glass ceiling and get listed alongside ADOM/Nethack and the like providing the next update or series of them are very potent and somewhat timely.  On the other hand, IMO, I reckon something like LambdaRogue is presently/has been at a state of polish on its merits to also deserve a spot in the pantheon.

It also seems nutty to me that there isn't a sense to celebrate and recognize the retail Roguelikes in the same groups as Nethack and such... >:(

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