There aren't any serious bugs, I think, and I haven't had a crash for weeks.
Oh, and I'll start a contest for a name for the game :)
Anyway, this gave me an idea to grab the list of roguelike titles from roguebasin and feed them into a markov chain randomizer, the results were weird to say the least... :o
You'll start with a very basic skill set (melee basically), and learn new skills from the races you stick with. From elves you'll learn magic and archery, from dwarfs sophisticated melee, and from goblins perhaps ambush, backstabbing, and other tricks.That really sounds interesting! And I'm glad you learn new skills from other NPCs and not just out of nothing. :D Drops us a line whenever you have a new version.
But these plans are not settled, because a lot of it depends on the story and goals in the game and I haven't figured them out yet.
The next thing I'm concentrating on now is NPC intelligence, so they do something more interesting than brownian motion :). This will let me add dialogs, like "I've been to that village, to get there you need to travel south-east", or quests: "A dwarf named bla-bla killed my friend, please find and kill him".
I like the look, it sounds cool. I found the dungeon entrance but couldn't go inside...
I tried > . 5 space all the normal keys non-shifted
I noticed that the stairs (>) made the UI say "Dungeon entrance", but so did the space immediately to the left.
The entrance was generated in a mountain patch, sliced by a road. the entrance was on the road
I went further down the road and found another dungeon entrance that I again couldn't use
I noticed this time that pressing the > key (shift + .) spend a turn, so its like it's trying to move me....
Game looks cool! I'd love to see it with my "ultimate roguelike tileset" :)
I can add another key mapping for laptops, it's not a problem. Just tell me which keys you'd like to use for movement. I thought that all laptops have a numpad toggled by the Fn key (macbooks are one exception I know of).
I always have numlock off, so the controls were mysteriously only partially-functional until I realized why. not sure why it requires numlock (PgUp/PgDn?) but I'm also aware that normal people leave their numlock on >_> so this problem may be unique to meWell, numlock is needed if you want to use the numpad. If you only use the 4 arrows (not recommended) then everything else should work without numlock.
Why the knife is not equipped by default?Good question, I assumed that normally you don't walk around with a weapon in your hand (that's why monsters hide their weapons when they're stop chasing you). But you end up wielding it all the time anyway, so I might change my mind.
Also, I don't see the point of distinguishing between "inventory" and "equipment". It would be nice to have an option of dropping an item in the inventory window. Why have 3 windows instead of one? That's 2 more commands to memorize :).Well, inventory and equipment are different views on the items. It would be hard to merge them, because one groups items by general type, the other by armor slot. I thought about somehow dropping and applying items from the inventory window, but it would require one key press more. I think it's better to have more commands but be able to do things more quickly.
Anyway, exploring the area is pretty boring. What is worse, after some time of my wilderness trip the game slowed down greatly without an apparent reason.Yeah, it's pretty big and you don't have to explore all of it :) - there are two different ways of finding locations more quickly. I'm aware of the slowdown, most likely it involves pathfinding of zombies that were chasing you and are now returning to the cemetery, pretty straightforward to fix.
Good question, I assumed that normally you don't walk around with a weapon in your hand
Well, inventory and equipment are different views on the items. It would be hard to merge them, because one groups items by general type, the other by armor slot. I thought about somehow dropping and applying items from the inventory window, but it would require one key press more. I think it's better to have more commands but be able to do things more quickly.
I'm considering using [d] and [a] to drop or apply a highlighted item in the inventory view, but that wouldn't really reduce the number of commands. On the other hand if there is a [d] command, then dropping an item on [enter] in the inventory view would be kind of redundant and unintuitive. Plus worn items can't be dropped, and they aren't displayed at all in the drop window.
Why the knife is not equipped by default?Good question, I assumed that normally you don't walk around with a weapon in your hand (that's why monsters hide their weapons when they're stop chasing you). But you end up wielding it all the time anyway, so I might change my mind.
I always have numlock off, so the controls were mysteriously only partially-functional until I realized why. not sure why it requires numlock (PgUp/PgDn?) but I'm also aware that normal people leave their numlock on >_> so this problem may be unique to meWell, numlock is needed if you want to use the numpad. If you only use the 4 arrows (not recommended) then everything else should work without numlock.
I realize this is going a bit overboard with this, but: it could be cool if friendly NPCs reacted differently if you wandered around town with your weapon drawn, as if ready for a fight: civilians might scream and run into their houses; an armed NPC/local hero might approach to ask what you're up to.
Good point, it doesn't make sense to add features just because they're realistic.Yes, it's important to strike a balance between what's realistic and what's good game design. Personally I'd vote for unrealistic fun over a realistic chore any day. No doubt it's far easier said than done, though.
The problem of switching or putting away weapons is a major one, because in real life you are very aware of what you're wielding, and in the game it's very easy to forget yourself. Punishing this would be a mistake.
I'm thinking about adding a second game mode: "build your dungeon", like in Dungeon Keeper with the option of taking control of minions for a traditional RL hack&slash.
I'd like to know if anyone has managed to play a meaningful game, for example descended to level 10 in the dungeon, killed on of the tribe leaders or cleared the pyramid.
Ditto (except for the boulder part). That's why I haven't given any feedback. I haven't found a dungeon, a pyramid, a tribe or even a single non-friendly creature. Just a handful of peaceful guys and a ton of trees in all directions, however far I go. Clearly I'm missing something here but it's good to know I'm not the only one.I'd like to know if anyone has managed to play a meaningful game, for example descended to level 10 in the dungeon, killed on of the tribe leaders or cleared the pyramid.
I never found any of that stuff in the first place.
My adventure involved wandering around and talking to dudes until I found a boulder. Then I pushed it and it started moving, so I got in front of it and it ran over me and I died.
-no save feature?It's in the plans, but only once it's really needed.
-is there some experience/leveling mechanic?No generic experience or leveling, and I'm not planning any. You develop your character by learning skills, acquiring items, etc.
-cant see any hit points, is @ colour changing is the only health indicator?The more red you are, the lower the HP. If you are critically wounded, it also means the HP is low and you will die if you don't do anything. Both healing potions and medkits restore health, but the latter with a penalty, but I don't know how to make it more apparent to the player.
-suppose health potions restore health :) and medkits stop bleeding. Do I die from being wounded or critically wounded?
-quiver mechanic would be nice. It`s easy with knives since these are top of the list. Rocks and other stuff, not so much.Will do.
-How do you discover secret doors? Assume it`s just by bumping at walls?By bumping. They will be mostly gone in the next version, only will lead to some treasure rooms that are not on the critical path.
So I played for a bit and reached lvl 4 of Gnomish Mines, then got mauled by bears. Overall, it`s a slick & nice looking game, easy to pick up and play. Solid engine! If I were you I`d just keep on adding content, enriching the world and forget the 3D experiment - it looks interesting but also bit messy & confusing perhaps. Add more roads/dungeons, populate the wilderness a bit more, add cool features like that rolling boulder (and elfin kids breaking rat`s necks ;)I'm glad you like it. I'm planning to make a 0.1 release in two weeks with mostly more content as you said. The 3d works pretty well and will be included as an option, if nothing else it allows playing with just for arrows (many have asked for it). Plus it's always good to experiment, maybe in the future it will develop into more sophisticated 3d graphics.
If I were you I`d just keep on adding content, enriching the world and forget the 3D experiment - it looks interesting but also bit messy & confusing perhaps.
Both healing potions and medkits restore health, but the latter with a penalty, but I don't know how to make it more apparent to the player.
Oh, and I've come to appreciate not knowing my health. It forces you to make a judgement call about whether you should heal now or try to tough it out for a couple more turns. I like that.
What is the penalty? I noticed that my first aid kit was eventually used up but I didn't manage to discern what the penalty for use was.The penaulty is that they take 3 turns to apply (actually your health is restored immediately, and then 3 turns are passed). My intention was that you should only use them away from combat, as opposed to healing potions, which take 1 turn, but are less frequent. But I guess it's really hard to figure that out without paying close attention to the turn counter. Maybe the messages should indicate better what's going on.
If a dead enemy is on the same space as stairs, it conceals the stairs. This can lead to some frustrating wandering around, trying to remember where you saw the exit.I know, I've been thinking about this for a long time. Most likely the zoomed out view will show the bare dungeon.
I like the look of the 3D version but I mostly choose not to use it, for two reasons: the camera swinging round all the time can be a little motion sickness-ish, and it become confusing navigating a dungeon when you're not sure which direction you're facing in. Maybe I just need more practice using it.After some time I also went back to the normal view, but I still think there is potential in 3d.
In general, I've been increasingly impressed with the game and it's currently one of my go-to roguelikes if I want a short play session or don't feel like fiddling with character creation.Great, how far did you get? Did you encounter any of the special creatures or found an artifact?
Not yet but I'm working on it. 8)
Great, how far did you get? Did you encounter any of the special creatures or found an artifact?
Roaming the land in search for adventures, you arrive in the valley of XXX. The road takes you to a mountainside where a tunnel carved in stone leads you down and into an open cavern. You have entered some kind of a dungeon.
Dear Deliodolph
If you are reading my letter, then you have arrived to the valley of Abaranjan. There is a band of dwarves dwelling in caves under a mountain. Find them, talk to them, they will help you. Let your sword guide you.
Yours, Silvester
PS.: Beware the goblins!
Aha! You also seem to have changed something that always bothered me - I now start with my weapon equipped instead of having to equip it manually every time.Yeah, I gave up on realism here :)
I've just been playing some more and I realised I haven't seen stairs up to the surface in the newest version(s). Have you removed that whole surface area?No, it's there. The up stairs are actually the starting location.
Any chance you could provide the source, or compile a 64-bit version?I can, but for Windows or Linux? I thought you can always run a 32-bit program on a 64-bit system?
I can, but for Windows or Linux? I thought you can always run a 32-bit program on a 64-bit system?I'm on a 64-bit system and Zagadka runs fine for me.
The title screen should include an explanation of the difference between keeper and adventure modes.Good idea.
Keeper mode seems pretty cool, but it doesn't explain itself very well. A good start would be to tell the player they need to use the mouse when they switch over to build mode. A countdown until the next invasion timer might be nice too.Yes, I plan to add more help messages later on. The invasion times depend on your actions, and in the future I plan to make it much more dynamic. In general I want to encourage the player to take initiative instead of only fortifying himself. So far I've found out that open battles are most fun.
The inventory button should still do something if you aren't carrying anything, even a simple "You aren't carrying anything!" message lets the player know that the game received their input.Noted.
The numeric keypad should allow diagonal movement when num lock is off.
For some reason clicking around on the main menu closes the game?
The font you're using looks bad.Do you mean the text or the characters in ASCII mode?
Had some issues with inventory, when I went to drop something it did not show what I had equipped, having different inventory lists like that depending on the command can be confusing. A minor GUI thing.Yeah, I guess the window can display equipped items, but they would be grayed- out. Is that what you mean? Btw, you can also drop directly from the main 'I'nventory window.
By fundamentals do you mean anything else than combat?
I could also add an AI-controlled Keeper fortress, and the hero would have to recruit a team and attack that. It could also be pretty interesting.
I like building designing a base tactically so that I have escape tunnels, anti-archer rooms, thin hallways that force enemies into 1v1, etc.Cool. I want to spend significant time to make base building more interesting for next version. Any ideas?
It'd be nice if the keeper had a bit more strength or if corpses were a bit lighter. Carrying bodies to the necromancy room is inconvenient.Hmm, the imps didn't do their job? Or is the problem that corpses outside the dungeon aren't fetched?
Anything with equipment has an overwhelming advantage over anything without equipment. Top tier monsters go down easily against enemy redshirts with swords and armor. The keeper is more than capable of destroying both armies by himself if he can get his hands on some good items.Yeah, that's true. Keep in mind there is a difficulty setting in the menu, you probably played at "easy".
Cool. I want to spend significant time to make base building more interesting for next version. Any ideas?
Observations: in roguelike mode, he just keeps clicking on things until they're (or he is) dead. In both modes, he wants to collect every item and mine all the resources.
This is known as the Diablo Syndrome. I've noticed the very same thing when my wife was playing Fame. Any ideas how to fight it? :)
Oh if you're compiling yourself, then add "OPT=true" to make arguments, otherwise it's the debug mode and it's very slow.You are right, I simply did make without OPT=true. Recompiled - It works fine now :D