"Zagadka" is one of my favourite words, so I thought I`d have a go
Some random thoughts:
-no save feature?
-is there some experience/leveling mechanic?
-cant see any hit points, is @ colour changing is the only health indicator?
-suppose health potions restore health
and medkits stop bleeding. Do I die from being wounded or critically wounded?
-quiver mechanic would be nice. It`s easy with knives since these are top of the list. Rocks and other stuff, not so much.
-chopping off limbs is fun!
-full screen option would be nice
-How do you discover secret doors? Assume it`s just by bumping at walls?
-pardon me if answers to the above are in the manual - I couldn`t find it in my .zip
So I played for a bit and reached lvl 4 of Gnomish Mines, then got mauled by bears. Overall, it`s a slick & nice looking game, easy to pick up and play. Solid engine! If I were you I`d just keep on adding content, enriching the world and forget the 3D experiment - it looks interesting but also bit messy & confusing perhaps. Add more roads/dungeons, populate the wilderness a bit more, add cool features like that rolling boulder (and elfin kids breaking rat`s necks