Author Topic: The Temple is crumbling down...  (Read 119135 times)


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Re: The Temple is crumbling down...
« Reply #60 on: September 04, 2019, 10:07:58 PM »
but if you want an active forum, you can't have guys like Krice around.

At first I thought this is not worth even answering, but since there are people like you I might try to say something about this. You know, I'm just a regular user of this forum, there is nothing special about me. I can't make people leave, they make that decision themselves. My opinion about roguelikes is perfectly compatible with "Berlin interpretation" or any sane one regarding what a roguelike is. The real irony here is that you are making a personal attack based on nothing, not me. I never attack the person, only what he claims about roguelikes or any other subject.

Look at this smug horseshit. Totally innocent. Lol. Everyone else must be wrong I guess.

And to the poster above, who referred to Krice as more of an acquired taste, that's not how you run a forum. Unfortunately. Many new people won't get passed his bullshit, and no new people means no forum. It slowly withers.

It just makes me so sad this nonsense is still going on. I probably posted here thousands of times.

No need to ban me Slash, if that's something you do. I'll see about deleting this account, or otherwise not be back.


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Re: The Temple is crumbling down...
« Reply #61 on: September 06, 2019, 06:21:48 AM »
and no new people means no forum. It slowly withers.

This has been happening to the genre as well, but "more" people and messages don't always equal to something better. We do have Reddit's RL dev which is quite bad. It seems like most people are using roguelikes as a weird kind of "brand" to sell their small action games. Game development has become much more money driven than it was before, because even indie developers think about money first and then what kind of games they try to do. However I really believe that roguelike genre is not going to disappear, there are still people who are doing this because they like it. Not because they want money or they have to be in a social media bubble where everything is positive to the point where the actual thing is lost.


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Re: The Temple is crumbling down...
« Reply #62 on: September 06, 2019, 10:21:50 AM »
Hey Krice, when are we expecting a new Kaduria release?


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Re: The Temple is crumbling down...
« Reply #63 on: September 06, 2019, 08:54:19 PM »
Hey Krice, when are we expecting a new Kaduria release?

If you think positively, then next year. As I'm writing this I'm creating a unified bug/feature list. It's going to be fun. I need to focus more, it's not a secret.


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Re: The Temple is crumbling down...
« Reply #64 on: September 06, 2019, 10:29:55 PM »
And to the poster above, who referred to Krice as more of an acquired taste, that's not how you run a forum. Unfortunately. Many new people won't get passed his bullshit, and no new people means no forum. It slowly withers.
It seems to me he's being treated like a scapegoat. It is somebody to blame, but I doubt he makes that much of a difference.
While looking for more roguelike discussion to read, I found 4chan had some relatively active threads on /vg/.
So if discussion can survive there, I doubt this one guy is enough to scare everyone alive away from the site.
I've also noticed some roguelike discussion on the rpg codex, which isn't known for being that polite either.

There are whole sites full of people like him out there.
The thing is, even they don't want to be here.
What is the common denominator then?


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Re: The Temple is crumbling down...
« Reply #65 on: September 07, 2019, 08:26:47 AM »
What is the common denominator then?

Maybe it's bad areas for discussion, because there doesn't seem to be any for "blog" type posts about your project. I was thinking to put something about issue list in Kaduria just so people can see what I'm doing at the moment. But where to post it? I think "Early Dev" is the only place, but somehow it doesn't sound right. Or maybe it is. I think the most active (maybe) area in RPG Codex is Codex Workshop where people twaddle about their projects and other people bash them as hard as they can.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2019, 08:30:03 AM by Krice »


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Re: The Temple is crumbling down...
« Reply #66 on: September 10, 2019, 03:06:05 PM »
Early dev is fine.


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Re: The Temple is crumbling down...
« Reply #67 on: September 13, 2019, 09:56:46 AM »
Early dev is fine.

I started to write about my current development in Codex Workshop just because I had it there. I think how areas are in this forum is part of the problem, no offence but...


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Re: The Temple is crumbling down...
« Reply #68 on: November 09, 2019, 01:48:47 PM »
Most of the actual roguelike developers are here anyway, so that's me and about two other guys. I've followed reddit's RL dev and to be honest it's more for beginners. I think it's nice for them to have that kind of place to repeat the mistakes we made in the past. It's not about how "active" the forum is, I think we need to take it easy and focus on the actual development of roguelikes. If I can keep working on my projects (nothing is sure in long term) then eventually it will be a success of some kind.


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Re: The Temple is crumbling down...
« Reply #69 on: November 28, 2019, 05:07:29 AM »
Most of the actual roguelike developers are here anyway, so that's me and about two other guys. I've followed reddit's RL dev and to be honest it's more for beginners. I think it's nice for them to have that kind of place to repeat the mistakes we made in the past. It's not about how "active" the forum is, I think we need to take it easy and focus on the actual development of roguelikes. If I can keep working on my projects (nothing is sure in long term) then eventually it will be a success of some kind.
There are some active developers here, and it is convenient to interact with them, which keeps me coming back.
I tend to ramble on and it usually bores people. Developers don't seem to mind when it's about their game though.
Even so, it is probably discouraging to just get feedback from one or two guys over several months.

I think the biggest problem is that most people want to talk about roguelikes within their preferred communities. There is no need for a community centered on roguelikes specifically anymore.
Here the only thing we have in common is an interest in roguelikes. But people prioritize being among their own kind and avoiding frustrating interactions with those from different internet cultures.
People want a consensus and are threatening to leave if they don't get it. Everyone likes to be told they are right, so it's only human. Before they just didn't have a choice. Now they have Reddit.

So the developers may cast a wide net to get attention, and are active on multiple sites, but people go where they feel comfortable.
And eventually, when there is nobody to play their games here, the few developers around will move on as well.
The only advantage I could see with this site is that they don't need to compete with the major roguelikes for attention.
For example, one of the problems I have reading 4chan threads is that most of the time they just talk about DCSS or TOME.


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Re: The Temple is crumbling down...
« Reply #70 on: November 28, 2019, 09:29:59 PM »
People want a consensus and are threatening to leave if they don't get it.

This is the new millennial way to communicate. People live in a (social media) bubble and only talk to people who agree with them. I guess it was exactly the same when nazis didn't communicate with jews and they were so alienated to each other they didn't even think those others would be people just like them.


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Re: The Temple is crumbling down...
« Reply #71 on: December 23, 2019, 04:47:08 PM »
People want a consensus and are threatening to leave if they don't get it.

To be clear, regarding the history of this place, the only "consensus" anyone has ever demanded here, is to not have to tolerate racist, sexist and generally condescending bullshit. This is not really something it's possible to "agree to disagree" about – the consensus that did implicitly get established, is that women, gays etc. are only welcome as long as they accept verbal abuse at random intervals. I know a few people left because of this. I for one am not happy about the situation.

At the moment, though, I think the Temple's biggest problem is the unchecked presence of bots. It's becoming more and more difficult to use the forum. The off topics section is one big joke at the moment.

As always,
« Last Edit: December 23, 2019, 04:48:42 PM by AgingMinotaur »
This matir, as laborintus, Dedalus hous, hath many halkes and hurnes ... wyndynges and wrynkelynges.


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Re: The Temple is crumbling down...
« Reply #72 on: December 23, 2019, 10:15:35 PM »
is that women, gays etc. are only welcome as long as they accept verbal abuse at random intervals.

How would you know if anyone is a woman or gay in here? Where do you people even get ideas like that. Besides, luckily we are pretty safe from women, because they don't make roguelikes. For whatever reason, you tell me, you seem to be the expert here on that subject.


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Re: The Temple is crumbling down...
« Reply #73 on: December 24, 2019, 08:23:38 PM »
The issue isn't whether this or that particular user belongs to a certain demographics, but whether stupid shit like the message I'm currently replying to is par or not. And, well, I know people have left because of toxic comments since they've explicitly said so. That said, I wasn't trying to single you out, Krice, though I can see why you seen to think so, given the amount of inane stuff you've written here over the years.

As always,
This matir, as laborintus, Dedalus hous, hath many halkes and hurnes ... wyndynges and wrynkelynges.


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Re: The Temple is crumbling down...
« Reply #74 on: December 24, 2019, 09:29:48 PM »
Hey, just to end on a less grinchy note, hope all of y'all are having happy peaceful days (yup, I've had my Irish coffee now).

As always,
This matir, as laborintus, Dedalus hous, hath many halkes and hurnes ... wyndynges and wrynkelynges.