Author Topic: Cogmind (now at Beta 14)  (Read 296268 times)


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 4b)
« Reply #30 on: November 24, 2015, 03:22:42 AM »
New Article: All of Cogmind's current unauthorized hacks revealed. Trojans and brute force hacks explained (spoilers!).


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 4b)
« Reply #31 on: December 07, 2015, 01:44:35 AM »
The first round of IndieDB Game of the Year 2015 voting has begun; I'd appreciate any votes for Cogmind here. Thank you! :D

You can also vote for any of your other favorite roguelikes represented on the site--I put together a list here. You can vote for as many games as you like.

Also on IndieDB you can read my latest article about map design in Cogmind, examining form, content, and the process behind development:

Check out lots of development approaches like this mapgen visualizer at work:

Also, check out this juicy new explosion just recently created for a new map area (seen here in a testing area):


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 4b)
« Reply #32 on: December 08, 2015, 02:04:46 AM »
Article: Year 2 of the Cogmind, looking back at the latter half of Cogmind's 2.47 years of full-time development (4,339 hours of and counting...).


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 4b)
« Reply #33 on: December 11, 2015, 01:44:13 AM »
Woohoo, Cogmind made the top 100 indie games of the year on IndieDB!

*celebratory fireworks*

Thanks to everyone who voted!

There's no ranking, however, and the next step is voting for the top 10, which continues here. Apparently they're randomly handing out free game keys to some members for simply voting, too.

(Three other roguelikes made the cut as well: ADOM, ToME 4, and UnReal World.)


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 4b)
« Reply #34 on: December 12, 2015, 04:37:01 AM »
Cool explosion!

I keep track of my hours for regular work.
But just a few weeks ago I started keeping track of dev hours too.
I'm not full time though.

Good luck with the voting.


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 4b)
« Reply #35 on: December 12, 2015, 04:43:37 AM »
Thanks, it was the latest explosion I added, one of my new favorites.

Dev hours are good to keep track of even if not full time, since it helps reflect on exactly how much time was put into various aspects of development (assuming you subdivide) to better help with planning for the future, and on other projects. But since you do it for work I assume you're already familiar with the various benefits.

I don't thin Cogmind really has a big enough community yet to seriously compete for the top 10 (being a popularity contest), but I'm happy with top 100 for now :)


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 4b)
« Reply #36 on: December 12, 2015, 09:18:17 AM »
Congratulations on well deserved appearance in the Top 100. 

I nearly impulse-bought it few months ago - but didn`t  :(  and now 30$ seems bit excessive given the state of my finances.

However, 20$ would be more approachable - if anyone would be interested in buying the 60$ pack (three separate licenses), let me know.


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 4b)
« Reply #37 on: December 12, 2015, 04:35:34 PM »
Hmm, that's a thing? Sure, I'd be in on a 3-pack. Don't know why I've been shy about Cogmind's price tag - I guess years of flash sales have poisoned me.


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 4b)
« Reply #38 on: December 13, 2015, 11:13:40 AM »
Grand, one more person and we`re in. Come on!


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 4b)
« Reply #39 on: December 13, 2015, 11:26:54 AM »
Congratulations on well deserved appearance in the Top 100. 

And thanks for considering it, you two; it'll come down in maybe another 6-10 months? (whenever I put it on Steam, which I'm now thinking I might end up doing before 1.0) Trying to build a sustainable full-time business on a niche game is quite a balancing act.


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 4b)
« Reply #40 on: December 17, 2015, 02:21:58 AM »
Alpha 5 is here, and with it... NEW BRANCHES! :D

Compared to previous major releases this changelog is a tiny bit shorter, but that's because much of the work is wrapped up in the branch maps, which are quite unlike anything that's been added so far, and which include plot events and new mechanics, none of which are detailed below. I do my best to keep you unspoiled whenever possible ;).

Before we get started, know that you can find a visual summary of some of the new features (= tons o' gifs) here.

Also, Cogmind made the Top 100 games of the year on IndieDB last week! Voting for the Top 10 is currently in progress.


We have three new maps in all, two of which belong to a three-map branch, Extension, which will be completed in Alpha 6. Don't worry, it's very much worth entering this branch as is, if you can find it. You've probably spotted the entrance before...

The third new map is behind that odd-looking locked door you always find in Storage, but there's no way to reach it without a special code. That code is supposed to be given to you by a random NPC in another part of the game, but that area hasn't been added yet, so you can either wait until they're added (possibly Alpha 7), or (recommended:) pretend I'm an NPC bot and let me just tell you how to get in:
  • (The Temple doesn't have spoiler tags, so you'll have to check the original post here.)
So in these maps are several new NPCs (along with a familiar face), and even a way to trigger one of the world's major plot events. In terms of lore this particular event won't answer a lot of questions (probably creates more than it answers), but it does have a bearing on how the action plays out.


Rather unexpectedly, while Alpha 5 was intended to be primarily a content release, with just a few important mechanical and UI changes it turns out the entire game will have a different feel even when not experiencing the new content:
  • Vastly reduced time cost of large volleys!
One- and two-weapon volleys didn't really change, as that would throw the whole game off since most hostiles fall into those categories, but beyond that the numbers are very different.

For many reasons high-weapon builds were never very viable. At most you'd want around 4-5 slots, and even then only for a few situations such as alternative firing options against multiple types of targets, or one-shotting Behemoths ;).

Now there's a real opportunity to build a non-suicidal super tankish Cogmind that can mow down robot armies with a huge barrage of fire. The new volley cost progression is 200 > 300 > 325 > 350 > 375 > 400. Beyond six weapons everything is still 400. It used to cost 425 to fire only three weapons, so this is obviously a game changer.

Time will tell whether or how abuseable it is, but preliminary testing says it's 1) hella fun and 2) didn't seem so overpowered that it ensured success by any measure, considering what you have to give up to attach that many weapons. Since this is Alpha we'll let it stand at that.

We will definitely see new strategies coming out of this. *raises hand*
  • Attaching parts while slots are full attempts to smartly auto-replace existing parts.
Another game-changer, only this one on the UI side. You'll now tend to see far fewer "no free slot" messages, since attaching parts will automatically attempt to pick an existing part that is in some way inferior and replace it by first either putting it the inventory (if there's room) or dropping it to the ground. This feature works whether attaching from the ground or your inventory, so it can be a really easy way to swap in parts (especially for keyboard users) by essentially halving the number of commands required.

The system is even capable of smartly replacing Storage Units and resource containers without losing their contents. Have a damaged Hcp. Storage Unit and found a fresh one? No more inventory fumbling required, just press 'a' while standing on it and bam you're ready to go!

It will take some getting used to, but is definitely worth it :). See the end of the manual for the rules that determine what is swapped out.

Let me know if you discover any unexpected swaps, or can think of a new/better rule that might improve the system. I believe everything it does now is pretty logical. It's possible we'll introduce some options to fine tune this feature's behavior since it can be heavily preference-based in some situations, though for now you can always choose to ignore the automatic behavior by relying on the normal part swapping commands.
  • Allied Operator hacking bonus applies to robot hacking as well.
This one's not as big but worth mentioning for its representative value. Allied Operators giving you a robot hacking bonus brings the world another step closer to one in which you could theoretically spend much of the time playing a hacking and support role. We're not quite there yet, but with the addition of more branches and some adjustments to the hacking system I want that to become a reality. In any case, Operators now do a zillion+1 things for you. Consider using Trojan(Assimilate) to get one on your side :).

The full Alpha 5 (0.10.151217) changelog:

* NEW: Branch map "Recycling"
* NEW: Branch map "Extension"
* NEW: Branch map "(spoiler)"
* NEW: 1 major plot event
* NEW: 3 story-related NPC encounters
* NEW: 9 additional robots (excluding NPCs)
* NEW: 1 additional weapon
* NEW: Quantum Generators produce an ambient sound
* NEW: Various additional sound effects (total now at 702)
* NEW: Allied Operator hacking bonus applies to robot hacking as well
* NEW: Every Materials floor now includes a guaranteed cache of Storage Units
* NEW: Attaching parts (from ground or inventory) while slots are full attempts to smartly auto-replace parts (see manual for priorities)
* NEW: Shielding bonus from stasis traps now produces visual/sound effect akin to phase walls and remote shield generators
* NEW: Matter-specific machines release matter as they are destroyed (Matter Pump, Pressure Siphon, Matter Filter)
* NEW: Fabricators overloaded by brute force hacks have a wide EM spectrum when zapping robots, and can couple with power sources
* NEW: Firing overloaded weapons temporarily distorts the HUD, with a greater effect for higher level weapons
* NEW: Keyboard running stops for adjacent doors, corners, and corridors when moving cardinally
* NEW: Score sheet includes breakdown of bonus point sources
* MOD: Vastly reduced time cost of large volleys (fire 5-10 weapons in less time than originally required by 3!)
* MOD: Alert(Purge) effectiveness halved!
* MOD: Lrg./Hcp. Storage Unit mass increased, making them less weight efficient as an alternative to increasing their size
* MOD: Threat-priority targeting preference option's accuracy improved
* MOD: Tweaked resistances of some props, including special/locked doors
* MOD: Barriers (brighter walls) take half damage from all AOE effects
* MOD: EM damage to regular walls and doors halved; doubled against phasewalls
* MOD: AI no longer attacks disrupted or disabled robots
* MOD: Beamcasters (used by Derelict Thugs) have a new sound effect, and alternate faster animation
* MOD: Buffed Rocket Arrays and Scatter Rocket Arrays
* MOD: Allies wandering around your position will step on nearby known traps less often, when possible
* MOD: Non-combat robots no longer trigger responses from hidden doors
* MOD: K-01 Serfs no longer clean disabled machines
* MOD: Removed chance of standard doors with nothing on the other side once opened
* MOD: Allied Operator hacking bonus applies to all machines, not just terminals
* MOD: Allied Operator hacking bonus only given for those within 20 spaces (direct range, LOS not required)
* MOD: Minimum volley duration set at 100 time units, regardless of individual or cumulative weapon delay modifiers
* MOD: Storage Units immune to severing by slashing weapons
* MOD: Engineers rebuild damaged Sentry/Behemoth cubbies rather than fill them in
* MOD: Critical damage multiplier against armor reduced from x2.00 to x1.25
* MOD: Item selection for dropping due to inventory overflow is now random, rather than based on internal list order
* MOD: Auto-ascend option will pass stairs without ascending if auto-pathing to another destination via mouse
* MOD: Updated a couple manual and context help entries
* MOD: Increased bonus points for a win
* FIX: Stairs might rarely be found in narrow corridors [zxc]
* FIX: Propulsion batch cycling via ';' was overloading propulsion where applicable rather than deactivating it [zxc]
* FIX: Couldn't fly over inactive non-rewireable robots [zxc]
* FIX: Inactive robot encounter in Storage (and a similar more rare encounter) broken in Alpha 4; robots were becoming unpowered [MJWkr]
* FIX: Crash on attempting to mine beyond the edge of a map [MJWkr]
* FIX: Rare crash on entering Mines with cursor over map in which path locations from previous map are no longer valid [SquigglyJ]
* FIX: Rare crash when aiming at a target and unable to retrieve volley recoil data because a weapon was suddenly destroyed [karlnp, Enno]
* FIX: Swapping out of extended log or calc windows while readout sfx in progress continued looping until same sound played elsewhere [Star Weaver, zxc]
* FIX: Rare crash when system corruption triggers a trap against a robot which immediately evades the effects via thrusters
* FIX: Potential crash on some ambush traps releasing melee robots
* FIX: Allied Protector class robots were always appearing red in allies list, even when capable of carrying out their role
* FIX: Out-of-sight projectiles within audible range were playing at slightly louder volume than intended
* FIX: Automated output of squad enumeration hacks produced typos due to the Alpha 4 plurality improvements
* FIX: Scroll buttons for gallery and supporter pages stopped working (broken by Alpha 2's support for left-click exiting of modal windows)

(As usual, if you haven't already, remember to use the form linked in your original download email to provide the name you want to use in game. Attribution/names are added with each major release.)


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 5b)
« Reply #41 on: December 22, 2015, 07:00:16 AM »
Yet another minor version release :D

The aim of this one isn't fixes, however, which could've waited, but instead some cool new UI features:

This takes the auto-replace feature in Alpha 5 one step further, as pictured. Moreover, it also applies to simply picking up items--they'll now replace applicable items occupying a full inventory (following the same rules).

I was playing around with Alpha 5 making a few early improvements based on my experiences, and decided there was no reason to sit on such useful features until Alpha 6, so here they are!

The full Alpha 5c (0.10.151222) changelog:

* NEW: 5 new power sources
* NEW: Auto-replaced attached items that cannot be moved to the inventory (full) will use the same auto-replacement rules to attempt to displace an even worse third item (in inventory) if applicable
* NEW: Picking up items with full inventory attempts to auto-replace a worse item using same rules as attached part auto-replacement
* NEW: Powerful new Trojan hack (secret)
* MOD: Brawler/Behemoth class robots power sources changed
* FIX: New Alpha 5 bonus score system broke the win point formula [Decker]
* FIX: Score sheet combat kill streak count could exceed combined combat/non-combat value [zxc]
* FIX: Attempting to auto-replace with a multi-slot part wasn't fully blocked as intended, letting the action reach a half-completed state
* FIX: Auto-replacement mechanism ignores unidentified items for purposes of checking utility effect replacement priority

Note: Saves are not compatible, because I added some new items, but despite the changes, technically seeds are compatible across Alpha 5/5b/5c.


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 5c)
« Reply #42 on: January 12, 2016, 02:57:04 AM »
New article: An Alternative UI? - The history behind Cogmind's 4:3 UI, and considering whether and how to provide a separate layout for smaller screens.


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 5c)
« Reply #43 on: January 19, 2016, 02:43:22 AM »
Since the last release Cogmind has made a number of those Top Games of 2015/2016 lists that pop up around the turn of the year, keeping sales rolling along at a minimal pace, just enough to support perpetual development for now ;D.

Once again, my thanks goes out to everyone for your support, since you're all an important factor in making Cogmind the best it can be.

And with that I bring you ALPHA 6!

For the full release notes containing plenty more detail about the content and mechanics of this release, see here.

Alpha 6 (0.10.160119) changelog:

* NEW: Branch map "Archives"
* NEW: Branch map "Hub_04(d)"
* NEW: 1 major plot event
* NEW: 1 more story-related NPC encounter
* NEW: 3 new NPCs (unique robot classes)
* NEW: 1 new prototype robot
* NEW: 2 new weapons
* NEW: 2 new terminal records
* NEW: New Trojan hack (secret)
* NEW: Various additional sound effects (total now at 711)
* NEW: Fourth way to enable access to final lift to surface
* NEW: Removal/replacement of attached processors and hackware destroys them, with unique UI animation/sfx
* NEW: Destroy-on-removal parts marked with a dark colon in parts list
* NEW: Drag-dropping a destroy-on-removal part from the attached parts list shows in red rather than white, to indicate it will be destroyed
* NEW: Disarmed combat robots shown at half brightness
* NEW: All Field Recycling Units vastly improved with new behavior, acting as "vacuums" that convert salvage to matter over time
* NEW: HUD matter readout displays Field Recycling Unit scrap storage and distribution rate when applicable
* NEW: Interactive machines may be embedded in walls
* NEW: Firing weapons in non-reinforced environments may cause cave-ins, where the chance depends on the class of weapon
* NEW: Mouse players can left-click on a wall to enter fire mode (so that force-attacking can be achieved without the keyboard at all)
* NEW: Manual entry of hacking commands is case-insensitive (including both the command itself and any optional arguments)
* NEW: Schematics and analyses already obtained are grayed out when hacking terminals
* NEW: Flying Cogminds can force-attack (Ctrl-Shift) adjacent robots to ram them when unarmed, rather than flying overhead
* NEW: New font size, 8, enabling 640x480p UI (purely for fun, was easy to add)
* MOD: Many propulsion stat values reworked!
* MOD: Simplified propulsion mechanics and all known calculation oddities at very high speeds and overweight situations ironed out
* MOD: Ground-based propulsion (wheels/legs/treads) no longer slows with each additional module
* MOD: Airborne propulsion (hover/flight) no longer has a per-part limit on max speed (is type-based)
* MOD: As a side effect of propulsion changes, most hostiles slightly slower
* MOD: Wheels have an advantage now, but still suffer from low integrity
* MOD: Backup Propulsion I/III/VII nerfed
* MOD: Tread recoil dampening effect reduced to 1 per active tread slot
* MOD: Hunter-class Slayer/Assassin/Terminator variants' firepower reduced
* MOD: Reactive armors reduced in size; mass significantly increased to compensate
* MOD: Removed Fabricators from Materials floors
* MOD: Interactive machine placement weights use unique values for each machine, causing some to be more likely, or only, found in rooms
* MOD: Complex 0b10 rooms are slightly less likely to be empty
* MOD: Complex 0b10 contains more interactive machines, especially terminals, in Factory and Research floors
* MOD: Non-combat robots no longer allowed to spawn in hidden corridors used by combat robots
* MOD: Cave-ins caused by explosions are postponed for one or more turns after the explosion occurs, and are also more common
* MOD: Explosions, especially more powerful ones, are more likely to cause cave-ins
* MOD: "Go naked" command (Shift-Alt-q) switched to Shift-Alt-p, to avoid conflicts with non-Windows OS commands
* MOD: Removed item "durability" stat; all slots have equivalent coverage for purposes of determining impact damage location
* MOD: Removed system familiarity mechanic for both machine and robot hacking
* MOD: Removed Footprint Analyzers and System Mapper hackware
* MOD: Spectral Analyzer energy upkeep dropped to 0
* MOD: All processor mass dropped to 0 (44 parts including all interpreters, analyzers, targeting computers, etc.)
* MOD: All processor and hackware coverage dropped by 88%
* MOD: Better hackware is available earlier, and also more consistently from Operators
* MOD: Merged both offensive hackware types (strength/tunneling) into a single type, where base type = Hacking Suite
* MOD: Merged all three defensive hackware types (stealth/evasion/defense) into a single type (base type = System Shield)
* MOD: Condensed 20 hackware parts into a new set of 12
* MOD: Removed terminal trace reset mechanic, and terminals no longer immediately test detection/tracing on reconnect (only after hacking)
* MOD: Active terminal info shows trace progress instead of countdown
* MOD: Manual updated to reflect all changes to propulsion, hacking, hackware, processors
* MOD: Processors and hackware immune to rejection due to system corruption
* MOD: Repair Stations can no longer repair processors or hackware if already attached
* MOD: Manual hacking buffer removes earlier matching entries when a new command is entered (previously only removed consecutive entries)
* MOD: Removed upkeep for malfunction blockers (e.g. Error Protection Suite), instead having it consume 20 matter on effect (if available)
* MOD: Running via keyboard stops on stairs rather than ascending (regardless of auto-ascend setting)
* MOD: Line-of-fire color no longer considers friend/foe relationship, just pure obstruction
* MOD: Datajacks and Stasis Projectors no longer display projectile/hit data in info window (no meaning since based on special effects)
* MOD: Field Recycling Units reduced to 1 slot, are heavier, and have both active heat and energy requirements
* MOD: Particle Gun (G-47 Trooper armament) stats adjusted: shorter range, lower energy cost, higher heat, greater damage range
* MOD: Removed Hcp. Storage Units, and mass of Lrg. units increase to 16 (+2)
* MOD: Further improved effect of Launcher Guidance Computers
* MOD: Hostile Grunt, Sentry, Specialist, and Programmer variants have better heat management
* FIX: Crash when an assimilated Spotter explored to the edge of the known map [zill]
* FIX: Crash on simultaneously destroying an entire array of ambush traps [Decker]
* FIX: Signal Interpreter secondary effect description did not clearly indicate adjacency requirement for identifying exits [Sherlockkat]
* FIX: Repair Station failure to repair an attached part which was broken in the process was not reflected in parts list [MJWkr]
* FIX: Broken power sources continued contributing to energy storage capacity [greymedicine]
* FIX: Alert(Check)-reported security level suffix was always 'Z', not A~Z as intended (to reflect progression towards next alert status)
* FIX: Art for Imp. Fusion Compressor contained a few miscolored glyphs
* FIX: Multi-tile doors played opening sound for every move along/through them, if move commands entered slowly


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 6)
« Reply #44 on: February 02, 2016, 02:25:27 AM »
New article: Designing Cogmind’s World Map - Reviewing the design of Cogmind's world map, and related mechanics.