Author Topic: Cogmind (now at Beta 14)  (Read 257242 times)


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 2c)
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2015, 02:39:25 PM »
I put up a test page for the new high score system, a prototype for the tournament that will follow the next major release:

Already one player can consistently beat the game every time he plays! He takes the easier speed hacker approach, but full combat builds are getting closer and closer to winning...

This week there were also two hotfixes regarding features new to Alpha 2:

Alpha 2b (0.10.150720b) changelog:
* FIX: Item stat comparisons improperly aligned when involving one or more ground items [E.I.G.]

Alpha 2c (0.10.150726) changelog:
* FIX: Crash on ramming and destroying a robot before the collision warning indicator blink duration ended [Happylisk]
* FIX: Crash on running without an enabled audio device (now no such device required) [jimmijamjams]
* FIX: Manual map object labels left open before transitioning to a new floor would remain, pointing to nothing


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 2c)
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2015, 01:09:28 PM »
My copy of Alpha 2c thinks that Alpha 2b is the latest version of Cogmind.


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 2c)
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2015, 01:47:23 PM »
Thanks for letting me know. That was reported a few hours ago and I discovered that in my haste to release the 2c hotfix (only 45 min from bug report to release) I hadn't updated the server file that reports the version number :/

It should be working normally now.


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 3)
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2015, 01:56:57 AM »
Alpha 3 is here, and brings with it a completely new mechanic: Traps! You won't find so many in the early game, but by the time you start making your way through the Factory they'll present an interesting challenge and can even become useful tools as well.

Combined with the many balance tweaks and other changes, Alpha 3 will play somewhat differently than earlier versions. Below I've highlighted what I believe to be the most important features you need to know about, but it's probably a good idea to skim the whole list, anyway ;)

For a visual summary of a few of the new features, see here.

(As usual, if you haven't already, remember to use the form linked in your original download email to provide the name you want to use in game. Attribution/names are added with each major release.)

Notice: This month we will be holding a major tournament. You don't have to be the best (or even good) to win something, and there will be ongoing achievements and multiple leaderboards, so prepare for some semi-competitive fun :). Stay tuned for news on that.

The full Alpha 3 (0.10.150901) changelog:

* NEW: Traps!!! (including many ways to detect and handle them as well as use them against enemies)
* NEW: Auto-label system identifies discovered traps
* NEW: Multiple trap-related terminal hacking commands
* NEW: Maneuvering Thrusters give a chance to dodge triggered traps
* NEW: Structural Scanners have a chance to detect traps within field of view
* NEW: Allied Operators within 20 spaces of you identify hidden traps in your field of vision
* NEW: Active melee Datajacks can be used to reprogram known traps (bump them, as with robot rewiring)
* NEW: Hacking Suites and related (hacking strength) utilities provide a bonus to rewiring disrupted robots and reprogramming traps
* NEW: Dynamic Insulation Systems can prevent the effects of shock/surge traps
* NEW: Transmission Jammers block the signal sent out from alarm traps
* NEW: Stasis Cancellers reduce or nullify the effect of stasis traps
* NEW: Expanded manual with a new section about basic trap mechanics
* NEW: Trap-related score records
* NEW: "Special Map" (outside regular Complex 0b10, but not a normal branch)
* NEW: 6 new robots (mostly confined to special new area for now)
* NEW: 9 new weapons (mostly confined to special new area for now)
* NEW: 2 new armor types
* NEW: K-01 Serfs (Workers) in Factory dispose of disabled robots
* NEW: Part rejection caused by system corruption blocks move commands for 500ms
* NEW: Manual includes a section explaining "Advanced UI" display features
* NEW: Press Left/Right keys to switch topics in manual
* NEW: Enter/Up/Down keys all close context help window for stats
* NEW: Double click/press same inventory sort button/key to reverse the sorting order
* NEW: Options menu option descriptions also automatically shown in keyboard mode (on selection)
* NEW: Save files have their own versioning system, meaning games-in-progress can be compatible with small/hotfix releases
* NEW: Any Signal Interpreter can identify where adjacent exits lead
* NEW: Overheating robots have a chance to be destroyed by critical meltdown each turn
* NEW: Heat from volleys now averaged over each of the duration's turns rather than front-loaded
* NEW: Some terminal hacks increase in difficulty with each previous success on same floor (notably Purge Threat)
* NEW: Fabricators and Repair Stations play item drop sound effect when releasing items/containers
* NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 2 added to in-game list (see Credits menu)
* NEW: All item-attribution names registered since Alpha 2 added to the item collection gallery
* MOD: "Enemies/Allies" buttons renamed to "Hostile/Friendly", now also label known traps
* MOD: Direct "Local Emergency Access" terminal hack doesn't show unless there are applicable doors within range
* MOD: Direct "Purge Threat" terminal hack doesn't show unless there are threat records to purge
* MOD: Attempts to escape from a Stasis Beam take one full turn rather than basing on propulsion speed
* MOD: Attempts to escape from a Stasis Beam no longer incur resource costs
* MOD: Slightly reduced patrol sizes in upper half of main complex
* MOD: Reduced ally effect on security level by halving threat modifier
* MOD: Item labels for prototypes append rather than prepend rating asterisk, to match parts list info mode format
* MOD: Cannot swap places with disabled/inactive allies
* MOD: Manually seeded games always skip the tutorial map even if you haven't played it three times
* MOD: Map object labels on cursor hover blocked when status window open (same behavior as item info window)
* MOD: Map object labels on cursor hover no longer shown during attack animations
* MOD: Entering targeting mode clears all visible map labels
* MOD: Moving clears all manual map labels
* MOD: Part rejection caused by system corruption no longer possible unless standing on an open space, and never rejects storage utilities
* MOD: Reduced rate of map data loss due to system corruption
* MOD: A portion of individual randomly placed items more likely to be of higher rating
* MOD: Lowered by 33% the threshold beyond which less agressive AI-controlled robots (e.g. Grunts, Sentries) stop firing due to overheating
* MOD: Allied system corruptions split from general robot corruptions in score list
* MOD: All non-light power source integrity +50%
* MOD: All tread integrity +100%
* MOD: All leg integrity +50%
* MOD: All machine explosion damage +50%
* MOD: Replaced H-55 Commando's Hpw. Shotgun with Gauss Rifle
* MOD: Total heat shown in volley window reflects new heat distribution mechanic, displaying per-turn value rather than total
* MOD: AI patrols move in tighter groups
* MOD: Optimized AI to reduce realtime turn length
* FIX: Crash on pressing a letter corresponding to a previous hack during the machine hacking UI close animation [framweard]
* FIX: Maneuvering Thrusters and Reaction Control Systems always dropped chance to be hit to 10% [Mando]
* FIX: Pressing 'f' in mouse mode entered fire mode but would disregard auto-target settings if you'd clicked on any target to fire before [Happylisk]
* FIX: Crash on entering targeting mode while in mouse mode and last target had moved outside viewable map but remained within view of an allied drone
* FIX: Crash on pressing F4 to toggle the log before new/saved game finished loading
* FIX: Manual world seed wasn't properly applied when starting a fresh game (suicide-restart no longer required)
* FIX: Stasis Beam escape difficulty wasn't properly based on robot size as intended
* FIX: Enemy move time miscalculation (slow enemies will be much easier to lose now, fast ones much more difficult)
* FIX: Log message on knockback referenced "Cogmind" (inconsistent with other messages)
* FIX: Pressing a map object label key (1~4) while in mouse mode and cursor hovering over a labeled object blinked label rather than reloading all
* FIX: Game over screen would indicate a successful score upload even if the connection failed
* FIX: Score sheet kill streak records were inaccurate, and far beyond their actual number
* FIX: Score sheet "Sessions" count was counting each autosave as a new session


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 3c Tournament Edition)
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2015, 02:39:12 AM »
Here we have a few balance tweaks and trap-related improvements, in preparation for the Alpha Challenge 2015 event which should begin in about 24 hours assuming I can finish preparations today. The announcement will go out through all the usual channels, including the in-game news system.

(Note: From now until the event start, all score uploads will be ignored during the transition to the new leaderboards.)

The full Alpha 3c (0.10.150908) Tournament Edition changelog:

* NEW: Warning message and sound effect feedback before stepping on a known hostile trap
* NEW: 5 more metrics recorded on score sheet
* NEW: Added mention of accuracy cap (95%) and lower bound (10%) to the manual
* MOD: Robot meltdown frequency decreased significantly
* MOD: Slightly weakened effect of blade/segregator traps
* MOD: Blade/segregator traps ignore all storage/container parts
* MOD: Med./Lrg./Hcp. Storage Unit mass increased
* MOD: Programmer dispatch frequency varies less wildly
* MOD: Improved descriptions for Signal Interpreters, Terrain Scan Processors, ECM Suites
* FIX: Misdirection caused by system corruption failed to redirect (broken by Alpha 2) [Adraius]
* FIX: Unidentified prototypes in your inventory at the end of a run were listed as an ID'ed prototype [Adraius]
* FIX: Player names and manual world seeds including spaces weren't fully read from config file
* FIX: Armor Integrity Analyzers were only sometimes working as intended

Saves are not compatible with 3b.


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 3c Tournament Edition)
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2015, 02:30:41 AM »

Announcing Alpha Challenge 2015!

THE Cogmind Alpha event has begun--leaderboards, achievements, prizes! (And no, you don't have to be great, or even good, to win something--but it helps :P)


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 3c Tournament Edition)
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2015, 04:03:04 AM »
Alpha Challenge 2015 is now complete! Congratulations to all :D

Final results:

Prize list:


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 3c Tournament Edition)
« Reply #22 on: October 01, 2015, 03:11:36 AM »
Just published a 7,500-word mega post featuring 31 graphs analyzing the recent tournament results:


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 3c Tournament Edition)
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2015, 02:40:33 AM »
Latest blog post, exploring the contents of morgue files in Cogmind and other roguelikes (DCSS/DoomRL/Angband/ADOM), along with similar meta-features that could or already do exist:


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 3c Tournament Edition)
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2015, 01:37:19 PM »
Alpha 4 lands next week. The original plan was for a content-heavy release this time, but development ended up taking an interesting detour through mechanics land, so instead we have a half-and-half content/mechanics release. The latter refers to new mechanics, not tweaked old mechanics (though there's some of that, too). Some of the new content suggested a number of mechanics that would add interesting strategic options, the best course of action being to add these immediately rather than overextending the content. After the release I'll be publishing a series of dev blog articles about the design behind these new features. I think you'll like some of the new strategic options :)

Below is a collection of some of the more showable features:

The Garrison Access, a brand new type of machine:

Packrat support in the form of page-wise scrolling for the inventory UI (Ctrl-[/], or Ctrl-Wheel for mouse users):

Machines have their own info window--examine them as you would any other object:

A fifth visualization mode for the parts/inventory list, Relative Heat:

Activated by pressing 'e' again (the energy view command) or clicking on the respective button. Orange for generation, yellow for dissipation, gray for inactive. This makes it easier to quickly determine what's causing your heat problems, or what's doing the best job of solving them :)

"Unauthorized hacks," divided into two classes: brute forcing, and Trojans. The latter allow you to install delayed or persistent effects like creating a bot net by linking multiple Terminals.

Or infect explosive machines to turn them into massive proximity bombs 8)

There is also a brand new type of map, quite unlike the rest of the world, which while it is very showable, I don't want to spoil it for you. (All the juicy details will be coming later in a spoiler-filled blog post, but I'll let you check it out on your own first.)


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 3c Tournament Edition)
« Reply #25 on: October 30, 2015, 07:53:37 PM »
I'm on a roll this week, burning through anything easy on the near-term TODO list, including some requests both old and new. So here are yet more upcoming features I've recorded to give you a preview :)

Part rejection is now animated:

(plus there's a sound effect and the movement block has been extended from 500ms to 1 second, so you're much less likely to walk away from a suddenly rejected part)

When manually Schematic()/Analysis() hacking, enter just the robot class name to automatically hack the best variant available:

No more need to remember specific designations (unless you're intentionally trying for an older model because they're easier to hack).

You can now "go naked" as a free action with a single command that simultaneously "releases" all your attached parts (requires confirmation):

Perfect for that quick getaway.

A command for keyboard players to cycle between different forms of propulsion, and activate/deactivate all of them at once:

(I'm holding down the button at the end there for fun :P)

Also a command to toggle all weapons on/off:


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 3c Tournament Edition)
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2015, 02:24:29 AM »
Alpha 4 is now the latest and greatest Cogmind! We have an entirely new type of map accessible from many locations in the world, and, unexpectedly, a lot of new mechanics!

A portion of the new mechanics and content are actually secrets, some of which cannot yet be easily discovered (but will be easier in the future via relevant lore/story/NPC interaction). I will be publishing a series of dev blog posts throughout November detailing (read: completely spoiling) these mechanics and content, which you can read if you don't mind spoilers. There are also hints to some of them in images I've shown around lately. And I may occasionally drop some answers here on the forums, our subreddit, or Twitter if the opportunity strikes :D

Regardless, even if you don't immediately discover a lot of what's new (except of course all the nice usability features explicitly listed in the changelog =p), to an extent the world will likely "feel different" now. In terms of gameplay, overall you'll find the enemy is a good bit more responsive to your actions since they can often reinforce/investigate from closer by, especially once you reach the Factory. This doesn't necessarily imply a greater absolute difficulty, just slightly more transparent strategic and tactical decisions. I playtested several times yesterday and had a blast, especially when it came to factoring in some of the new mechanics (EM spectrums are quite interesting...).

On the usability/user data side, note that your existing manual hacking buffer will be converted to a new format, and external text file. You'll see this file appear after your first game, containing any manual hacking commands you've used before. Feel free to update it yourself in a text editor as necessary (most recent commands at the bottom).

For a visual summary of a few of the new features, see here.

(As usual, if you haven't already, remember to use the form linked in your original download email to provide the name you want to use in game. Attribution/names are added with each major release.)

The full Alpha 4 (0.10.151103) changelog:

* NEW: Garrison Access points, hackable entryways used by the central AI to dispatch squads
* NEW: "Special Map" (outside regular Complex 0b10, but not a normal branch)
* NEW: 8 Trojans, a new category of unlisted unauthorized hacks that offer delayed or persistent benefits
* NEW: 3 brute force hacks, a new category of unlisted unauthorized hacks that permanently disable a machine for some greater benefit
* NEW: "Index(Garrisons)" terminal hack
* NEW: 4 new terminal records
* NEW: Phase Walls, a new form of hidden door (only found in one map)
* NEW: Lots more sound effects to go with new content
* NEW: Electromagnetic weapons have a "spectrum," capable of coupling with power sources and causing them to explode
* NEW: Part/inventory data visualization now includes heat mode (toggle via energy 'e' command/button)
* NEW: Inspect machines in sight via their own info window (RMB/d, as with other objects)
* NEW: Structural Scanners give extra info about machines via info window
* NEW: Any Signal Interpreter can decipher garrison signals to report time until future response squads from that garrison
* NEW: Score sheet records 52 more stats (total: 390)
* NEW: Speed wins receive bonus to final score ([5000 - #turns] * 3)
* NEW: Some non-machine props have unique messages when partially destroyed, rather than all indicating "X disabled"
* NEW: Unique sound effects for destruction of heavy doors and storage shells
* NEW: Robot states "DORMANT", "UNPOWERED"
* NEW: Sensor scrambling mechanic
* NEW: Dropping/swapping containers always retains surplus resources (energy/matter) however possible
* NEW: Move over loaded containers to extract their resources automatically, either to main stores or applicable containers in inventory
* NEW: Resources can be collected/extracted while stationary over a source
* NEW: Flying robots under the effect of a Stasis Beam/Projector lose their 10% bonus to dodge
* NEW: Overweight flying robots lose their 10% bonus to dodge (your HUD overweight indicator will appear red)
* NEW: At death, robots affected by corruption have a chance for otherwise salvageable sensitive components to be fried ([corruption - base part integrity]% chance)
* NEW: For Cogmind, only parts at less than 50% integrity susceptible to critical strikes (excludes armor, which always takes double damage)
* NEW: Storage Units immune to Saboteur attacks and critical strike instant destruction effect
* NEW: Part rejection due to corruption is animated in your parts list, with sound effect
* NEW: Where removing a Storage Unit will auto-drop excess inventory items, confirmation is required (repeat the command)
* NEW: Instantly release all attached parts to "go naked," a free action (Shift-Alt-q)
* NEW: Keyboard players can direct-drop an attached item, bypassing even an empty inventory, by first pressing ','
* NEW: Cycle through all propulsion modes at the press of a key ( ; )
* NEW: Toggle all weapons on/off with a single key ( ' )
* NEW: Press 'd' to open info for item at current location (even in mouse mode)
* NEW: Both scan window and map labels display container contents, if any
* NEW: Scan window automatically updates integrity indicator color for old robot/item scans
* NEW: Robot Schematic()/Analysis() manual hacks can simply indicate robot class to auto-select best available (e.g. "Schematic(Swarmer)")
* NEW: Manual hacking buffer contents stored in readable format (/user/buffer.txt), which you can ignore or edit as necessary
* NEW: Options menu option descriptions also automatically shown in keyboard mode (on selection)
* NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 3 added to in-game list (see Credits menu)
* NEW: All item-attribution names registered since Alpha 3 added to the item collection gallery
* MOD: Security levels rise faster, but assault force dispatch frequency reduced
* MOD: Investigation and reinforcement squad response times significantly reduced
* MOD: Ambush traps cap melee robot count, attempt to put them further from the trigger position where possible
* MOD: Propulsion energy cost visualization in parts/inventory list shown based on cost per full turn, based on speed
* MOD: Machines 50% less resistant to electromagnetic explosions
* MOD: Blast/heavy doors +35% resistance to explosives
* MOD: Rooms (not Storage Shells) in Storage now contain sets of parts akin to stockpiles, rather than numerous disparate parts
* MOD: Engineers rebuilding walls/doors push blocking items out of the way rather than destroying them
* MOD: Improved clarity of context help for robot damage resistances in info window
* MOD: Reversed green/red coloring of damage resistance bars for robots
* MOD: Behemoths equipped with Dynamic Insulation Systems
* MOD: Tweaked damage against Programmers: TH = 125% (+25), EX = 75% (-25), EM = 25% (-25), (KI unchanged at 125%)
* MOD: Robots killed via corruption (EM) or meltdowns now count towards score, and increase presence accordingly
* MOD: Terminal damage from EM +50%
* MOD: Terminal hacks inapplicable due to no valid targets now shown, but grayed out (includes Emergency Access, Purges, all Trap hacks)
* MOD: "Index(Fabricators)" terminal hack 10% easier
* MOD: Fabricators no longer produce faulty prototypes
* MOD: Part rejection due to corruption blocks movement for 1000ms rather than 500ms
* MOD: System corruption effect on machine/robot hacking chance reduced by 66%
* MOD: Misfires due to corruption don't affect your weapons' active/inactive state (but does reset any OVERLOAD settings)
* MOD: Storage Unit removal behavior consistent in all situations--detachment allowed regardless of kb/mouse mode and inventory size
* MOD: Info window identifies permanently broken robots as "BROKEN" rather than the all-encompassing "DISABLED"
* MOD: Improved robot meltdown mechanics, and hostiles will no longer meltdown on their own
* MOD: Ctrl-[/] (or Ctrl-Wheel) scrolls inventory by page, rather than to beginning/end
* MOD: Removed Undo Drop command (Shift-Alt-d)
* FIX: Parts affected by hacking feedback and failed repairs/Scanalyzer analysis were only partially disabled [zxc, Draco18s]
* FIX: "Inventory(Prototypes)" manual hack was being parsed as "Prototypes" [fernsauce]
* FIX: Could get double item labels if opening manual labels before auto-label took effect [Adraius, bluemoo]
* FIX: Main access points could rarely appear in narrow corridors, even hidden corridors [zxc]
* FIX: Score sheet "Keyboard" value was inverted [zxc]
* FIX: Allied Operator hacking bonus was giving +0 rather than +1 per Operator after the fourth
* FIX: Dynamic Insulation System calculations were providing 20~33% greater benefit than intended
* FIX: Typo in successful Scanalyze hack output when simultaneously identifying a prototype
* FIX: Many hack results weren't reporting nouns in singular form if only one found
* FIX: "Access(Main)" terminal hack was reporting current map name as destination
* FIX: Item comparison window one line short when displaying Datajack vs. Remote Datajack
* FIX: Derelict ambush trap encounter dialogue never triggered
* FIX: Inactive Watchers were still able to jam sensors
* FIX: Non-penetrating AOE projectiles that impacted a multi-cell door were using the door itself as the explosion origin (now outside)
* FIX: Door open/close sound effects played in more instances than they should while robots passed through
* FIX: Explosions out of sight but within audible range were playing their sound effects twice, simultaneously
* FIX: Standing within range of two or more unique ambient sound sources while one is disabled could stop playing the wrong one
* FIX: Closing the help/commands/game menu while in range of an ambient sound source didn't resume playing the sounds


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 4)
« Reply #27 on: November 04, 2015, 03:48:35 AM »
New design-oriented blog post: Garrison Access--the reasons behind the addition of this new machine, what it's capable of, and other related mechanics. Also, a new machine info window!


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 4)
« Reply #28 on: November 09, 2015, 03:42:34 PM »
Well, we didn't quite make it straight from Alpha 4 to 5 after all :P

An oversight regarding the mid-game garrison access points was causing a lot more chaos than intended--I thought I'd applied the proper restrictions to certain special scenarios, but, um, apparently I didn't. So that is now fixed and those should be sufficiently rare. Thank you for complaining about the chaos, zxc! ;)

In other interesting developments... there has apparently been a rather serious oversight in the combat calculations. The accuracy bonus for remaining stationary was working for all robots except Cogmind :-[.

This has apparently been the case since the very first version of the game (all the way back to the 2012 7DRL prototype!), so I'm surprised it's gone undiscovered until now. It's pretty obvious when you follow the full detail combat log and watch the hit chance breakdown. Thanks to @macklemurr for pointing it out.

Basically you're going to get a +10% accuracy bonus to most of your shots from now on. I now expect at least 10% more ownage out of you all!

The full Alpha 4b (0.10.151109) changelog:
* MOD: Stasis traps completely removed from Materials floors
* FIX: Failed to apply rarity limits to special scenarios surrounding mid-game garrison access machines [zxc]
* FIX: +10% to Cogmind's (not hostiles') accuracy while stationary was never applied [@macklemurr]

For the latest primary changelog regarding all the latest Alpha 4 features, see the previous announcement.

4b saves are compatible with Alpha 4, if you have a game in progress (which will benefit from the new changes if continuing the game under the new version).


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Re: Cogmind (now at Alpha 4b)
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2015, 02:23:55 AM »
New Article: Where garrisons fit in the world structure, with a detailed review of their layout, inhabitants, and a slew of new mechanics.