Author Topic: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 19.0)  (Read 163273 times)


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
« Reply #60 on: September 06, 2015, 05:10:47 PM »
And observation that enemies cannot act unless notice player is true?
Seems to be trigger - when player appears in enemy FOV first time.

The AI is in general as following:
- Sees player
    - Registers player's location into its memory
    - Does whatever attack it should do
- Doesn't see player
    - If has seen player but doesn't see currently
         - Go toward the location it last saw player
    - Else wanders around     

Is possible to sell equipped, cursed items. I think this is not intentional

Definitely not intended.

Colouring nutrition messages. If I see red colour, I treat it as warning. And when I see warning that 'you are feeling not hungry' this is a bit odd. You know, as 'oh man, it's, terrible, you are not hungry!'.
What do you think about colouring neutral food messages (from bloated to not hungry) on, for example, grey colour, and lower levels ( < not hungry) on red?

Definitely doable., especially the coloring.

The current list of fixed stuff is

Code: [Select]
* Fixed being able to enter some locations through the map coordinates without having the location known
* Song of Piercing Pain no longer damages the player
- Undetected traps are no longer drawn on top of closed doors
- Prevented the exploit with multiple poisoned weapons with Rogue
- Added missing location names in the death screen and in the old UI
- Fixed ASCII trees
- Houses in Westerfall are locked as they should
- Fixed pathfinding bug in the Throne Room
- Familiar had wrong death function, it could drop weapons previously
- Added Westerfall as a possible destination in deity's dialogues
- Fixed the order of attribute texts in level-up screen to match the order of choices


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
« Reply #61 on: September 06, 2015, 08:56:26 PM »
New things. Seem that when there is more than one corpse in tile, they 'pass through' each other. So, in my case, there was two corpses in one tile - dark one warrior (red) and dark one stalker (dark red). Every turn displayed corpse was changed. It looks like blinking red colour ;)
It affects text returned by look command - once 'remains of dark one stalker' are above 'remains of dark one warrior', once conversely.

Information about expired skill. For example, I activate 'overpower' (50 turns) and start 'R'esting for >50 turn. After rest, info that overpower expires are not shown. I have to take a turn to 'activate' this message.

I was very surprised when I saw that traps can be spawn at/under stairs :D

Are you planning make more complex pick-up system? If I have less free slots in inventory than a number of items on one tile, and want only one - which is on bottom of pile of junk - I have to drop items, get all stuff from floor, drop unwanted items and grab previously dropped items. Boooring ;)

'?' symbol in mayor of Laketown is displayed in wronga place. It's not directly above mayor, but two tiles to right.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2015, 09:11:17 PM by Avagart »


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
« Reply #62 on: September 06, 2015, 09:22:02 PM »
New things. Seem that when there is more than one corpse in tile, they 'pass through' each other. So, in my case, there was two corpses in one tile - dark one warrior (red) and dark one stalker (dark red). Every turn displayed corpse was changed. It looks like blinking red colour ;)
It affects text returned by look command - once 'remains of dark one stalker' are above 'remains of dark one warrior', once conversely.

This is something I need to look into, I know where the bug comes from but I have to think about how to fix it, I've never seen it yet because I do all the development with tiles enabled. It is related to making sure the corpses are at the bottom of the tiles if there are multiple objects at the same tile. It then accidentally rotates the tiles making one on the top and the other on the bottom and then again.

Information about expired skill. For example, I activate 'overpower' (50 turns) and start 'R'esting for >50 turn. After rest, info that overpower expires are not shown. I have to take a turn to 'activate' this message.

This is just something related to at which point the messages are printed. Talents expire at the beginning of turn, so it's whole 50 turns and then on the 51st turn and at the beginning it deactivates. It is awkward though, I should rewrite the whole resting mechanics to fix it.

Are you planning make more complex pick-up system? If I have less free slots in inventory than a number of items on one tile, and want only one - which is on bottom of pile of junk - I have to drop items, get all stuff from floor, drop unwanted items and grab previously dropped items. Boooring ;)

Hmm, I could definitely do this, a menu for picking if there are more items on the ground at the same tile.

'?' symbol in mayor of Laketown is displayed in wronga place. It's not directly above mayor, but two tiles to right.

Thanks and it's fixed now.


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
« Reply #63 on: September 06, 2015, 10:45:37 PM »
Good to know :)

Unfortunately, I found major bug, which stopped my game. I was in wolf cave, for 'very special rabbit'. I was trying catch the rabbit (and this small tease bite/scratch me) several times. Suddenly rabbit disappears. IIRC he bites me, but after this doesn't appears on another tile. I checked under wolves corpses, I checked my inventory and equipment - nope, rabbit is not here. Now, I cannot leave the cave, because "You cannot leave the area without necessary items.'

« Last Edit: September 06, 2015, 11:01:23 PM by Avagart »


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
« Reply #64 on: September 06, 2015, 10:55:32 PM »
Good to know :)

Unfortunately, I found major bug, which stopped my game. I was in wolf cave, for 'very special rabbit'. I was trying catch the rabbit (and this small tease bite/scratch me) several times. Suddenly rabbit disappears. IIRC he bites me, but after this doesn't appears on another tile. I checked under wolves corpses, I checked my inventory and equipment - nope, rabbit is not here. Now, I cannot leave the cave, because "You cannot leave the area without necessary items.'


#*$#@. I guess it ran outside the map somehow. I can propably fix the save though.


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
« Reply #65 on: September 06, 2015, 11:02:51 PM »
Ok, there is very strange. In first time, before loading game, I cannot leave area. Only mentioned text was displayed. After loading game, when I tried leave area, screen became dark (as always when player changes location), game was saved and only after that - message "You cannot leave the area" are displayed. And rabbit has been spawned again.

Is possible that whole level, including rabbit, is drawn again when loading?

I guess it ran outside the map somehow.
I don't think so. Rabbit always re-appears on tile adjacent to player, and I stood near centre of chamber.
It is possible that rabbit appears under corpse, but I'm sure I checked every corpse-tile...

edit: Ok, another bug. There is man who want the mooshrooms. I had this quest, but I didn't remember that this '@' is this man ;) I started conversation with him, and he ask me, if I have mooshroom. I replied that not yet. Screen backs to the city and '?' symbol disappears. When I try to talk with this man again, game crashes.
Code: [Select]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 76452, in <module>
  File "", line 76313, in main_menu
  File "", line 75766, in load_menu
  File "", line 75689, in play_game
  File "", line 40511, in handle_keys
  File "", line 9662, in wizard
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
« Last Edit: September 07, 2015, 12:16:54 AM by Avagart »


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
« Reply #66 on: September 07, 2015, 04:54:37 AM »
The screen flash actually triggers before it checks if there are any quest items on the ground. I have to change it. It's extremely weird the rabbit spawns or appears again then because it doesn't load anything at that point.

The mushroom guy thing is a bug and I've found the fix for it. It's unfixable though currently in the current release and the only way it can be fixed in your save is that if I edit it.

Edit: you can actually compensate the quest reward for the mushroom quest by giving yourself a level up through cheats and then forget about the mushrooms. Or I'll fix the missing quest flag that is giving problems. You can PM me for that.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2015, 05:16:45 AM by Aukustus »


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
« Reply #67 on: September 07, 2015, 12:20:53 PM »
Bless you for saving game when player changes location :) I loaded game before I lost mushroom quest, then I went to caves, get mushrooms, kill Cuvern, back to Westerfall and finish quest.

How can I check time of day? I know that this affects tone of colours, but this effect is not visible on World Map. Maybe making it visible on wilderness would be good idea? Or provide more detailed info in UI or as message (under a specific key?).
« Last Edit: September 07, 2015, 01:44:22 PM by Avagart »


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
« Reply #68 on: September 07, 2015, 01:19:29 PM »
Bless you for saving game when player changes location :) I loaded game before I lost mushroom quest, then I went to caves, get mushrooms, kill Cuvern, back to Westerfall and finish quest.

How can I check time of day? I know that this affects tone of colours, but this effect is not visible on World Map. Maybe making it visible on wilderness would be good idea? Or provide more detailed info in UI or as message (under a specific key?).

Journal menu displays it. It's not visible in the wilderness as it's a map actually.


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
« Reply #69 on: September 07, 2015, 01:48:54 PM »
Thanks :)

Eh, my fighter is dead :( There is no time/other limit of being poisoned? I was healthy fighter, and snake poison me. I though this problem gone after some time, but no. I used potion of rejuvenation and three potions of healing over time, but this didn't help.

However, game became too easy. Very early game - with first levels of temple, with bandit's lair - is moderately difficult. Then there is sudden increase of difficult - Crypt can be hard, sometimes I have to use healing potions. Unfortunely, later game is very easy. I passed caves without healing, without risk. And every special location is without danger - Curvin is weak, hydra is weak, headhunter is weak, and so on. Only ruins are a bit harder, but boss of Ancient Temple is lame :P
Fights with headhunter or Zidir's deamon should be difficult, but... Just nope.

Next problem is balance of weapons. At the beginning I obtained Needle - guarantee artifact. Until the Blaid I didn't found ANY better weapon. One item was more interesting than others - magical halaberd +1STR.

Next thoughts... Rubonite walls are too garish, too bright. I know, 'rubonite', so 'ruby', so red colour, but I feels that I should *search* for rubonite veins.
When player meets with Zidir on crossroads, more logical will be make 'stairs' on road, not in forest. It's more probable if player will be walk by road, not forest-near-road.
If I stand near two persons, game decide which whom I will talk. Would be nice if player can choose target of talk. Or simply move Zidir a little further from bartender ;)

What's about Hodir's quest? I was in mid-late game, though, and I didn't find fragments which Hodirs want.

Magical Plate Armor of Life  [+25 AC, +5 MP]. Life suffix suggests that this armour gives bonus for HP, not MP.

At the end: there is problem with corpses outside FOV. When monster stand on it, corpse are not displayed, so we can 'track' enemies. I don't know if it affects other objects.


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
« Reply #70 on: September 07, 2015, 02:42:46 PM »
This is some very good feedback.

The power curve is a lot off it seems. Balancing is the hardest part. I've designed special locations to be a little weaker than the dungeon section that unlocks it. Cavern is easy because of the algorithm can place multiple monsters next to you. Far more than other areas do, when it doesn't place  it's very easy.

Poison is infinite at this point. Hodir stuff is only found inside Hell. The armor is a typo. It does give mana but displays still "of Life".

Corpses outside FOV should display even though a monster is on top. I have to check it. If monsters are on top of an item it works.

Item progression is quite bad. I have to balance it somehow.

Do you think you hit too often or do the monsters not have enough hit points?
« Last Edit: September 07, 2015, 03:07:01 PM by Aukustus »


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
« Reply #71 on: September 07, 2015, 03:44:32 PM »
The power curve is a lot off it seems. Balancing is the hardest part. I've designed special locations to be a little weaker than the dungeon section that unlocks it. Cavern is easy because of the algorithm can place multiple monsters next to you. Far more than other areas do, when it doesn't place  it's very easy.
Seems that power of player progress much faster than danger of places. Don't know how about other classes. I'm pretty sure that bosses needs buff.

Poison is infinite at this point.
So bad. Player without potion of cure poison are dead already.

The armor is a typo. I believe it gives HP still even though it says MP.
No. I checked it earlier and this armour gives MP.

Corpses outside FOV should display even though a monster is on top. I have to check it. If monsters are on top of an item it works.
I can be more specific - even if it seems to be 'global' effect. I was in Ruins, corpse was blue (not light blue), and enemy was blue (sorry, I don't remember their names :( )

Do you think you hit too often or do the monsters not have enough hit points?
This is not a problem. Fights are well-balanced - sometimes easy, sometimes harder. The source of ease is something else.
I can rest until healed always, after every fight. Strengh of enemy is less important. One can almost kill me, for example, I can have 10/100HP. Seems dangerous? Nope. I can simply press 'R' and spend 900 turns for healing. No one bothers me.* Also food is not a problem for healing time - maybe on World Map food consumption is too high, but in locations/dungeons is a bit too low.
So, you know. Balance of combat is good, but what's hard, if I can rest until healed after every fight?

*I don't know why. In caverns type dungeon in Temple I didn't need to rest, and in caverns in special levels (Ankheg, Old Mine, etc.) enemies are spawn widely. So I don't know... Maybe monsters cannot walk around while PC is resting. Maybe monsters are not able to pass closed (not locked) doors. Anyway, I never spot any monster while resting.

Bosses definitely needs more HP and maybe better attack, but that was mentioned at the beginning of this post.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2015, 03:48:51 PM by Avagart »


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
« Reply #72 on: September 07, 2015, 03:48:54 PM »
Maybe monsters cannot walk around while PC is resting. Maybe monsters are not able to pass closed (not locked) doors. Anyway, I never spot any monster while resting.

They do walk, but slowly. I have a new pathfinding system in my development version which allows monsters to walk around the dungeons. Also open doors. Then they can more likely chance upon player while resting.

A long time ago I toyed with the idea of having a random chance for a monster to spawn when player rests. Perhaps that would be a good idea.


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
« Reply #73 on: September 12, 2015, 04:26:38 PM »
Stable 7.0 Released!

Code: [Select]
- Rewritten rendering, 2x sized tiles, scrolling maps
- Difficulty settings
- Greatly improved monster AI
- 3 Party members
- Summoning spells
- Smart item picking
- Balancing, mainly harder end-game

-----Full log:-----
Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Fixed crash with Ulf'thad's mushroom quest
* Fixed being able to sell cursed and equipped items
* Fixed being able to enter some locations through the map coordinates without having the location known
* Song of Piercing Pain no longer damages the player
- The Rabbit can no longer disappear behind a wolf corpse
- Undetected traps are no longer drawn on top of closed doors
- Prevented the exploit with multiple poisoned weapons with Rogue
- Added missing location names in the death screen and in the old UI
- Fixed ASCII trees
- Houses in Westerfall are locked as they should
- Fixed pathfinding bug in the Throne Room
- Familiar had wrong death function, it could drop weapons previously
- Added Westerfall as a possible destination in deity's dialogues
- Fixed the order of attribute texts in level-up screen to match the order of choices
- Updated some texts that talked of the king being a mayor or some village names were wrong
- Some random minor fixes

* Added 3 difficulty settings
* Whole rendering engine rewritten to use 2x sized tiles
* Scrolling maps; With mouse enabled: edge scrolling, with mouse disabled: centered on the player
* Hunger messages are colored based on severity
* Added concept of party members: they aid players in combat, and are also perma-deathed
* Ability to select which item to pick up from a stack of items
* Many of the journal entries are slightly improved

Players, talents, spells, such
* Changed the outdoor FOV to be 7 tiles instead of 15 tiles to make it fit the new screen vertically
* Poisoning changed: there's a 10% chance each turn for the immune system to cure the poison
* New Divine Spell: Summon Deva
* New Arcane Spell: Summon Golem
* New Demonic Spell: Summon Daemon
* New Druidic Spell: Summon Treant
* Monks cannot pick weapon proficiency any more

- Marwal renamed to Summerdale

* Muskets are now generally less accurate
* Lowered the price of food, light sources and tools
* Doubled the chance of finding unique loot
* New Item: Divine Book of Summon Deva
* New Item: Arcane Book of Summon Golem
* New Item: Demonic Book of Summon Daemon
* New Item: Druidic Book of Summon Treant
* Lowered AC of all armors other than leather armor

* Monster AI updated: uses A* pathfinding, can use doors, no longer tied into player's field of vision
* General balancing


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Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.0)
« Reply #74 on: September 12, 2015, 08:30:45 PM »
Congrats on another meaty release!   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training