Just downloaded the newest version. How in the hell do I pick things up? I'm sure it used to be , but I've just tried every key on my keyboard (I think) including accidentally praying and I just can't pick up items. Also, no help text? No keybindings? 
Edit: Ok, the help is on the title screen. Enter to pick things up? That really needs to be clearer, since it's a non-standard key for the genre. You also really, really need to have the help text available in-game. Having to exit to the title screen to look up keybindings is ridiculous.
Still, it's good to see the game progressing. 
I simplified stuff to make every action usable with Enter. I kind of disagree with having each key on keyboard used.
Do you think having help menu binded to '?' would do the trick?
Edit: Thing is, I'm really open to suggestions, but it's I'm not getting any. There probably are a lot of stuff broken or whatever unintuitive but feedback like yours helps me out.
It's fine to have unorthodox controls, and I agree with cutting out all the overwhelming different keys, but when a genre has certain 'standard' controls, you need an easily accessible help text if yours are different. It's like if a first person shooter used the mouse to walk around and WASD to aim - you'd expect the game to say so somewhere because it's so unusual. By all means use enter if you wish, but have a help text right there in the game. Using ? is standard for roguelikes, of course, but some games use h (for 'help') or just offer controls as an option in the Esc menu.
As to the decision to use Enter, to my mind it's a little odd. Think about how a player's hands sit on the keyboard. If movement is with numpad, then the right hand will be over there on the numpad. Enter is also on the right hand side of the keyboard. No one naturally sits with both hands on the right hand side, so it feels a little awkward. To hit Enter with my left hand, I have to swing my left arm right across my body. Bleh! To my mind, it makes more sense to have everything except movement set over to the left, so it can comfortably be used with the left hand. My suggestion for a general 'use' key would be Space. Large button, prominently positioned, easy to reach with the left hand.
While we're on the topic of usability, the shop menus are a little awkward. You buy an item and get booted right back to the beginning dialogue again, which means if you want to buy, say, 3 health potions, you have far too many key presses because you're going through the "I want to buy something" etc dialogue from the beginning for every single one of those potions.
All of this is just my opinion, of course. I can speak for no one but myself.