Hmm, I've never heard of TileRogue before. It seems as though it should be functionally the same game as the original Rogue.
Amiga, Atari ST, and Mac Rogue all use tiles, and C64, Amstrad and Spectrum versions also. Actually it's only PC version that doesn't. Laziness? Inability? Go figure! In my opinion Mac rogue is by far the best version of the game.
Here, try it out: hold windows (apple) key to identify what's under mouse pointer
- to throw something drag it on the map from the inventory window
- to zap a wand drag it on the map while holding shift
- use ctrl-f to switch to full screen or ctrl-m to double the window size
I actually just started working the other day on elwin's Rogue 5.4.5 to look and play like Mac version, except for inventory which will work more like Atari ST version. I believe these changes will make the game at least 100x more playable and attractive for new people to try out. -- I have no idea how to make it work through ssh, Elwin let me know if you have time to help make that possible.