yes, there are still bugs in various versions. i've tried to debug some of the things found in mine (5.4.4), but the code is not easy to read or trace at times... i've run into some bugs recently that i've given up on finding for now (too little time until the gardening season is over).
i am working on rogomatic code too so that gives me insight into some things when i read one and then the other...
as for cursed items and equipping before reading uncurse scroll, you can only use one weapon and one armor and two rings so that limits your uncurse to four items. when you uncurse the item does not go to zero, it's still bad armor, but the uncurse lets you take it off to get into something better. the whole curse thing is that you get stuck with something that is glued to you and you are forced to cope with it.
my armor strategy is to wear the best i have until i get up to where the aquators are at, and then switch to the second best armor or leather armor (which is better than nothing) then when i get a chance to check scrolls i put the best armor back on and read them hoping to find a protect armor or enchant armor.
the mysterious trap is purely annoyance IMO, i don't see it doing much of anything for damage. i think it was put in to annoy the rogomatic coders as some other changes seem to be geared towards that too (make it harder to know what is going on because there may not be a message in reaction to reading a scroll or zapping). my own answer to this was to go and add more messages for those cases in rogue so that rogomatic could know what was going on. source code...

strange mist is just a sleep trap, it holds you in place for a bit. hope you aren't being chased by a difficult monster at that time and really low on HP.
the various messages (cry of despair) usually mean something, but in some versions they can mean more than one thing, which is frustrating. i've changed the version i mess with to make all messages unique, so that if you see it you know what it means. otherwise it's just too hard to keep track of all the things going on in rogomatic if the messages might mean one thing or another and you have to wait to be sure (or get an identify scroll)...
potion of healing should cure blindness and potion of extra healing. some versions will give you a one point HP bump if you quaff an extra healing potion when at max HP already.
as for your glitch, i'm wondering if you hit the Q instead of the q (Q is quit and some versions won't ask you if you want to quit for sure)? well anyways, yes, crashes and strange stuff do happen. hard to replicate some bugs.