I played the game with Wine on Linux, so my experience may be different from native Windows execution.
The program probably could not make the window large enough, so the window turned out to be somewhat compressed vertically, and all the graphics, including the font were compressed too, see the screenshot:
http://i.imgur.com/Q5biXqE.pngI liked the nice font in your screenshots actually, but I can live with the messed up font, not a big deal. I played a bit, collected some monsters, got to the second tower.
Then, I decided to switch to the fullscreen mode (by pressing F11), and after switching to the fullscreen mode the program could not get the right resolution, and switched to the worst possible, 640x480. Even after I recovered the game to the windows mode, it still tries to run in a 640x480 window, which is really not enough to play comfortably (screenshot:
Could you look at the code that handles the size of the window? My screen (1366x768) is quite standard for a laptop, and it seems to be too small for the program. Of course, I run it in emulation, but wine is pretty good usually, so maybe the native Windows computers would behave similarly in this case.
If it is possible, it would be great to do output without hard-coding the dimensions of the window, so it adjusts to the window size the player choose?
Anyway, apart form this trouble with the screen resolution, the game looks interesting. I'd like to play it more and try the fancy features like breeding. For now, I cannot really comment on the most of it, since I did only basic things. The interface is pretty intuitive. What is strange is that you don't use mouse for the controls at all, but you actually do use it for showing information when hovering over something. It's not that important now, but maybe later when you will be polishing the game, you may consider adding full mouse controls too.