It's definitely a good point.
I like the basic idea of making the buttons glow... but if I always do it, it might be overkill (since I'm doing it for more than just the level up functionality.) On the other hand, if people get used to it and then don't see it, you're right that they might not realize it's just a tutorial function that quietly turned itself off.
On the other hand... hmmm. It might not be terrible for them to always light up. Let's see...
Summon: Lights up if you have less than 3 active allies and have at least one good candidate for summoning (i.e.: a monster with relatively good HP still)
Unsummon: Lights up if any ally is in danger.
Activate Link: Lights up if you could recruit a visible monster. Ignores monsters more than X levels below you?
Item: You've found a new *type* of item (i.e.: 1st healing stone, 1st spirit candle, but not 2nd healing stone) since the last time you opened the menu.
Train: When a monster gains its first training point OR when any monster becomes the highest training point count currently in the party. Disables when you open the menu, not went it is spent. (There are plenty of reasons not to spend training points immediately, so I don't think I can hold the glow until they're spent.)
Rest: Out of combat and party is not in peak condition.
Any of those strike you as "too pushy"? Unsummon is the only one that worries me a bit, though not because of pushiness.... there are times it's a very good idea to unsummon, even if an ally is not in danger, and I don't want people to think they can only do it when the button is lit up. I could also just leave that one out of the glowing fun times, and hope the other glowing buttons get them visiting the hotkey bar enough that they catch it. I guess it comes down to showing players that glow means "this is relevant to your current interests" and not "you can only do this now."
Option B might be to take a different approach: Only reveal the buttons the first time they become relevant, then they glow until used. In that case:
Summon: You start with this active and glowing.
Unsummon: Activates once you summon a monster and 'flares' to call attention to itself, but does not glow persistently. (Little iffy on this whole setup.
Activate Link: Activates first time you find a monster you could recruit.
Kill Command: Always active, but never glows.
Rest: Activates first time you are out of combat and not in perfect health.
Auto-Explore: Activates once you summon your first ally.
Item: Activates when you pick up your first item.Portal Search: Activates once you find a portal.
Train: Activates when a demon earns a TP when you have any other demon in your party as well.
View Party: Always active, but never glows.
Discard: Always active, but never glows.
Help: You start with this active.
I think this approach might help avoid the false messaging problems of the purely glowing buttons approach...though coding it will be a little bit more involved. What do you think of these two ideas?