Author Topic: The Temple of Torment  (Read 266394 times)


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Re: The Temple of Torment
« Reply #285 on: September 11, 2014, 11:47:30 PM »
I stitched together the map of new Marwal:

Plenty of room for quest givers and such.


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Re: The Temple of Torment
« Reply #286 on: October 01, 2014, 05:10:43 PM »
It's been a while since the last update, so I'm going to speak some things about what's going on:

  • I'm implementing diseases
  • Two new classes
  • Fov is remembered now on non-procedural areas that have been visited

The fov thing is pretty good update because it's sort of no-brainer that revisiting visited areas should be explored in the state they were


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Re: The Temple of Torment
« Reply #287 on: October 06, 2014, 04:41:56 PM »
New website up and new beta release:

Beta 13 released! Starred changes are more important changes

Code: [Select]
Bugs and Mistakes
* Fixed ASCII Stunning Palm and Circular Kick crashes
– Fixed some issues with capitalizations of names
– Quivers still spawned with “arrows” name
– Fixed multiple menus that were possible to quit with any key other than key in use in menus
– Exorcism no longer works on other than Demons and Undead
– Fixed ASCII version of Cottage map
– Fixed many melee skills and spells not having a chance to get player frozen if attacking ice ooze
– Fixed missing colors of ASCII graphics in some menus
– Some minor fixes

* Visited areas now save explored tiles; player characters remember the tiles of previously visited areas
* ESC is now used for exiting menus instead of next free letter
* Food Consumption adjusted to clock; one food ration lasts for 3 hours, or 1800 turns, up from 900 turns
* World Map Food Consumption to 100 from 10
* Diseases are implemented; diseases can be contracted from various sources and are curable with potion
* New merchant in Marwal; sells potions
– General merchant does not sell potions any more
– Quit prompt
– Weekdays are named
– Journal displays current time
– ASCII chars of transition tiles in marwal changed
– Removed random Shrines and Altars
– Character names allow spaces

Classes, Spells and Talents
* New Class: Barbarian; Melee warrior
* New Class: Warlock; Caster
* Mage loses Drain Life for Warlock, gains Polymorph instead
– Hardiness and Armor Mastery switched levels
– Shield Bash and Stunning Palm cannot miss
– Druid starts with quarterstaff instead of dagger

* New items; great flail, scale armor, quarterstaff, potion of rejuvenation, potion of cure disease, torch
* New unique items at shop
– Arrows, bolts and bullets may spawn in the dungeon
– Food rations are a little rarer
– Cost of food ration is lower

* Marwal receives two new districts
– Marwal stone walls make now more sense

* New quest: Find the journal of the archaeologist in Marwal

– Boss monsters are no longer immune to some skills; they have now a lot higher resistances


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Re: The Temple of Torment
« Reply #288 on: October 07, 2014, 03:35:28 PM »
Fixed couple of critical bugs


Bugs and Mistakes
- Fixed dying in the new Marwal areas
- Resting no longer leads to resting in peace


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Re: The Temple of Torment
« Reply #289 on: October 21, 2014, 06:10:50 PM »
Some new stuff I'm working on:

  • Socketable equipment, gems that give bonuses when inserted into.
  • Skills that improve, such as One-Handed Combat or Archery.
  • Stash for storing items, received by renting a room at the inn.
  • New quests that are unlocked by progressing in the main dungeon.


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Re: The Temple of Torment
« Reply #290 on: November 09, 2014, 08:34:07 PM »

Screenshot from one of the new areas in the next version, multiple new tree tiles, and new UI borders.

Next version will contain 4 new quests, 8 skills and a lot of new tiles in towns in addition to multiple fixes and improvements.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 08:36:58 PM by Aukustus »


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Re: The Temple of Torment
« Reply #291 on: November 09, 2014, 09:07:57 PM »
Nice progress indeed!   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: The Temple of Torment
« Reply #292 on: November 20, 2014, 09:59:10 AM »
Edit: A simplified (Infra Arcana-like) graphics style is another way to reduce visual noise...
We both want to keep the graphics style away from cuteness. Going with "cute" graphics does remove most of the noise but we believe it also takes away what the game is trying to represent; then we have 16x16 limitation which forces us to add noise so that the undesirable pattern effect is kept at bay. I hope one day we can move towards 32x32. :D
Oh god this post makes my blood boil.

Are you saying IA looks "cute"? Have you even looked at it? It's very simplistic and crude, almost like ASCII graphics - which is perfect for someone like myself who can't stand cute graphics either.

I guess it could depend on what you put in the term "cute" though. They do have a sort of quaint minimalism.

Now here's some examples of what I consider cute in a bad sense:
* The new ADOM tiles -
* Dungeons of Dredmor -

Sorry for my very late response (somehow I missed your post). I wasn't referring to IA at all, but doing an overview about the current tile style we have in ToT. Also, totally agreed with the cuteness present in the examples you posted; those would simply destroy the experience for any roguelike / rpg game I would dare to play.
"You are never alone. Death is always near watching you."


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Re: The Temple of Torment
« Reply #293 on: November 20, 2014, 12:47:19 PM »
I'm sharing the current change log as I think it is getting quite awesome in my opinion. The next release will be the first Stable release, because there are enough quests and content for the game to be judged as a game that isn't beta. This doesn't however mean that there won't be new content.

I'm planning to add multiple more cities each having multiple quests as the new content in stable releases.

Code: [Select]
Bugs and Mistakes
* Fixed a bug where Paladin's Aura of Regeneration healed too much while resting
* Exorcism did not have a mana cost
* Fire Rain did not use Charisma as modifier
* Torches had a bugged stack, they no longer stack
- UI did not display correct spell damage for some spells
- Many undocumented minor and major fixes
- Wooden wall tile is correct now; had accidentally just a little wrong tile
- All magical items have purple ascii character now

* ASCII version is up to date with all the color values and bugs corrected
* Quest givers have speech bubble tile to indicate a quest is available
* New option to turn of gradient field of vision coloring
* New UI graphics   
* Improved name selection; possibility to generate random name and see it, automatically suggests one random name, possibility to return to previous menu
* Altars are used by pressing enter next to an altar instead of dropping an item on top of them
- Resting now longer is prohibited by being at full health and mana; instead message "you wait for ten turns" is displayed, this can be used when in the future there might be quests including waiting
- Minor improvements
- Houses have windows
- Cities have roads
- Multiple new tree tiles

* Projectile tiles now change direction based where targeting instead of single tile for every direction
- Two road tiles
- Four tree tiles
- New UI tiles
- Seven window tiles
- A lot of new object tiles

Players, Classes, Spells and Talents
* Starting items doubled in count
* Maximum attribute value from level ups is 12 instead of 10
* Two new stats: Life On Hit and Mana On Hit
* Skills are implemented; they offer bonuses to the combat styles
* Stash is implemented; player must rent a room in the Marwal Inn and then there'll be stash to be used
* Hunger values adjusted
- Diseases can be resisted
- Polymorphed targets become sheep now instead of dog

* Food fills more
* Equipment can have sockets
* Gems are implemented, they can be inserted into equipment with sockets
* Changed how the potion of cure corruption works; no need for dropping, just 'use' the item
- New item: Hand Axe, requires 3 Strength, carried by Dark Ones and found in the first 4 floors
- Rings can be found as a loot
- Changed the capitalization of items
- New items for quests: Shovel and pickaxe

* New area: Shepherd's Farm
* New area: Ankhegs' Nest
* New area: Eastdale
* New area: Eastdale Tower
* New area: Rubonite Mine
* New area: Marwal Graveyard
* New area: Witch Coven
* Location of Undershire changed to the other side of the river
* Location of Castle Undershire changed to the other side of the river

* New quest that gets unlocked when player reaches Catacombs; given by farmer in Marwal Inn
* New quest that gets unlocked when player reaches Caverns; given by guard captain Marwal
* New quest that gets unlocked when player reaches Ruins; given by smith in Marwal
* New quest that gets unlocked when player reaches Hell; given by cleric in Marwal
- Changed little how the mushroom quest reward potion works: it is a single potion with same function as attribute raise when leveling up

* Adjusted hit chances of some monsters, low level monsters had too high accuracy and some high level monsters had even lower accuracy than some lower level monsters
- New monster: Ankhegs; ranged burrowing monster
- New monster: Hellrider; melee skeletal dog riding demon
- New monster: Hellspawn; randomly ranged or melee demon
- New monster: Ghostly Miner; melee undead
- New monster: Witch; caster human
- Three new bosses
« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 12:52:00 PM by Aukustus »


  • Rogueliker
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Re: The Temple of Torment
« Reply #294 on: November 21, 2014, 08:03:41 AM »
Great news!
I think, it's good that the quest givers will be marked. The maps are rather big, and trying to talk to every single person in the city is not particularly fun. Especially with unlockable quests.
I thought about playing the game again and trying different fun classes. (Last time I only played as a simple melee fighter). What are your favorite classes in the game?


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Re: The Temple of Torment
« Reply #295 on: November 21, 2014, 08:39:37 AM »
Great news!
I think, it's good that the quest givers will be marked. The maps are rather big, and trying to talk to every single person in the city is not particularly fun. Especially with unlockable quests.
I thought about playing the game again and trying different fun classes. (Last time I only played as a simple melee fighter). What are your favorite classes in the game?

Thanks for your feedback!

I think Paladin is one of my favorites for its great survivability.

You could try "multiclasses" as they are probably the most fun builds I can think of.

Fighter with attributes in Intelligence in addition to Constitution and Strength is probably one of my favorites of the more advanced builds. For example 6 in Strength, 6 in Constitution and 6 in Intelligence allows the use of Chainmail without any Armor Penalties, allows the use of Longsword and Kite Shield and allows the use of some of the Arcane Spells, for example Confusion.


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Re: The Temple of Torment
« Reply #296 on: November 24, 2014, 08:36:31 PM »
I've had a lot of time now so I'm in the process of adding Cultural Backgrounds to the character creation. Technically they work like races but since the only playable characters are humans the Background is more like a country where the player character comes from.

For example one of the Backgrounds is "Sultanate of Qurabia" which adds bonuses/penalties of +1 Spell Damage, +0 Melee Damage and -1 Ranged Damage.


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Re: The Temple of Torment
« Reply #297 on: November 28, 2014, 12:55:39 PM »
The next release might be the largest release to date, as it becomes the first stable release, even more stuff updated than in the change log above. I'll release it when my dude who creates graphics makes the missing tiles.

- 5 new quests
- 8 new areas
- Multiple new objects, monsters and items
- Improved cities
- Quests indicated by speech bubbles
- Improved character creation: cultural backgrounds, new name generation, random character
- Character skills
- All spells and talents where it makes sense to be animated are animated

The final change log:

Code: [Select]
Bugs and Mistakes
* Fixed a bug where Paladin's Aura of Regeneration healed too much while resting
* Exorcism did not have a mana cost
* Fire Rain did not use Charisma as modifier
* Torches had a bugged stack, they no longer stack
* Fixed a crash with spell graphics trying to be drawn outside game map
- UI did not display correct spell damage for some spells
- Many undocumented minor and major fixes
- Wooden wall tile is correct now; had accidentally just a little wrong tile
- All magical items have purple ascii character now
- Some spellbooks were missing damages in names

* ASCII version is up to date with all the color values and bugs corrected
* Quest givers have speech bubble tile to indicate a quest is available
* New option to turn of gradient field of vision coloring
* New UI graphics   
* Improved name selection; possibility to generate random name and see it, automatically suggests one random name, possibility to return to previous menu
* Altars are used by pressing enter next to an altar instead of dropping an item on top of them
- Resting now longer is prohibited by being at full health and mana; instead message "you wait for ten turns" is displayed, this can be used when in the future there might be quests including waiting
- Minor improvements
- Houses have windows
- Cities have roads
- Multiple new tree tiles

* Projectile tiles now change direction based where targeting instead of single tile for every direction
- Two road tiles
- Four tree tiles
- New UI tiles
- Seven window tiles
- A lot of new object tiles

Players, Classes, Spells and Talents
* All spells and talents where it makes sense to be animated become animated
* New feature: Random character generation, only thing decided is game mode
* New feature: Cultural backgrounds: Give different starting bonuses and penalties
* Starting items doubled in count excluding gold
* Maximum attribute value from level ups is 12 instead of 10
* Two new stats: Life On Hit and Mana On Hit
* Skills are implemented; they offer bonuses to the combat styles
* Stash is implemented; player must rent a room in the Marwal Inn and then there'll be stash to be used
* Hunger values adjusted
- Diseases can be resisted
- Polymorphed targets become sheep now instead of dog
- Bard songs have now graphics

* Food fills more
* Equipment can have sockets
* Gems are implemented, they can be inserted into equipment with sockets
* Changed how the potion of cure corruption works; no need for dropping, just 'use' the item
* Scroll prices greatly reduced
* Changed the tiles of mail boots and leather boots
* New item category: Cloaks, with new equipment slot "back"
- Magical weapons at smith become +2 damage instead of +1
- Chance of items being cursed raised from 5% to 10%
- Updated most of the item descriptions
- New item: Hand Axe, requires 3 Strength, carried by Dark Ones and found in the first 4 floors
- New item: Sabatons, requires 5 Strength, found in the ruins
- New items for quests: Shovel and pickaxe
- All magical items are colored purple in ASCII mode
- Rings can be found as a loot
- Changed the capitalization of items

* New area: Shepherd's Farm
* New area: Ankhegs' Nest
* New area: Eastdale
* New area: Eastdale Tower
* New area: Rubonite Mine
* New area: Marwal Graveyard
* New area: Witch Coven
* New area: Labyrinth of Lazarin
* Location of Undershire changed to the other side of the river
* Location of Castle Undershire changed to the other side of the river

* New quest that gets unlocked when player reaches Catacombs; given by farmer in Marwal Inn
* New quest that gets unlocked when player reaches Caverns; given by guard captain Marwal
* New quest that gets unlocked when player reaches Ruins; given by smith in Marwal
* New quest that gets unlocked when player reaches Hell; given by cleric in Marwal
* New quest that becomes part of the main quest
* The end of the main quest becomes a lot more interactive
- Changed little how the mushroom quest reward potion works: it is a single potion with same function as attribute raise when leveling up
- Quest log in journal is paged to 10 quests displayed per page

* Adjusted hit chances of some monsters, low level monsters had too high accuracy and some high level monsters had even lower accuracy than some lower level monsters
- New monster: Ankhegs; ranged burrowing monster
- New monster: Hellrider; melee skeletal dog riding demon
- New monster: Hellspawn; randomly ranged or melee demon
- New monster: Ghostly Miner; melee undead
- New monster: Witch; caster human
- New monster: Fire Elemental
- New monster: Ice Elemental
- New monster: Earth Elemental
- New monster: Air Elemental
- Three new bosses


  • Rogueliker
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Re: The Temple of Torment
« Reply #298 on: November 29, 2014, 09:45:12 PM »
Very cool. I'll be sure to grab it!


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Re: The Temple of Torment
« Reply #299 on: November 30, 2014, 05:19:08 PM »
Aaaand here it is! The game is no longer beta:

All new screenshots here:

This subforum might not be even the correct one anymore.

Full log even longer than before:
Code: [Select]
- New save/load system: players may have more than one character as the same class
- 5 new quests
- 8 new areas
- Multiple new objects, monsters and items
- Improved cities
- Quests indicated by speech bubbles
- Improved character creation: cultural backgrounds, new name generation, random character
- Character skills
- All spells and talents where it makes sense to be animated are animated

-----Full log:-----
Bugs and Mistakes
* Fixed a bug where Paladin's Aura of Regeneration healed too much while resting
* Exorcism did not have a mana cost
* Fire Rain did not use Charisma as modifier
* Torches had a bugged stack, they no longer stack
* Fixed a crash with spell graphics trying to be drawn outside game map
- UI did not display correct spell damage for some spells
- Many undocumented minor and major fixes
- Wooden wall tile is correct now; had accidentally just a little wrong tile
- All magical items have purple ascii character now
- Some spellbooks were missing damages in names

* New saving / loading: saves are listed as for example "", which allows players to have for example two fighters with different character names
* Pressing ESC in-game now prompts the player whether to save game
* ASCII version is up to date with all the color values and bugs corrected
* Quest givers have speech bubble tile to indicate a quest is available
* New option to turn of gradient field of vision coloring
* New UI graphics   
* Improved name selection; possibility to generate random name and see it, automatically suggests one random name, possibility to return to previous menu
* Altars are used by pressing enter next to an altar instead of dropping an item on top of them
- Resting now longer is prohibited by being at full health and mana; instead message "you wait for ten turns" is displayed, this can be used when in the future there might be quests including waiting
- Minor improvements
- Houses have windows
- Cities have roads
- Multiple new tree tiles

* Projectile tiles now change direction based where targeting instead of single tile for every direction
- Two road tiles
- Four tree tiles
- New UI tiles
- Seven window tiles
- A lot of new object tiles

Players, Classes, Spells and Talents
* All spells and talents where it makes sense to be animated become animated
* New feature: Random character generation
* New feature: Cultural backgrounds: Give different starting bonuses and penalties
* Starting items doubled in count excluding gold
* Maximum attribute value from level ups is 12 instead of 10
* Two new stats: Life On Hit and Mana On Hit
* Skills are implemented; they offer bonuses to the combat styles
* Stash is implemented; player must rent a room in the Marwal Inn and then there'll be stash to be used
* Hunger values adjusted
- Diseases can be resisted
- Polymorphed targets become sheep now instead of dog
- Bard songs have now graphics

* Food fills more
* Equipment can have sockets
* Gems are implemented, they can be inserted into equipment with sockets
* Changed how the potion of cure corruption works; no need for dropping, just 'use' the item
* Scroll prices greatly reduced
* Changed the tiles of mail boots and leather boots
* New item category: Cloaks, with new equipment slot "back"
- Magical weapons at smith become +2 damage instead of +1
- Chance of items being cursed raised from 5% to 10%
- Updated most of the item descriptions
- New item: Hand Axe, requires 3 Strength, carried by Dark Ones and found in the first 4 floors
- New item: Sabatons, requires 5 Strength, found in the ruins
- New items for quests: Shovel and pickaxe
- All magical items are colored purple in ASCII mode
- Rings can be found as a loot
- Changed the capitalization of items

* Updated world map for upcoming new villages in the next releases
* New area: Shepherd's Farm
* New area: Ankhegs' Nest
* New area: Eastdale
* New area: Eastdale Tower
* New area: Rubonite Mine
* New area: Marwal Graveyard
* New area: Witch Coven
* New area: Labyrinth of Lazarin
* Location of Undershire changed to the other side of the river
* Location of Castle Undershire changed to the other side of the river

* New quest that gets unlocked when player reaches Catacombs; given by farmer in Marwal Inn
* New quest that gets unlocked when player reaches Caverns; given by guard captain Marwal
* New quest that gets unlocked when player reaches Ruins; given by smith in Marwal
* New quest that gets unlocked when player reaches Hell; given by cleric in Marwal
* New quest that becomes part of the main quest
* The end of the main quest becomes a lot more interactive
- Changed little how the mushroom quest reward potion works: it is a single potion with same function as attribute raise when leveling up
- Quest log in journal is paged to 10 quests displayed per page

* Adjusted hit chances of some monsters, low level monsters had too high accuracy and some high level monsters had even lower accuracy than some lower level monsters
- New monster: Ankhegs; ranged burrowing monster
- New monster: Hellrider; melee skeletal dog riding demon
- New monster: Hellspawn; randomly ranged or melee demon
- New monster: Ghostly Miner; melee undead
- New monster: Witch; caster human
- New monster: Fire Elemental
- New monster: Ice Elemental
- New monster: Earth Elemental
- New monster: Air Elemental
- Three new bosses
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 05:23:33 PM by Aukustus »