I think I'm slowly getting a better hang of what you're trying to do with the game
Esoteric things? That is something I'm quite familiar with... what kind of stuff you're curious about?
Oh, you know... the usual... I love blacksmithing, WW2, in particular aviation (IL2 Sturmovik anyone?), napoleonic naval warfare, historical reenactment, parkour... all of which read about intensively and practice or am starting to practice. I'd love to get a pilot's license and a sailor's license. One day, when I'm rich
I also agree with miki's advice. I keep reducing features for my games... even right now I feel like I'm biting off more than I can chew, and I have tons less than what you do! In particular, I feel there's a huge difference between having the data, and actually using it. I just started reading about how a game engine should be organised, and it's absolutely not trivial. There's definitely a ton to it than getting and setting properties, which is what I was doing previously with my inheritance-based OOP design