Author Topic: The Veins of the Earth development feedback BETA 13  (Read 265992 times)


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Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback 21/10/2013, v.0.8.0 beta 2.5)
« Reply #45 on: October 28, 2013, 11:23:07 AM »
We're at 0.9.0, mostly due to AuraOfTheDawn's invaluable feedback!


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Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback 21/10/2013, v.0.8.0 beta 2.5)
« Reply #46 on: October 30, 2013, 03:52:18 AM »
We're at 0.9.0, mostly due to AuraOfTheDawn's invaluable feedback!

I'm going to check it out right now!


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Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback 21/10/2013, v.0.8.0 beta 2.5)
« Reply #47 on: November 13, 2013, 08:59:05 AM »
We're at 0.11.0 now.

Gr3yling, any feedback?


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Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback 12/11/2013, v.0.11.0 beta 3.4)
« Reply #48 on: November 13, 2013, 11:43:52 PM »
those new tiles look good. Much better than the old t-engine ascii. I did have one problem though - I started a character who began in a room filled with ice floors and I could take on step and that was it. I couldn't move again. I presume that I was failing balance checks due to the ice floor, but it didn't make for much of a game.


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Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback 12/11/2013, v.0.11.0 beta 3.4)
« Reply #49 on: November 14, 2013, 09:39:45 AM »
those new tiles look good. Much better than the old t-engine ascii. I did have one problem though - I started a character who began in a room filled with ice floors and I could take on step and that was it. I couldn't move again. I presume that I was failing balance checks due to the ice floor, but it didn't make for much of a game.

Balance checks are a bit of a problem in that you need two in a row to move instead of one - and I have yet to figure out why.
The fact that you were unlucky enough to spawn in an ice room is just proof that this is a roguelike game :)

P.S. Thanks for the kind words!


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Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback 21/10/2013, v.0.8.0 beta 2.5)
« Reply #50 on: November 15, 2013, 04:16:10 AM »
We're at 0.11.0 now.

Gr3yling, any feedback?

Oh, sorry, I haven't been watching this thread.  I'll play 0.11 and get back to you.


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Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback 12/11/2013, v.0.11.0 beta 3.4)
« Reply #51 on: November 17, 2013, 04:26:01 AM »
So, feedback: 

The new graphical interface looks very nice, and I noticed you implemented hunger.  Cool.

I am having some problems with bugs, though.  In most of my games, it seems like after a few minutes of play opening the inventory screen leads to some sort of error message, and then that screen then becomes inaccessible.   On my most recent character, just walking over an item led to an error message.  I did send error reports like the game asked me to, if that helps any.

I think that what you have done so far is a major accomplishment, though, and I'm definitely going to keep following veins of the earth.


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Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback 12/11/2013, v.0.11.0 beta 3.4)
« Reply #52 on: November 17, 2013, 09:44:24 AM »
So, feedback: 

The new graphical interface looks very nice, and I noticed you implemented hunger.  Cool.

I am having some problems with bugs, though.  In most of my games, it seems like after a few minutes of play opening the inventory screen leads to some sort of error message, and then that screen then becomes inaccessible.   On my most recent character, just walking over an item led to an error message.  I did send error reports like the game asked me to, if that helps any.

I think that what you have done so far is a major accomplishment, though, and I'm definitely going to keep following veins of the earth.

I've identified the cause of this yesterday evening (an item is generated without a name somehow) and I am going to try to fix it ASAP.

Thanks for the kind words!


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Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback 12/11/2013, v.0.11.0 beta 3.4)
« Reply #53 on: November 21, 2013, 01:22:04 PM »

Perhaps handy OSR-centric thinkings and such.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback 12/11/2013, v.0.11.0 beta 3.4)
« Reply #54 on: November 22, 2013, 07:35:43 PM »
There is a beta module available from - Report any missing tiles here. I want to get the best tileset I can before 1st Dec (the ending of the modules contest)


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Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback 12/11/2013, v.0.11.0 beta 3.4)
« Reply #55 on: November 26, 2013, 09:03:07 PM »
Zirael, I had a question for you.  have you thought about adding some documentation to the game to explain the mechanics in a little more detail?  I don't have much of a background in D&D, and finding out the details about how certain mechanics work (like how a dex bonus is applied to armor), was surprisingly difficult.

By the way, Dex bonuses in Veins do follow this formula, right?

1. Subtract 10 from the ability
2. Divide by 2
3. Round down
4. Bonus can't go above the max allowed for the type of armor equipped.


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Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback 12/11/2013, v.0.11.0 beta 3.4)
« Reply #56 on: November 27, 2013, 10:09:33 AM »
Zirael, I had a question for you.  have you thought about adding some documentation to the game to explain the mechanics in a little more detail?  I don't have much of a background in D&D, and finding out the details about how certain mechanics work (like how a dex bonus is applied to armor), was surprisingly difficult.

There is an in-game help (press F1), which shows controls first and then rules under one button and ASCII legend under the other. Point out any things you'd like to see added to the rules screen. I will add more on dex bonus if you want.

By the way, Dex bonuses in Veins do follow this formula, right?

1. Subtract 10 from the ability
2. Divide by 2
3. Round down
4. Bonus can't go above the max allowed for the type of armor equipped.
Yes, they do.


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Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback 12/11/2013, v.0.11.0 beta 3.4)
« Reply #57 on: November 28, 2013, 12:33:01 AM »
It seems like you did add a number of explanations since the last time I played.  Or maybe I somehow missed them before?  I do feel like the explanations help a lot, either way.  I like how you can mouse over a lot of values on the character sheet and it breaks down how they are calculated. 

And now you can even name the PC.  That's cool.
There are a couple of things I noticed.  The step in character creation where feats are chosen seems to display them in an odd way.  Feat names, even ones that should be two words, are truncated to one word.  So, “blood vengeance” just shows up as “blood”. 

There’s no message letting you know that you are even choosing feats, as far as I can tell.  It seems like there should be some sort of message telling the player “choose a feat from the list” or whatever.  It seems like feat descriptions here would be nice so that the player knows what they are choosing, also.

I noticed there are feat and skill descriptions in the level up screen, but not on the character sheet.  Shouldn’t it be possible to view them from the character sheet also? 

Also, have you thought about displaying some sort of message after the PC eats, like, “you ate ‘x’, it was a great meal”?  Right now you just get the message “you have no more x”, which doesn’t really make it clear that the PC actually ate an item that they “used” from the inventory.  Maybe it would also be clearer what was going on if eatable items had an “eat” option, rather than just a “use” one?  It also seems like an “eat” command that takes you to a menu displaying just the PC’s food might be nice (like in ADOM).

Anyway, great job so far.  I’m looking forward to the next update.


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Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback 12/11/2013, v.0.11.0 beta 3.4)
« Reply #58 on: November 30, 2013, 03:38:05 PM »
Version 0.12.0 ('There's a lot of monsters out there") is out, just in time for the modules contest!

I expanded some descriptions to clear up some misunderstandings and added the feat description tooltips.

A message after eating is a very good idea, to come whenever there's a next release! This month has been really hectic, with a record-breaking number of commits in order to make it as enjoyable as possible for the players...


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Re: The Veins of the Earth development feedback 12/11/2013, v.0.11.0 beta 3.4)
« Reply #59 on: December 01, 2013, 03:18:40 AM »
Version 0.12.0 ('There's a lot of monsters out there") is out, just in time for the modules contest!

I expanded some descriptions to clear up some misunderstandings and added the feat description tooltips.

A message after eating is a very good idea, to come whenever there's a next release! This month has been really hectic, with a record-breaking number of commits in order to make it as enjoyable as possible for the players...

It looks really good so far.  I'm glad that you added paladins.  I know you said before that there isn't enough to distinguish them from other classes like clerics, but I still think they're pretty cool.

It looks like the modules contest something that we could vote in maybe after December the first?  I would be happy to support VotE if that's the case.

EDIT: Never mind, I found where to vote.  I think maybe that section wasn't up yet when I originally posted this.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 02:13:45 AM by Gr3yling »