Since I last posted, I have nearly finished the game's UI. The lower bar (menu bar/hotbar) currently allows you to make a ranged attack, with the usual caveats (need a bow and arrows). I renamed hp/wounds to Endurance and Health, to be clearer for players. There is now a working viewport, which means our dungeons can be bigger than one screen, and the map GUI elements draw properly on it without weird offsets.
Monster turns are more performant and synced with the debug text in upper right, and there is a player-oriented turn order display in upper left of the map.
The big news is: I heard back from Shockbolt regarding his 64x64 Angband tileset. His reply was positive, so I sat down and implemented something that's been tickling the back of my brain ever since I saw the capabilities of LOVE2D. in (64x64) or out (32x32) at will - an animated GIF You press Shift + to zoom in and Shift - to zoom out. For those who don't know, + and - are the keys right next to numbers, above the letter keys. The map UI scales to fit (the grid, the border around moused-over tile, the ellipses indicating the actor's attitude, the damage splashes).
You can see the tiles for the actors change, but not for items, which are offset a bit compared to 32x32, and terrain is simply scaled up for now (however I plan to find some good-looking walls in the bigger size). So it's not simply "scale up stuff" or "change the whole tileset" (as in T-Engine).
I am thinking on what to name the two modes - "zoomed in" and "zoomed out" sounds silly. I plan to implement some indicators that would be visible only in the "zoomed in" mode (because of the larger amount of space per tile, simply), such as a number telling you how many items are there in a tile or a small icon indicator (8x8?) for monsters which have special abilities/templates/whatever of some kind. (Said special abilities/templates aren't implemented yet)
Link to a post to which a .love file is attached for those who want to goof around: You'll need LOVE2D installed to run it. Sorry, I can make a standalone build only for Windows, and as usual, I plan for the game to be available for all platforms. Besides it's WIP, so going to the trouble of making a standalone right now is... well.