Author Topic: The Veins of the Earth BETA 12!  (Read 99504 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA dev announcement (v0.8.0 beta 3.5)
« Reply #75 on: October 28, 2013, 11:21:41 AM »
"Half-ogre with a spiked chain" is out!

Grab it from here or wait for ModDB authorization.

This version wouldn't have been created without AuraOfTheDawn's invaluable feedback, both bug reporting and suggesting improvements. The codename is a tribute to him, too - he knows why!


* bug fix: all dialogs now obey screen size
*  bug fix: fire beetle AC is no longer through the roof
*  bug fix: spells are now properly restricted [Seb]
*  bug fix: no more freezes when trying to exit to Menu in some cases
*  bug fix: no more lua errors with some spells
*  bug fix: bard skill points
*  bug fix: assasin and shadowdancer not giving level-up bonuses
* new monsters: aboleth, athach, choker, chuul, cloaker, drider, ettercap, otyugh; ankheg, aranea, arrowhawk, assasin vine, barghest
* survival kit, healing kit, lockpicking kit added - grant a +2 bonus to skill
* all characters now receive a single feat when rolling stats as a perk
* level-up screen now displays class points, feat points, skill points
*  humanoids can now try to shoot the player
* increased inventory size slightly (from a to z instead of w)
*  monsters bleed out quicker than the player
*  implemented chasm & ice effects
*  tooltips now describe whether a weapon is simple/martial, light/reach
*  re-added a crash course to d20
* now contains information useful for prospective contributors
* reach weapons & talent added
* scrollbar added to feat select screen [Seb]
* spellbook now displays higher-level spells properly [Seb]
* tooltips now describe magic properties (except elemental resistances) for identified items


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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA dev announcement (v0.8.0 beta 3.5)
« Reply #76 on: October 28, 2013, 12:12:17 PM »
Very nice---looks like the Alphabet Assault is well underway on the bestiary with probably not that many A's left unrepresented.   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA dev announcement (v0.10.0 beta 4)
« Reply #77 on: November 06, 2013, 01:33:39 PM »
"Spells Flying Left and Right" v0.10.0 beta 4

bug fix: eldritch blast lua error fixed
    bug fix: shield no longer counts as offhand weapon for TWF
    bug fix: druid skill points are now set to 2
    bug fix: dwarf fighters & drow clerics receive the proper amount of hp
    bug fix: apply skill bonuses properly in the checks
    bug fix: no more wielding two-handed weapons with one hand
    bug fix: all spells (including sorcerer and spell-like abilities) now display their proper icon
    bug fix: drowning and lava lua errors fixed
    new class: sorcerer
    chat code added
    highscores working & enabled (based on the number of total kills)
    made combat & skill logs clearer
    you can now talk to some NPCs
    new terrain and rooms: ice floor, shafts, swamp
    helpful information added to character creation
    character screen now displays ALL the classes you have
    expanded random feats list
    clerics can now turn undead
    point buy added for attributes generation
    archery feats coded in
    random perks part 2: you can now get a random spell as a perk, too
    wizards can now choose school specialization [Seb]
    right-clicking on map now brings up a context menu
    light & heavy load now works per SRD; implemented Loadbearer feat
    activable Power Attack and Combat Expertise feats
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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  • Rogueliker
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA dev announcement (v0.10.0 beta 4)
« Reply #78 on: November 12, 2013, 05:01:55 PM »
A new release, named "A thing of beauty", is out!
Grab it from here. ModDB download to come later.

Among the major changes, we migrated to T-Engine 1.0.5, so there might be some engine bugs (I hope not!)


* bug fix: shadow armor lua error fixed [Seb]
* bug fix: apply increased Str bonus to two-handed weapons
* bug fix: chasm displays its proper name in tooltip
* bug fix: hotbar no longer covers the log on some screens
* bug fix: random naming for potions and scrolls now works properly
* bug fix: you can no longer spend one more skill point per level than intended
* TILES - using David Gervais 32x32 tiles with some new tiles made by me
* new spells: identify; improved identify, mage armor [Seb]
* new items: cursed items (bracers of clumsiness, potion of poison, potion of inflict light wounds and others); ring of darkvision
* split feat dialog into 3 columns
* add proficiency requirement to shields
* adjusted magic item drops
* Balance DC 15 or Jump DC 30 to cross a chasm
* character sheet split into two tabs; skill breakdown as a table
* containers
* show message log screen finally works
* hunger counter & food rations now work
* multiclassing now requires 13 in core ability except for sorcerers and wizards, who require 16 in CHA or INT, respectively
* cross-class skills are now coded and working


  • Rogueliker
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA (v0.11.0 beta 4.3)
« Reply #79 on: November 22, 2013, 07:35:22 PM »
There is a beta module available from - Report any missing tiles in the Feedback section of the forums. I want to get the best tileset I can before 1st Dec (the ending of the modules contest)


  • Rogueliker
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA "There's a lot of monsters out there" beta 4.4
« Reply #80 on: November 30, 2013, 03:34:41 PM »
A new version is out, just in time for the modules contest! Grab it from or from here


* bug fix: not being able to use the mouse in some parts of the map
* bug fix: map being covered by the log/HUD
* bug fix: cross-class code now checks for the last leveled class
* bug fix: encumbrance penalties no longer stack ad infinitum for some weird reason
* bug fix: no more freezes due to running out of potion flavor names
* bug fix: no more lua error on stack tooltip
* bug fix: all innate spells now have a cooldown of 5

*  player tile changes depending on his/her race and class (from 2nd turn onwards)
* new monsters: all monsters from SRD except demons, devils, dragons, lycanthropes, swarms & most animals which don't fit the dungeon theme
* new classes: monk & paladin
* you can now name your character yourself and/or reroll the random name multiple times
*  loading tips added
*  lowered ice DC as a temporary solution to the "fall-lock"
*  water and stale foodstuffs are now edible
* more randomized magic items
* added feat description tooltips to character sheet
* added loading screen to module file
* added intro depending on player race

Play, vote and most importantly: don't forget to leave feedback!


  • Rogueliker
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA "There's a lot of monsters out there" beta 4.4
« Reply #81 on: December 05, 2013, 08:07:39 PM »
A hotfix has been released because I managed to pin down and fix the cause of intermittent inventory bugs and/or lua error messages.


  • Rogueliker
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA "There's a lot of monsters out there" beta 4.4
« Reply #82 on: December 12, 2013, 10:40:24 AM »
A new hotfix is out!

* Fixed the inflict X wounds bug.
* Intuition check to identify an item in your inventory is now made every X rounds automatically, with the X depending on your class.

Grab it from


  • Rogueliker
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA "There's a lot of monsters out there" beta 4.4
« Reply #83 on: December 19, 2013, 08:06:56 AM »
The module has been updated to work with 1.1.0 (the version which is available from Steam).


  • Rogueliker
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA "Can't see me" beta 4.5
« Reply #84 on: March 17, 2014, 11:38:11 AM »
I just put up a new version, nicknamed "Can't see me".

It's not on ModDB yet due to their authorisation process and the .team file is not on because something went wonky with md5 (the game reads team just fine but I get md5 nil in the log?!)

Grab it from here


* bug fix: no longer freezing on actor gen
* bug fix: ranged combat now works properly again
* bug fix: decrease hp properly if your Con is lowered
* bug fix: right click menu now works properly
* bug fix: no more "unknown actor" spawning
* bug fix: no more trying to log on critters drowning

* XP awards for seeing first 4 monsters of a kind
* stealth
* you can now receive Weapon Focus in a random weapon as a random perk
* you can now check how many monsters of a type you've killed or seen
* in-character monster info screen
* class feats are now color-coded in character sheet
* implemented ASCII/tiles switch
* more work on poisons (don't work yet)


  • Protector of the Temple
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA "Can't see me" beta 4.5
« Reply #85 on: March 17, 2014, 12:14:55 PM »
Congrats on another release---good progress.  Here's to hoping 2014 sees a good number more release for this and the opened up (classic) Incursion.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA "Can't see me" beta 4.5
« Reply #86 on: March 24, 2014, 04:13:27 PM »
A new version was just rolled out, grab it from Git now or from ModDB later - MD5 checksum still is nil, so nope, not getting a .team file on

The version is nicknamed "A drow, a human and a halfling", here's why:

Inter-racial cooperation - those three adventures (human barbarian, halfling cleric and drow fighter) have banded together to slay my hero.

No, this is not a scripted encounter, just RNG at its finest.

* bug fix - no more monsters spawning in walls

* point buy now working as intended and resettable
* stat increases every 4th level now working
* d20-style encounters of multiple monsters
* implemented Luck, which makes rare items more common
* ability to load/import/recreate older characters
* pseudo-ID, auto-destroying known cursed items
* item feelings when entering a level
* humanoid NPCs can now have character classes
* deities for clerics
* coded in a lot of new terrain


  • Protector of the Temple
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA "Can't see me" beta 4.5
« Reply #87 on: March 24, 2014, 04:17:34 PM »
Nice gains!  Hopefully whatever issues keeping it from packing up nicely on te4 get sorted in the near future, as more visibility is always a good thing.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA "A drow, a human and a halfling" beta 4.6
« Reply #88 on: March 31, 2014, 10:36:58 AM »
Another Monday, another release!
This time, it's named "More power to fighters".

Get it from Git now or from ModDB later.


* bug fix - reverted Luck influencing items
* bug fix - undead, elementals and others made immune to criticals

* new tiles: centipede, krenshar, displacer beast
* new feats: Armor Optimisation, Shield Focus; Improved Strength, Improved Dexterity, Improved Constitution, Improved Intelligence, Improved Wisdom, Improved Charisma, Improved Luck
* fighter bonus feat selection
* wizards can now select familiars
* improved starting equipment selection, now taking race into account
* magic items as starting perks
* magic items can now increase Luck, too
* types and subtypes now influence immunities

P.S. T-Engine still not giving me md5, reported the issue to DarkGod as Grey has had the same with his 7drl, DataQueen.
P.P.S. A lot of this wouldn't happen without access to Incursion source code, which gave me ideas on how to implement some stuff.


  • Rogueliker
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA "More power to fighters" beta 4.7
« Reply #89 on: April 18, 2014, 12:25:15 PM »
We're waiting for T-Engine 1.2.0 but it's still some time away and Easter is here!

Here's the beta 5! The code name has already been given :D!
Grab it from GitHub or Bitbucket or wait for the ModDB authorization.


* bug fix - summon monster dialog no longer appears if NPCs are trying to use it
* bug fix - fix trying to perform calculations on nil stat_points
* bug fix - wands and scrolls being unusable (but they don't work 100% properly yet)
* bug fix - negative damage when DR x/- is applied
* bug fix - load penalty is no longer incorrectly applied to skills such as Diplomacy or Intuition
* bug fix - finished implementing ghoul touch spell

* chests (and mimics)!
* you can now buy and sell from shopkeepers!
* poisons! watch out for spiders and centipedes
* implemented sneak attack and added flanking code in
* monsters now flee if reduced to below 50% max hp
* spellbook screen now contains spell information in a separate column
* kill count screen implemented; item manager screen implemented but non-functional yet
* implemented Spellcraft
* drow and duergar got (some) spell-like abilities
* new tiles: chest, bolas, shuriken, iron door, warded door, darkwood door
*  new races: lizardfolk, kobold, orc
*  new class: shaman (a divine equivalent of a sorcerer)
*  new prestige classes: archmage, loremaster, blackguard, arcane archer
*  new spells: darkness, faerie fire, invisibility, light, charm person
*  character sheet now colors increased/decreased stats
*  can go back to rolling/buying stats screen from the load character screen
*  failure/success messages are now color-coded in log
*  log messages no longer tell you what exactly damaged you if you can't see the source actor
*  particle effects added to bleeding out and faerie fire