Author Topic: The Veins of the Earth BETA 12!  (Read 95670 times)


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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA 10.5 [ARRP]!
« Reply #120 on: November 28, 2015, 08:47:15 AM »
Beta 11 is now out!


* bug fix - correct generator path for drow outpost
* bug fix - typos in drow lore entry
* bug fix - "not delved much further" triggering for zone changes and/or non-infinite zones
* bug fix - worldmap info lore piece spawning in all zones
* bug fix - lore pieces not having names
* bug fix - logic in health descriptions
* bug fix - NPC FOV code erroneously marking stuff as seen for player's map code
* bug fix - wolf, hyena, jackal, hell hound tiles not showing up

* new tiles: noble wall, building floor; worldmap floor, worldmap walls, elven floor, elven wall, drow child, warded wall, air portal, earth portal, fire portal, water portal, 2 worldmap entrance variations, altar; tattoo, wand, rod, beer, biscuit, wine, meat ration, throwing dagger, throwing axe, shortsword, sickle, water flask, drow wine, elven wine, blood, bed, table; chasm
* new zones: small tunnels, elven outpost, wizard tower, drow village
* new NPCs: elf sage, elf healer, elf hireling, elf guard, drow child
* new splash screen by Ozymandias79
* import T2 port's dungeon generator by Zizzo
* change starting zone to small tunnels, make it use the T2 generator
* use the T2 weighting code in other generators
* skew the generator in drow city areas towards generating more drow; neutral vermin, elementals, fiends roaming the city; the brothel should now have more courtesans
* skew the generators in Elemental Planes towards outsiders of the element and forbid opposing elementals
* classes shown in character creation in a tree form
* add lore entries to those monsters that were missing them
* implement being resurrected by your divine patron
* implement xp tick
* implement a proper starting equipment resolver
* implement "take 10" rule
* hotbar button menus no longer offer unusable talents; show talent status
* add a message when a monster enters your sight
* torches light up your map on screen
* add one-liners (aka emotes) to most monsters
* add a scrambling function to chat
* display skills used in chat


  • Rogueliker
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA 11!
« Reply #121 on: November 29, 2015, 01:41:34 PM »
Grab new Game.lua from Git and drop into your installation. Sorry for the bother - I am my own tester and somehow I missed a pretty critical bug :(


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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA 11!
« Reply #122 on: November 29, 2015, 09:45:47 PM »
Also perhaps a good idea to add Veins back into the filename itself like it has been to keep the progression tidy?
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA 11!
« Reply #123 on: January 03, 2016, 05:33:56 PM »
Happy New Year - beta 11.5 is here!

Grab it from GitHub or ModDB, as usual.

* bug fix - inability to use stairs (reported by Avagart)
* bug fix - heal/inflict potions now print a message to log
* bug fix - Shield Focus feat causing an error in AC code (reported by wobner @ GitP forums)
* bug fix - log feedback when inflicting wounds
* bug fix - wounds being applied thrice in a single round
* bug fix - combat attack printout shows all the situational stuff (it was being overwritten by the generic)
* bug fix - due to copy and paste error, actors in FOV weren't being stored for the player, which broke a lot of functions (such as a check for being able to hide, being threatened or triggering AoOs)
* bug fix - the message for a powerful item on level never showed up due to bad logic

* implement throwing potions at enemies
* implement touch AC and touch attacks
* implement spell focus feats
* enable delayedLogMessages
* add yellow highlight to items and red highlight to actors
« Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 08:17:48 AM by Zireael »


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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA 11.5!
« Reply #124 on: January 03, 2016, 07:43:59 PM »
Congrats!   Git link is the same as the ModDB link above though, heh.   :D

Touch, spell focus, and a bit more ranged considerations are surely fine gains that bode well for the future.   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA 11.5!
« Reply #125 on: January 04, 2016, 08:25:14 AM »
Whoops, fixed the link. Copy and paste fail!


  • Rogueliker
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA 12!
« Reply #126 on: March 07, 2016, 09:11:02 AM »
Beta 12 is out!

Grab it from GitHub or ModDB, as usual.

(If running standalone, you might have to tick 'show incompatible' box. I do not know why it's so)


* bug fix - potions/wands/scrolls without effects now never happen
* bug fix - add dummy entry to lower odds of mwk+ items
* bug fix - fix an engine bug preventing force_ego from working
* bug fix - rare Lua error when debug creating an item which is blocked by level_range
* bug fix - use_simple entry from ego not being merged with the parent item
* bug fix - typos in handle animal and stealth skills
* bug fix - ensure every randomly generated vial has poison
* bug fix - character sheet BAB display forgot to describe some modifiers
* bug fix - summoned critters not having wounds and their tiles not showing
* bug fix - typo caused some consumables' and npc tiles to not show
* bug fix - scrolls no longer leaking info about their effects
* bug fix - trying to pseudo-ID already ID'ed items (e.g. starting items)
* bug fix - cross class skills max rank not getting updated
* bug fix - overzealous filters in debug create item
* bug fix - mails having leather paperdoll look
* bug fix - some items not having subtypes
* bug fix - torches are properly removed from inventory when running out of fuel
* bug fix - resurrection diamond costing 10x too much exp
* bug fix - monster info counts egoed monsters together with non-egoed; no longer leaks info

* update to T-Engine 1.4.0
* new tiles: rags, crown, circlet; various gemstones; elven cat, locathah, grimlock, aasimar, tiefling, duergar, deep gnome, azer; piranha bird, bugbear, trog, merfolk, skum; light wooden/light steel/heavy wooden shields; cord/padded/leather armor;
* new item: rags, crown, circlet; gemstones
* new magic properties: graceful (half ACP), featherlight (1/4 weight)
* more potion and scroll types
* potions now stack
* a proper NPC egos implementation
* use shaders for some egos
* barbarians and fighters now get Spot as a class skill, just like Incursion
* backgrounds reworked: now they give you a bonus feat only
* trainer option improvements: class, skills, feats offered and dialogs respecting the limitations
* implement detect magic
* identify spell now takes an hour to work
* implement school-ID'ing if your Intuition is high enough
* implement item hardness and durability
* mithril armors now have all the associated effects per SRD
* implement generating specific egoed items
* all characters now start with a random potion and a potion of cure light wounds
* item tooltips now display average damage and % chance to crit for weapons
* item tooltips notify you of newly picked up items
* increase flying text size based on sensible flying text addon
* popup feedback for skill and class tabs of level up screen
* shortened names displayed in the equipdoll, ToME 4 style
* ability to tag items to prevent selling/dropping them
* shops now pay 66% price for unided items
« Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 12:43:33 PM by Zireael »


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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA 12!
« Reply #127 on: March 07, 2016, 11:11:37 AM »
Nice! I would check it more intensively after 7DRL, but anyway - congrats for new release ;)


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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA 12!
« Reply #128 on: March 07, 2016, 11:35:10 AM »
Is it just me or is there nothing there in the new release?


  • Rogueliker
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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA 12!
« Reply #129 on: March 07, 2016, 12:44:57 PM »
Tick 'show incompatible' and it'll show up. I don't know why T-Engine thinks it's incompatible - I'm running the module on the very same T-Engine version in another folder with no complaints from the game.


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Re: The Veins of the Earth BETA 12!
« Reply #130 on: March 07, 2016, 01:57:41 PM »