Author Topic: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.7.3)  (Read 570421 times)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #465 on: July 06, 2013, 11:19:36 PM »
Me and Flooded treasuries:
1. I avoid it,because piranhas were too tough...
2.I got killed,I was wearing plate armor +4  :o
3.I got pass them and got a treasure,but killed.The loot was longsword +1,that already tells that they keep some serious good loot.
4.I got pass them with Invisibility potion to get Str (strength) potion.After that I killed one with dagger! After that I obtained a Wild knuckleduster form Mr. Weapon Statue and tried to kill them,idk why,revenge,maybe? But no suck luck with knuckleduster... (I also never noticed that Rouge has dagger).

PS:  R.I.P. Grammar :L
« Last Edit: July 07, 2013, 01:09:30 AM by Daxmarko »


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #466 on: July 07, 2013, 01:44:45 PM »
I love this game!  I've been playing constantly for the past week.  I've made it to levels 15 and 16, but keep dieing there.  The game I'm currently in is going well, but I'd like to get a little more buff before going down to the dwarves.  How do you "reset" the shop keepers to buy more healing portions?

You cannot reset the shops any more.  You used to be able to by dying, while carring an ankh, on a floor that had a store in it.  The floor would be regenerated, and you would get a new shop.  For extra healing potions now, you can still kill lots of flies.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #467 on: July 07, 2013, 03:10:00 PM »
Thanks gravling.  I think I'm going to take a break from the game.  After grinding flies I had 18 health potions, a venomous +4 glance, and mail +5 or 6.  Got all the way to my first dwarf monk, then get disarmed before I could swing.  Equipped my secondary weapon, disarmed. Went back and farmed, came back to the monk, disarmed, disarmed, disarmed, dead.

The DM300 would get its butt kicked by these magical disarming monks.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #468 on: July 08, 2013, 08:07:59 AM »
Thank you for the new release.  I am having fun playing with seeds.  But I, too, am running out of room in the backpack.  I would like a larger backpack, or perhaps a bag to keep your seeds in?


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #469 on: July 08, 2013, 01:38:46 PM »
hey,how to backup saves? i just wanna keep it,where all classes finished the whole game for now.
If your phone (or tablet) is rooted, then check this game folder, there are files with names like warrior.dat, warrior1.dat etc.
Where is the game folder? I can't find it.

another bug: the last game played always get 5th place in ranking, even if it gets a lower score than the previous 5th game.
Also, sometimes when I drop a scroll or potion on a well of transformation, it's not changed, I have to drop it a second time. It happened in earlier versions, I'm not sure if I've tested in on the latest one.

How about giving apportation to the wand of telekinesis (pull items to you)?
About showing the wand range, maybe you could use the sharper fog of war style you experimented earlier. But with a different colour to further differentiate it from the standard LOS fog.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #470 on: July 08, 2013, 04:21:15 PM »
Finally cleared the current content with a warrior. Lucked out with a plate +3 very early on and eventually pushed it up to +9.

Anyone know how high the upgrades can go?


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #471 on: July 08, 2013, 10:15:12 PM »

Is this a bug? I blasted the goo with my wand of lightning and it also killed me. I was in melee range but it doesn't hurt me usually. Or does it?

edit: ok, not a bug. I found another lightning wand, read the desc and paid more attention. It damages anyone adjacent to the target, including you.
btw, the bonus damage to monsters in water is noticeable too if you pay attention to it.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 10:36:31 PM by galehar »


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #472 on: July 09, 2013, 10:05:12 AM »
I found a bug very painful ...
I was 2 Upgrade scrolls and a battle axe +1 wild, I dropped two scrolls of Upgrade into a well of transmutation (testing whether it transforms  two or one), and my surprise was that I returned ONE of Upgrade Weapon.
Well ... At least win a +1 and maybe change the weapon's power, or add another!
But no, I was left with a poor Battleaxe +2 Wild and whitout Upgrade scrolls.



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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #473 on: July 09, 2013, 01:00:58 PM »
The thing is, when I restarted, my level 1 warrior had a tome of mastery.  Was that intended, or is that a bug?
It's a kind of experiment. Probably I will remove it in the future.
Well, I have to say that starting with a battlemage is much more fun and interesting. I really enjoyed alternating between zapping and hitting. The start is much stronger than with a warlock, but I might consider switching after Tengu if it's possible. I suppose wacking with a wand isn't going to be very useful by then. Or does the melee damage scale well with the enchantment?

There's a nice forum over there on the wiki. How about we lock the thread and all move there? It's a small community, we can't afford to be divided! Watabou, would you read the posts there?

To prevent farming, I suggest that you can't heal when starving. To compensate, dewdrops should also give some nutrition (and by consequence heal you even when starving). That way, when you find them at full health you can choose between nutrition now or health later (but with the nutrition cost of having to backtrack to them). Seems more interesting than the current situation when you never touch them if at or close to full HP. Maybe also raise the nutrition value of overpriced food. Vampirism probably shouldn't provide nutrition.
Btw, do you waste nutrition if you eat a ration when you just get hungry? I hope not, it would be annoying to have to wait for being starving to optimize your food.

Can the duration of clouds be reduced? It's annoying to have to wait for the poison to disperse, it takes forever.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 03:31:42 PM by galehar »


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #474 on: July 09, 2013, 03:38:06 PM »
bug report:
Sometimes (always?), when moving over an item with an enemy on sight, the item is autopicked up and a turn is wasted.
I'm pretty sure that you are wrong, just don't try to get closer to an enemy tapping on a tile with an item. I know that sometimes it's not very convinient but still...

How about a shortcut to reset the zoom to default? Double tap in the center maybe.
It's in my to-do list :)

Sometimes, it's hard to tell if you can zap an enemy around a corner. And it's infuriating when you end up setting yourself on fire. How about showing the range in the targeting interface?
I think that if you can see an enemy then you can hit it with a wand (I'm not 100% sure, because I use completely different algorithms for LoS and trajectory calculating). But you need to select a correct tile as a target and it's not always the tile where the enemy stands...

Playing a mage with several wands is awesome, there are so many tactics. But the interface is clunky when you're constantly firing different wands from the inventory. I'd love a better quiver in which you could set a few items in it and swap through them by swipping vertically the fire button.
I understand it, but I can't imagine an interface that could solve this problem (without adding one more quickslot). How would you set those items in a single quickslot (quiver)? How would you know which items have been  set there already?

Do you plan to open source it? Are you looking for contributers?
I'm planning to open source it after finishing it.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #475 on: July 09, 2013, 03:42:20 PM »
I found a bug very painful ...
I was 2 Upgrade scrolls and a battle axe +1 wild, I dropped two scrolls of Upgrade into a well of transmutation (testing whether it transforms  two or one), and my surprise was that I returned ONE of Upgrade Weapon.
Well ... At least win a +1 and maybe change the weapon's power, or add another!
But no, I was left with a poor Battleaxe +2 Wild and whitout Upgrade scrolls.


Aside from being able to drop 2 scrolls and get only 1 back, I don't see any bug here.  If you want to get rid of a weapon's enchantment, keep using scrolls of upgrade weapon on it.  At +3->+4 (perhaps this is random and some people have to wait
longer, but for me every time) the weapon will still go from +3 to +4 but the enchantment will also be removed.  At this point you should add any more scrolls of upgrade you wish to use to improve your weapon with, and then, as the final touch you can add a last +1 and  a new enchantment with a scroll of Weapon Upgrade.  There is no way to get 2 enchantments on the same weapon.

If you already have a +3 or better weapon with an enchantment you like on it, then you can add an additional +1 per scroll of Weapon Upgrade you use, preserving the enchantment.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #476 on: July 09, 2013, 04:43:52 PM »

Thanks for making such a fantastic game!
(how to donate, btw?)

So far I have like 10h of play time and enjoyed most of it ;)
If I may throw some loose suggestions:

-Rogue needs more ranged things to use. I have just finished a game with the warrior and I had like 30 darts/shurikens etc at most. Maybe some types of ranged weapons could have a high chance of not being destroyed after hitting, but player would find them in smaller stacks? For example, 3 javelins with 90% chance on being preserved on hit.
Another idea would be using upgrade scrolls to replenish quanity of throwables along with their quality.

-Starting wand for mage is useless if not upgraded quickly.

-In general, my mages and rogues die somewhere on lvl 2-3 on average...

-...while my Warrior gets to the Goo every single time except when I do something utterly stupid like going to dungeon lvl3 with lvl 1 character ;)

-Farming is needed to beat the game but is also quite boring. I would gladly welcome more food so resting would become viable way of healing, and less (or none at all) way of farming healing potions.

-Dwarven monks, eh. I don't mind difficult enemies, but man those are annoying. I had a +7 or +8 plate mail and sword of slowness, and was overlevelled at least 2-3 levels.... but still each dwarven monk took about a minute to kill. In a world where boss battles take 15 secs that is LONG :D A bit less dodge chance on them, or slightly less chance of their... negative effect on player? :D

-Bosses are either impossible (Tengu...) or trivial, when struck with paralysis or toxic potion. I think they require some form or resistance against stuns. I did not even see what the last boss can do, because he was killed by:
1 paralysis potion
1 toxic potion
2 flame potions.

Anyway - I love the game.
Trying to see the Goo with Rogue now... ;)

« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 04:46:29 PM by Jerac »


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #477 on: July 09, 2013, 07:42:08 PM »
bug report:
Sometimes (always?), when moving over an item with an enemy on sight, the item is autopicked up and a turn is wasted.
I'm pretty sure that you are wrong, just don't try to get closer to an enemy tapping on a tile with an item. I know that sometimes it's not very convinient but still...
It seems to me that you're both saying that I am right and wrong, so I guess you may have misunderstand me. What I'm saying is that you shouldn't autopickup when moving over an item when there's an enemy on sight. Some other events already prevent it, don't they?

I think that if you can see an enemy then you can hit it with a wand (I'm not 100% sure, because I use completely different algorithms for LoS and trajectory calculating). But you need to select a correct tile as a target and it's not always the tile where the enemy stands...
Oh, but then there's actual aiming, that changes everything. Sounds fun, I'll have to try it :)

Playing a mage with several wands is awesome, there are so many tactics. But the interface is clunky when you're constantly firing different wands from the inventory. I'd love a better quiver in which you could set a few items in it and swap through them by swipping vertically the fire button.
I understand it, but I can't imagine an interface that could solve this problem (without adding one more quickslot). How would you set those items in a single quickslot (quiver)? How would you know which items have been  set there already?
My idea is that when you quiver an item by long tapping, it pushes the previous one in a LIFO stack. Graphically, the previous item moves up creating a vertical bar at the right of the inventory. Limit it to 5 slots. You can tap an item in the stack to immediately quiver it. Or long tap to remove it. When you close the inventory, only the quivered item is visible but you can cycle through them with a vertical swipe. That's the general idea.

I'm planning to open source it after finishing it.
cool :)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #478 on: July 10, 2013, 08:30:16 AM »
Playing a mage with several wands is awesome, there are so many tactics. But the interface is clunky when you're constantly firing different wands from the inventory. I'd love a better quiver in which you could set a few items in it and swap through them by swipping vertically the fire button.
I understand it, but I can't imagine an interface that could solve this problem (without adding one more quickslot). How would you set those items in a single quickslot (quiver)? How would you know which items have been  set there already

Well.. add more quickslots between the existing one and the backpack icon... :S


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #479 on: July 10, 2013, 10:21:43 AM »

Well.. add more quickslots between the existing one and the backpack icon... :S
They won't fit in there