Heh. I just 'completed' this last night - and now you're telling me I have to go and do it again? Oh well, I'm sure I'll live...

Here are some comments, although these are all based on the old version so feel free to disregard any that no longer apply.
The good:
- I think this is probably the best android roguelike (that I've played!).
- The graphics are great
- The gameplay is mostly pretty good (with the exceptions noted below) and it manages to capture that 'just one more try...' feel that all good roguelikes have.
- The water, keys and puzzle rooms work well to make the dungeons interesting to navigate.
- The bosses are nice, and I think they strike the right balance between having predictable behaviour but not being just 'puzzles' that you can solve the same way each time.
- Some of the item descriptions are pretty funny.
- Mystery Meat is a great idea.
- It's just like a pocket version of Brogue!
The bad:
- It's just like a pocket version of Brogue! To the extent that it often feels a little like just a by-the-numbers rip-off of it, and worse it seems like some things are in there just because they are in Brogue, but without much thought about how they work in
this game. I'm hoping that as it develops more things will be added in that give the game its own distinct personality.
- It feels very unbalanced, mainly because it is so dependant on what equipment it gives you. The time I won it, I don't think I was really playing any better than all the other times, it was just because I managed to pick up a decent weapon and armour on the first level and the game then became trivially easy, with me able to one-shot-kill most enemies. Most games I've played I either end up with nothing other than my starting equipment or warhammers and plate mail that I can't possibly use because I'm not strong enough, and then there's pretty much nothing I can do to avoid being snipped in half as soon as crabs turn up. This is one of the things that worked in Brogue but doesn't really work here, mostly because Brogue is a lot more generous with the amount of goodies it gives you in the early levels, so you're pretty much guaranteed to find something you can use. Brogue also strictly rations things like strength potions and enchantment scrolls, wheras it doesn't seem like this game does that except for food.
- Related to the above, it would be nice if there was a shop a bit earlier, perhaps on level 3.
- Searching is bullshit. I've spent six turns searching somewhere where I was pretty sure there was a door and then had it pop into existence when I decided to move away. Searching needs to be a lot more reliable. It's also not made clear what its effective range is.
- I also found it quite difficult to avoid pressing the wrong tile and moving around an enemy rather than hitting them (and getting a whack around the head for my trouble). In the end I just got used to constantly zooming in when in combat and zooming out when exploring, which was annoying but to be fair I can't think of any easy solution to this problem.
On the whole though it's a great game and I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with it.