Just downloaded it this morning and played a few rounds, definitely a bit difficult, always nice. First game I lucked out with my first potion fully healing me, but never found any food. Other animals just kind of ate me. Second game I apparently drank gasoline, because I burst into flames. After that, I got chopped up by a crab

My only comment is that the game could use a simple guide, similar to most flash games. A page or two describing what things are, and how to deal with them, such as needing iron keys for doors, gold keys for chests, how to get rid of tall grass, etc. It's not too hard to figure out things for people used to roguelikes, but seeing how its on Google Play, might help you keep more users

Great little time waster when I need it though, right after downloading it I ended up getting to school before any of the teachers, and had to stand outside for about 20 minutes, giving me time to try it out.
EDIT: After playing some more, I must congratulate you on making my favourite item in any roguelike, I believe it was called the "Wand of Herding". Fear my fluffy meat shields.