Author Topic: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.7.3)  (Read 533260 times)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #105 on: March 07, 2013, 08:20:24 AM »
« Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 06:48:52 PM by Daxmarko »


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #106 on: March 08, 2013, 03:23:23 PM »
I've downloaded the game a month ago and it's excellent! I've only arrived to depth 8 but I'm decided to win it  ;D
I have 2 questions and a suggestion:
  • What is the range of the search button?
  • What is the tier-n in the description of the weapons?
  • Putting a list of every object with their description (if we know it) would be useful for example if we identified every potions but one we would know the last one by elimination

Thank you.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #107 on: March 10, 2013, 08:26:40 PM »
Hi guys! I haven't visited this forum for a week, sorry for that, I was on a vacation  8)

What is the range of the search button?
The range is 1 tile by default. The Ring of Detection+N increases this range by N.

What is the tier-n in the description of the weapons?
At this moment all melee weapons are grouped into "tiers". The weapons of the second tier (spear, staves) are more powerful in average, than the weapons of the first one (knuckles, daggers), the third tier is more powerful than the second one etc. "More powerful" means that spears+0, for example, do more damage, than daggers+0, but require more strength. The most important thing about tiers is that higher tier weapons gain more from enhancing.

Putting a list of every object with their description (if we know it) would be useful for example if we identified every potions but one we would know the last one by elimination
I'm planning to implement such list (Codex) before the next content update. Currently the last unidentified  type of object in its category (potions, scrolls, wands, rings) gets identified automatically.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #108 on: March 12, 2013, 10:21:51 PM »
Thank you  ;)

Can i ask you one more question?
Can i wait until i am starving to take the ration or there is some negative effects like attack-1 while i am hungry?


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #109 on: March 18, 2013, 03:58:24 AM »
Excellent game! Smooth gameplay, from the zoom to movement being touch based and patching avoiding know traps.
I've been playing it off and on for a couple weeks.
Today I finely defeated the slime, for the first time having played around 50 times. Excellent armour hallanced out my basic knuckles. By the time I got to tengu I had a stock of 7 heals, things were looking good.  After a long fight I defeated it to my immense satisfaction, only to find the game continued! Delightful and a bit scary. At level 13 my potions were dwindling due partly to lacking a very strong weapon and taking heavy damage from the gnolls. Seeking to husband my potions I followed a spider while low on life, checking forbtraps as I moved, and totally caught off guard by the lightning bolt that annihilated me from afar. The loss! To crown it off in my starving despair I retreated to early levels to gather my strength on crabs and flies only to be terribly poisoned by suspicious meat. How far my character fell.
Well, that's a bit much, but I hope I conveyed my appreciation this game.
Thank you oh creator of this square world.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #110 on: March 21, 2013, 09:14:14 AM »
Pixel Dungeon for Android 0.3.3 released! Here is the list of changes from Google Play:
  • Added: Enchanted weapons
  • Added: Several new items
  • Added: New sounds
  • Changed: Scrolls of Enhancement are renamed to Scrolls of Upgrade
  • Changed: Landscape orientation is enabled on all devices
  • Changed: The hero and mobs don't get slowed down in dense vegetation
  • Changed: Sleeping monsters less like to notice the hero while he is levitating
  • Changed: No more crabs on the second level
  • Changed: Wand of Telekinesis pushes enemies back
  • Fixed: A lot of bugs and typos...
...and more


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #111 on: March 25, 2013, 06:56:52 PM »
Thanks for this game. It's amazing. I donated.

I experienced a very slight bug the other day, and am not able to reproduce it. I was farming a healing spot (hunt more on same level for more XP, waiting until nearly dead from damage and starvation before using healing spot) and when I stepped on the healing spot, nothing happened. Then I clicked myself, because this felt similar to how if you stand on a staircase and there is an event, you must click again to use the staircase. I think I had to do this two or even three times before it registered and healed me.

Also, is it just me or are all Enchanted Weapons cursed and have at least a "-1" attribute?


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #112 on: April 03, 2013, 08:09:52 PM »
Watabou, props to you for making this amazing (free!) game see the light of the day. It's very well designed and thought-through, what results in great replayability. Finally made it to the last boss, therefore I have a bit of request. Like already mentioned, high tier gear (armor) found in first two levels is essential for survival later on. The bad thing is that this dependency of success on sheer luck results in exploits. I'd remove high tier drops from earlier levels or make equipping and using an armor (which requirements one does't meet) much more difficult.
Good luck.


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Oh wow
« Reply #113 on: April 04, 2013, 08:15:40 AM »
 I played for I while and I was available to defeat goo easily,even with two toxic gas potions! :o  :D I get to the shop on second dungeon stage few times,now I need more 2 strength points to get plate armor wearable.

I have a question:I got 12 strength and mail armor +3 of upgrade,is there a risk to make armor too much light and make it very useless?


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Drawen Machine?
« Reply #114 on: April 04, 2013, 07:17:37 PM »
I did pass the Tangu boss,now I get to the machine that (farts? :D) toxic gas and heals itself.It also celling of cave fells on me stunning me.

I had mail armor and battle axe (14 str points) and I was reanimated by Arkh.I failed again...

Can someone tell me more about Tangu and Drawen Machine?
PS:Armor doesnt get too much light to be useless,I was wrong there...


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #115 on: April 05, 2013, 01:50:24 PM »
I experienced a very slight bug the other day, and am not able to reproduce it. I was farming a healing spot (hunt more on same level for more XP, waiting until nearly dead from damage and starvation before using healing spot) and when I stepped on the healing spot, nothing happened. Then I clicked myself, because this felt similar to how if you stand on a staircase and there is an event, you must click again to use the staircase. I think I had to do this two or even three times before it registered and healed me.
It may happen if you are too fast e.g. if you are wearing a Ring of Haste+n. Similarally sometimes you can enter into a cloud of toxic gas and leave it without taking any damage.

Quote from: GhostToast
Also, is it just me or are all Enchanted Weapons cursed and have at least a "-1" attribute?
The higher level of a weapon, the lower chance to have an enchantment on this weapon, but nevertheless you can find an enchanted weapon of any level.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #116 on: April 05, 2013, 06:54:53 PM »

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It may happen if you are too fast e.g. if you are wearing a Ring of Haste+n. Similarally sometimes you can enter into a cloud of toxic gas and leave it without taking any damage.

Amazing!Im gonna next time waste leftover scrolls of upgrade on my haste ring!

But what about Drawen Machine?Is that a final boss?How to defeat it?I really want to know...


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #117 on: April 08, 2013, 10:26:54 AM »
But what about Drawen Machine?Is that a final boss?How to defeat it?I really want to know...
Currently DM-300 is the last boss in PD, but it's not the final one :). After beating it, on the next level you'll see the sign that says that more levels (and bosses) are coming soon.

DM-300 has a decent HP pool, it does some damage and absorbs some damage. But also it has some unique features:
  • It continuously discharges a toxic gas. You should either attack it from a distance, or kite it around to avoid that toxic cloud.
  • When it moves, some rocks fall down on the one of the neighbouring tiles. When these rocks hit your character, he gets paralysed for a turn or so.
  • IMPORTANT! Everytime it steps onto a tile, that looks like an inactive trap, it restores some health. Don't let it do it! Watch where you kite it into.


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« Reply #118 on: April 08, 2013, 10:30:10 AM »
Pixel Dungeon for Android 0.3.4 goes live! This update introduces character classes: Warrior, Mage and Rogue. Here is the list of changes from Google Play:
  • Added: Character classes
  • Added: New special room type - Garden
  • Added: New special room type - Crypt
  • Added: New type of trap - Lightning trap
  • Added: New sounds
  • Changed: Now it’s impossible to upgrade a Ring og Haggler
  • Changed: Unarmed hero inflicts damage based on his Strength
  • Changed: Now wells really look like wells
  • Changed: Ring of Rejuvenation is renamed into Ring of Mending
  • Several bugs fixed
…and more


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #119 on: April 08, 2013, 03:37:15 PM »
But what about Drawen Machine?Is that a final boss?How to defeat it?I really want to know...
Currently DM-300 is the last boss in PD, but it's not the final one :). After beating it, on the next level you'll see the sign that says that more levels (and bosses) are coming soon.

DM-300 has a decent HP pool, it does some damage and absorbs some damage. But also it has some unique features:
  • It continuously discharges a toxic gas. You should either attack it from a distance, or kite it around to avoid that toxic cloud.
  • When it moves, some rocks fall down on the one of the neighbouring tiles. When these rocks hit your character, he gets paralysed for a turn or so.
  • IMPORTANT! Everytime it steps onto a tile, that looks like an inactive trap, it restores some health. Don't let it do it! Watch where you kite it into.

Ohhh,I was wondering what those inactive traps do...Also,the classes changed my way to beat the game so I have to find new way to get it...Moar questions!  :P ::)

  • When I play with warrior,it seems that 1 level for him is hard start.Since I die a bit often on start cus low health...Does warrior have smaller max health?
  • The shop for first time,before classes,disappeared when I killed skeleton in it.I also played a soothing melody (accident) and whole shop disappeared again!And one time a monster that I killed in shop dropped potion of healing,and shop keeper started selling it  >:(  jerk  :P I also did teleport shop keeper with wand,I still need to buy stuff but he eventually disappeared from dungeon...What is the deal with shop?How it works by using various effects and random stuff in it or on shop keeper?(poor guy)
  • Can you make unlockable stuff when you defeat bosses?Like hardcore game,maybe survival arena,or get chased by DM-300...Something like that,when you get bored a bit after dying at very good progress,it happens  :)
  • Ring of Mending,how much do you need to upgrade so it gonna stop you from losing health by starving?
  • A soothing melody scroll doesnt work very well...It should make creatures deep sleep so they dont wake up when you move(this happens at last stage of dungeon where DM-300 is boss there,and sometimes I have to waste healing potions on annoying cave spinner and brutes...)

Also,dungeon some times generates a hallways into nazi sing...Its just very weird and I will upload a picture if I need  :P  It does,and also,you can squeeze through very close blocks like this (your movements are that line)
                                                                                                                           [ ] /
                                                                                                                              / [ ]
If you,watabou,are tired of questions?If yes,create a wikia and put everything there!  8)  helps you and us!

Sorry for bad english!!!