Hi guys! I haven't visited this forum for a week, sorry for that, I was on a vacation

What is the range of the search button?
The range is 1 tile by default. The Ring of Detection+N increases this range by N.
What is the tier-n in the description of the weapons?
At this moment all melee weapons are grouped into "tiers". The weapons of the second tier (spear, staves) are more powerful in average, than the weapons of the first one (knuckles, daggers), the third tier is more powerful than the second one etc. "More powerful" means that spears+0, for example, do more damage, than daggers+0, but require more strength. The most important thing about tiers is that higher tier weapons gain more from enhancing.
Putting a list of every object with their description (if we know it) would be useful for example if we identified every potions but one we would know the last one by elimination
I'm planning to implement such list (Codex) before the next content update. Currently the last unidentified type of object in its category (potions, scrolls, wands, rings) gets identified automatically.