Author Topic: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.7.3)  (Read 532675 times)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #45 on: January 21, 2013, 01:40:22 PM »
Still very much enjoying this game :) Always excited when my phone sais "Available update for Pixel Dungeon".
Any word on when gold will have a use, ie vendors?
The next update (0.2.2) will be dedicated to items (new items will be added, inventory window will be slightly changed etc). I'm planning to release it at the end of this week.
After that I'll start to work on shops.
Fantastic! Can't wait :) Pixel Dungeon makes my hour-long travel to work seem like 10 minutes haha


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #46 on: January 21, 2013, 02:36:35 PM »
I've been playing this game for the past week or so, and really enjoying it. I'm someone who tends to find discussion/analysis/etc of the roguelike genre more fun than actually playing them most of the the time, so kudos for winning me over  8)

Quote from: Rynn
There was a bug I encountered the first time I played. I died for the first time, and immediately tapped the skull that dropped. That made my guy reappear and take a few steps. After that, he was frozen in place, while gnoll scouts zoomed around at super speed. I thought I'd broken the game at first, and it took me a minute to realize I was dead and that I had to tap the gear button to bring up the menu to start a new game...
That's the third report about this bug, but I still can't reproduce it  :( Ok, I'll keep trying...
The actual reason I'm posting is because I just had this happen to me. If it's any help, I'll note that I was killed because I was poisoned, and the last action I took was tapping the clock/wait icon. I was on the second level, no enemies were in the room, and I don't think I had any other status effects on me at the time. Not sure if any of that actually matters for this bug, but more information couldn't hurt I figure.


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« Reply #47 on: January 22, 2013, 11:55:46 AM »
Thank you very much, guys, I have finally found it! Indeed tapping was involved  :)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #48 on: January 22, 2013, 12:31:26 PM »
I finally got up to the new levels but seem to have ran into a bug. Ive found several Iron keys for the locked doors, but none of them work. It just sais i dont have a matching key. Im positive the keys were for the correct levels too.

On another note. Pixel dungeon seems to disable music player volume control and notifications for text messages while running on my galaxy R GT-i9103, would it be possible to fix this?


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #49 on: January 22, 2013, 02:38:54 PM »
I finally got up to the new levels but seem to have ran into a bug. Ive found several Iron keys for the locked doors, but none of them work. It just sais i dont have a matching key. Im positive the keys were for the correct levels too.
Yes, this is a known bug, it will be fixed in the next update. There should be a key from one of the upper levels in your inventory, drop it and pick it up again.

Quote from: Mindtravelling
On another note. Pixel dungeon seems to disable music player volume control and notifications for text messages while running on my galaxy R GT-i9103, would it be possible to fix this?
I will fix volume buttons, but notifications work fine for me...


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #50 on: January 22, 2013, 03:03:51 PM »
Alright. Thanks! Maybe its a setting hidden somewhere deep in the settings swamp...


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Pixel Dungeon 0.2.2
« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2013, 02:52:19 PM »
Pixel Dungeon 0.2.2 released. This update is dedicated to items. Here is the list of changes from Google Play:
  • Added: Several new items including rings, wands, potions and ranged weapon
  • Changed: Areas revealed with Scroll of Magic Mapping are shown in different color
  • Changed: Inventory window is slightly modified
  • Changed: Now there can't be 2 special rooms of the same type on the same level
  • Changed: Now melee weapon do less damage without enhancement, more with enhancement
  • Changed: Now enhanced armor gains DR depending on its tier
  • Fixed: several bugs are fixed
and more...


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #52 on: January 24, 2013, 05:09:14 AM »
yay update! (magic sheep look cute, but sound evil!) really loving the pixel art in this game by the way.

so, i had the best game ever today, but im stuck on Dlvl 10. is there no boss or anything? i thought the sign says "dont let the Tengu out", but there are only 2 rooms and no other doors. i have a ring of -1 detection and ive searched pretty thoroughly. cant find anything. used a scroll of challenge and got nothing. i have keys for floors 8, 9 and 10 but none of them open any doors that ive been able to find.

i broke the game from the beginning by finding a battle axe and an enchatment scroll. i equipped it and in a few levels i was able to kill pretty much everything in 1 shot. i found a ton of potions of STR and scrolls of enchatment. food was scarce for a bit. but i also found a large amount of healing potions.

so right now im stuck at Dlvl 10. my character is at lvl 10, STR 17. my battle axe from the first floor is now a Battle Axe +9 [7], and my inventory is full.

i thought i read something about the endgame earlier, but i forget. is there anything left for this run? (im going to try and search for the answer if it has been posted anywhere).

still, loving this game. keep the updates coming. its a lot of fun.

edit: i read the above post about the key bug. ill try dropping my keys and exploring some more. im afraid updating the game will break my game save, so im going to wait to update until this game is finished.

edit 2: yeah had to drop all the keys and just pick up the lvl 10 key and it opened the last door.

i won! whooo! it was a little too easy with all of the stuff that i found, but it was still a lot of fun. love this game.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 05:39:47 AM by Daigoro »


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #53 on: January 24, 2013, 08:56:52 AM »
i broke the game from the beginning by finding a battle axe and an enchatment scroll. i equipped it and in a few levels i was able to kill pretty much everything in 1 shot. i found a ton of potions of STR and scrolls of enchatment. food was scarce for a bit. but i also found a large amount of healing potions.
i won! whooo! it was a little too easy with all of the stuff that i found, but it was still a lot of fun. love this game.
Well thats just the thing with roguelikes. If you get really lucky you feel sooo powerful, which is a nice contrast from all the beating you take when you are unlucky. :)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #54 on: January 24, 2013, 10:01:30 AM »
i broke the game from the beginning by finding a battle axe and an enchatment scroll. i equipped it and in a few levels i was able to kill pretty much everything in 1 shot. i found a ton of potions of STR and scrolls of enchatment. food was scarce for a bit. but i also found a large amount of healing potions.
i won! whooo! it was a little too easy with all of the stuff that i found, but it was still a lot of fun. love this game.
Well thats just the thing with roguelikes. If you get really lucky you feel sooo powerful, which is a nice contrast from all the beating you take when you are unlucky. :)


since that game ended i got the update and ive been getting pummeled. havent made it past floor 2 or 3 in about five games. been getting my butt kicked! good stuff.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #55 on: January 25, 2013, 06:59:49 AM »
Good stuff indeed! I noticed some of the reviews on the play store mentioned this game being too hard, and that the difficulty should be decreased... :|
Those people just don't understand what a roguelike is all about, I really hope watabou doesn't take their advice. Just keep doing what you've been doing so far man! Loving this game


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #56 on: January 25, 2013, 07:17:09 AM »
definitely. a good roguelike should be hard as nails. a small quick game like Pixel Dungeon doubly so.

i think Watabou knows this already though. seems like he has a strong grasp of good roguelike game design judging by how well designed PD is already. i doubt he would cave in and make this game easy for people who complain.

he added Magic Sheep to the dungeon! those things look evil protecting that Shaman. (havent seen them yet myself, but i can imagine they make killing the Shaman a lot harder). evil, but cute.

im going to go and try to find them now. (30 games later...)

edit: oh man! first game i played after my post, i was having a great game. found a +3 knuckle duster on the first or second floor. killer early game weapon that. had two great rings and a bunch of other stuff.

possible SPOILER below-

i died on Dlvl5 by that damn ooze. no healing items. when i died it identified that i had found a wand of flock! i bet i could have used that on the ooze to contain it. maybe... didnt even get to see the sheep that i was questing after. dumb move not to try the wand, but the duster was doing so well (i had it up to +5). silly me.

that ooze is dancing on my corpse now.

also, found out this game that you can now equip 2 rings at once, and that there is a pack limit enforced (by weight i guess). i was having problems picking up items even though all of the slots in my pack werent occupied.

so fun.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 07:42:21 AM by Daigoro »


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Pixel Dungeon 0.2.3
« Reply #57 on: January 30, 2013, 01:53:33 PM »
Pixel Dungeon 0.2.3 is now available on Google Play! The main feature of this update is the shop on the 6th depth. Here is the list of changes from Google Play:
  • Added: Shop on the 6th depth
  • Added: New "trap" type - alarm
  • Added: New special room type - healing well
  • Changed: Now it's impossible to put out fire in the water while levitating
  • Changed: Now alarmed monsters are less likely to notice the hero
  • Fixed: The size of apk-file is reduced
  • Fixed: Now it's impossible to use teleportation on Tengu's depth
  • Fixed: Crashes on devices with turkish locale
...and more...


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #58 on: January 31, 2013, 08:01:37 AM »
this game has been crushing my soul for the past 5 days. dont think ive made it to Dlvl4 once. :P

edit: finally made it to Dlvl5 for the first time in almost a week and a slime pumped up and 1 shot kills me. 19 points of damage... this was a few steps after i stepped on a trap that alerted the enemies to my presence.

time for a break!
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 10:23:39 AM by Daigoro »


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #59 on: January 31, 2013, 02:21:21 PM »
a slime pumped up and 1 shot kills me. 19 points of damage...
You are supposed to step back when it's pumping up  :)