Title: Herculeum
Summary: Simple Rogue clone written in Python.
Version: 0.5
Released: 2012-08-24
https://github.com/tuturto/pyhercOnline manual:
http://tuturto.github.com/pyherc/index.htmlDirect download:
https://github.com/downloads/tuturto/pyherc/pyherc-0.5.zipNew features that are readily visible to players:
* User interface rewrite with PyQt
* 16 inventory window (
* Message is shown for missed attack
* Message is shown for dying monster
* Message is shown for picked up item
* Message is shown for dropped item
* Player character can be given a name
Following new features are more technical in nature and not visible during gameplay:
* _at function added to Cutesy
* is_dead matcher added
* other components can register to receive updates from domain objects
* pyherc.rules.items.drop replaced with DropAction
Fixed bugs
* 17 Taking stairs do not update display correctly (
Other notes
* Services are no longer injected to domain objects
* pyherc.rules.effects moved to pyherc.data.effects
* EffectsCollection moved to pyherc.data.effects
* qc added for testing
* poisoning and dying from poison tests moved to BDD side
* is_at and is_not_at changed to is_in and is_not_in
* herculeum.gui.core removed
* PGU and pygame removed as dependencies
I'm currently having some troubles generating statement coverage reports from tests (
http://tuturto.github.com/pyherc/cover/index.html). If you spot something funny there, please let me know.