"Previously titled Rogue Project 2, I have given my roguelike the name
Solstice, and released an early version (Solstice because the Sun
plays a part in the game mechanics, as well as the moon).
Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!"
Solstice is a turn based game in the tradition of Rogue, NetHack, and Dungeon Crawl. However, Solstice attempts to move the game beyond the cramped confines of the dungeon into an open world, procedurally generated each time you play. Solstice is a world where the Romanesque empire of Imar is at constant odds with the Throne of the Jade Dragon. On the eve of the last summer solstice, the previously impenetrable Barrier in the Eastern Sea has dropped, allowing ships to travel to SunRise Islands, which have been cut off from all contact for hundreds of years.
Solstice has several planned features including:
A completely player designed homebase which will be subject to attack by rival forces.
Large, procedurally generated, persistant overworld.
Autonomous, customizable allies
Version Notes 0.0.22 - Alpha
New features:
Screen now scales properly even if user has DPI set to alternative value. Can manually scale screen in cases where auto settings don't set correctly.
Rewrote display routine to be considerably more efficient - screen recenters less often, and only redraws the affected area, rather than the entire screen as before.
4 Item hotkeys added
25 new monsters.
Large parts of the monster AI rewritten.
2 new biomes (desert, volcanic peaks) with associated hazards (eg,
5 new procedurably generated map types (BSP type dungeons, cellular automata generated caverns, etc). Some of these are many levels deep.
Changed endurance mechanic to require player to periodically rest (camp) as well as eat and drink. Neglecting eating, drinking, and resting is not currently lethal, but your stats suffer greatly as time carries on.
Allies (temporary in the form of charm monster, permanent, commandable allies are coming, with inventory)
Rudimentary home base editor (can place walls and some buildings; this is leading to the ability to create your own complete town/castle/whatever, in anticipation of sieges - note that you must establish your home base first, and then you can edit it from the overworld) Right now, it simply builds whatever you want in stone/housing material - in the future your resources are limited, but for now you can build what you want.
Containers (chest, bags, etc)
Also note that the few skills I have in the games are just examples to test the interface and skill screen. They are fully functional, but not represetative of what kind of skill I am planning on having.
Sounds great and his last project had quite a bit to it if memory serves, here's hoping for a day when it has a spiffy Roguebasin entry and even moreso hopefully brisk dev pace now that it has a proper name