Author Topic: PRIME 2.2 (27th March 2013)  (Read 71763 times)


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PRIME 2.2 (27th March 2013)
« on: January 01, 2012, 12:38:26 AM »
Name: Pesky Reticulans, Improvements, More Everything (PRIME)
Synopsis: Hacklike roguelike game with all kinds of aliens.
Post containing latest release (27th March 2013): link

Pesky Reticulans, Improvements, More Everything -- version 1.7 released!

In short this release brings:
- Operating systems for computers (reflected by enhancement value) which may help you not to get hurt as much by all those unidentified floppy disks. Be very wary not to format your computer's hard drive or be prepared to install new OS.
 - Weapons with cone area attack. Say hello to flamethrowers ... and orc pyromaniacs!
 - Defiler with plague vomit, High Templar with Psionic Storm. Khaydarin crystal shards.
 - Several new tools, grenades, armor pieces. Introduced skillsoft bionic implants and a new medical service.
 - Matter compiler. Pile up unwanted stuff, break them into particles and see if you can assemble something useful from the chaos.
 - A great number of bugs were eliminated.

For those who like to be presented with long change log DarkGod usually gives for ToME releases here you go: full changelog

Direct download links: WINDOWS LINUX SOURCE

You may wish to visit the website.

Enjoy! Happy new year to all of you!
« Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 10:17:27 PM by Ancient »
Michał Bieliński, reviewer for Temple of the Roguelike


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Re: PRIME 1.7 released
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2012, 02:08:27 AM »
Cool!  Got an empty page/dead link on the Windows download here in the topic, the direct links----but I think it downloaded proper from the homepage.  355kb right?
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: PRIME 1.7 released
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2012, 09:16:47 AM »
Hmmm... at first the direct link failed for me too but after I visited the website it started to work again. Weird. Yes, its 355 KB.

For those wondering how does it play here goes a post mortem of my recent Mastermind who got shot down by security droids. Quite a good game it was. Also, a screenshot.

It fared great and I managed to survive a radiation sickness without too much harm. Destroyed a clerkbot just below robot town. Got enough funds to purchase mega computer for my needs. Was fun until I had kicked a door with alarm. The alarm went off and security droids were sent in. They come with heavy energy cannon and usually a ray gun to top it off. I foolishly battled them head on instead of teleporting away and taking them one by one. Reticulans are fragile after all.

                           #############                        widmo           
                           #..........<#                        First Contact   
                           #...........####                     XL  9:8975     
                           ###########'####                     Str 14  Int 10 
                        ##############'#######                  Con  8  Wis 12 
                i A           +...*----X.....+                  Agi 20  Cha  7 
                i i           #.....X........#                  Dex 15         
                  A           #..............#                                 
                              #####'##########                  Speed  +35     
                                 ##'#####                       Armor   23     
                                             O                  HitPts   0(35) 
                                              Ok                Energy 322     
                                     d       O                  $9     *322     
   t                                 [                                         
                                                                Space Base 12   
The security droid shoots its laser cannon!
The laser beam hits you!
You die.


  Energy Cells
u - 322 energy cells
R - 9 buckazoids
a - an optimized +1 anal probe
d - an optimized +1 reticulan zap gun
w - an optimized +1 pea shooter
l - 3 debugged +0 concussion grenades
v - an optimized +2 plasma rifle (wielded)

Good stuff! But not enough against overwhelming forces.

h - 125 bullets
o - 39 shotgun shells
b - 9 railgun slugs

Forgot to stash these. Useless without right weapon to fire them.

s - a debugged pair of sunglasses (worn)
C - a debugged +0 red chaos power armor (worn)
D - a debugged -3 harmony dome (worn)
O - a debugged +0 radiation suit (worn)

The -3 did not hurt really. Domes provide at most 1 AC so it was just not granting me anything in terms of protection. Harmony itself is worth it though.

f - 2 optimized canisters of nano cola
t - a debugged canister of healing
x - a debugged canister of liquid nitrogen
i - 3 debugged canisters of beer
V - a debugged canister of napalm
X - a debugged canister of nano cola
  Bionic Implants
J - a debugged babel fish (implanted in left ear)
P - a debugged search skillsoft (implanted in parietal lobe)
M - an optimized +4 reflex coordinator (implanted in frontal lobe)
S - a debugged radiation processor (implanted in occipital lobe)
  Ray Guns
F - a buggy freeze ray gun (4 charges)
G - a debugged gauss ray gun (7 charges)

I could have used this. D'oh!

E - a debugged stasis ray gun (5 charges)
  Floppy Disks
j - 3 debugged floppy disks of transportation
k - an optimized floppy disk of enhance weapon
A - 5 optimized floppy disks of debugging
B - a buggy floppy disk of reformat
g - an optimized floppy disk of identify
N - 2 optimized floppy disks of transportation
z - a debugged infected floppy disk of hypnosis

Had no idea this one was infected but indented to reformat it anyway.

T - 2 debugged blank floppy disks
U - an optimized floppy disk of reformat
Q - a debugged floppy disk of object detection
K - an optimized floppy disk of lifeform detection
p - a debugged floppy disk of hypnosis
e - 4 buggy blank floppy disks
q - a buggy blank floppy disk
m - a debugged flashlight
n - a debugged +0 mega computer


  Power            Level Chance Status
Digestion            1     90%   
Telepathy            2     90%   (on)
Web                  2     90%   
Adrenaline Control   4     70%   (on)
X-Ray Vision         4     70%   (on)
Teleport             5     75%   

--- SKILLS ---

Combat Skills
Thrown Weapons (Dex)        0+0 (5)     
Handguns (Dex)              4+0 (5)     
Light Guns (Dex)            5+0 (5)     
Heavy Guns (Dex)            0+0 (2)     
Unarmed Combat (Str)        7+0 (7)     
Basic Melee Weapons (Agi)   0+0 (2)     
Swords (Agi)                0+0 (5)     
Adventuring Skills
Concentration (Con)         4+0 (10)     
Pick Locks (Dex)            0+0 (7)     
Repair (Dex)                2+0 (2)     
Search (Int)                2+4 (5)     
Spot (Wis)                  0+0 (7)     
Mutant Power Skills
Illumination (Cha)          0+0 (10)     
Digestion (Cha)             0+0 (10)     
Hypnosis (Cha)              0+0 (12)     
Regeneration (Cha)          0+0 (12)     
Optic Blast (Cha)           0+0 (2)     
Haste (Cha)                 0+0 (10)     
Telepathy (Cha)             2+0 (12)     
Web (Cha)                   2+0 (2)     
Mental Blast (Cha)          0+0 (12)     
Restoration (Cha)           0+0 (10)     
Adrenaline Control (Cha)    2+0 (7)     
X-Ray Vision (Cha)          2+0 (12)     
Teleport (Cha)              5+0 (15)     


Your base attack bonus was 2.
Your speed was 135.
Your speed bonus was 10.
Your to hit modifier was -1.
Your damage modifier was 3.
Your psionic modifier was -2.
You were nearly invulnerable to blinding.
You were extremely resistant to fire.
You were nearly invulnerable to magnetic effects.
You were nearly invulnerable to radiation.
You were telepathic.
You had X-ray vision.
You had an air supply.
You had automatic searching.
Your body eliminated radiation.
You were able to understand alien languages.
You had been exposed to minimal levels of radiation.

--- KILL LIST ---

11 warp fungi
9 grid bugs
4 bore worms
5 mynocks
8 giant cockroaches
7 little grey aliens
1 ratbot
5 mutant humans
12 space goblins
2 tapioca puddings
4 smart bombs
1 kamikaze goblin
1 catbot
1 dogbot
45 alien eggs

Wiped like three alien nests.

2 vat slimes
4 cylon centurions
3 stormtroopers
1 astromech droid
1 scrubbot
1 klingon
20 facehuggers

Nasty ... some even got me.

1 radspider
6 zerglings
1 smart missile
1 hydralisk
5 alien warriors
1 clerkbot

Got like two thousand buckazoids from that one.

--- SUMMARY ---

widmo finished adventuring on 2012-1-1.
widmo earned 8975 experience points and achieved level 9.
widmo attained the professional rank of First Contact.
widmo collected 14975 score points.
Michał Bieliński, reviewer for Temple of the Roguelike


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Re: PRIME 1.7 released
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2012, 12:07:00 AM »

I'm going to start looking at the sources rite nao!
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Re: PRIME 1.7 released
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2012, 12:30:21 PM »
Heh, don't forget to update to Roguebasin folks---gotta keep those probes and flamethrowers in the spotlight to invade ASCII Dreams 2012 Roguelike Poll.   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: PRIME 1.7 released
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2012, 06:21:42 PM »
Whoops! Had this in mind a week ago. Thanks for reminder.
Michał Bieliński, reviewer for Temple of the Roguelike


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Re: PRIME 1.7 released
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2012, 11:49:10 PM »
Last day I tried matter compiler twice, and it was quite nice, but it trolled me the first time. Looks like I didn't gather enough garbage and it offered me three grenades. I said, well, ok It's not awesome but they'll get me out of a pinch. Maybe some concussion grenades, or flashbang stuff. They turned out to be three prolate spheroids.
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Re: PRIME 1.7 released
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2012, 11:24:14 AM »
Very nice, original project!

Cool game, I had fun playing it.

I'd say it need some UI polish; things like these:
- wait should be possible with . but also 5 on the numpad
- "/" to look is a little ankward (shift+7), "l" is more intuitive and easy
- maybe there should be a brief 1-line description of some skills like concentration, programming, search vs spot
- no need to take off if I want to wield something under my armor (automatic procedure, like adom)
- weapons should display informations, otherwise I can't tell what's the best melee weapon among my initial +3 football, a stylish baton or a club, or if I can throw away wimpy pistols when I get a laser gun
- when answering to "do you want to pick this lock?", space and "o" should work like "y"
- "what do you want to drop/wield/quaff?" should immediately display the list of droppable/wieldable/drinkable inventory items (not only their letters)

Some questions:
1- Are skill class-related? for example, as a quarterback, I wasn't able to put skill points in pick locks.
2- In my first game, I died because of radiation sickness; what is a way to deal with it? I started drinking potions but this resulted in me having more radiation and being teleported while drunk in a room full of enemies hahaha..
3- I tried to look at a sludge vat, but pressing "." I got no informations; isn't there still a description of it? and what's the use of it?

What I enjoy the most in roguelikes: Anti-Farming and Mac Givering my way out. Kind of what I also enjoy in life.


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Re: PRIME 1.7 released
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2012, 01:52:05 PM »

[interface stuff trimmed although they look like good suggestions :)]

Some questions:
1- Are skill class-related? for example, as a quarterback, I wasn't able to put skill points in pick locks.
2- In my first game, I died because of radiation sickness; what is a way to deal with it? I started drinking potions but this resulted in me having more radiation and being teleported while drunk in a room full of enemies hahaha..
3- I tried to look at a sludge vat, but pressing "." I got no informations; isn't there still a description of it? and what's the use of it?

1. Yes. What skills advance automatically and in which ones can you invest points (and how many) is something that comes with profession. Software engineers suck with light guns, but are pretty good with handguns, for instance. Or, if a character that's not a psion somehow mutates, they won't be able to put skill points in their mutant powers, while psions can add points to any mutant power on levelup. Heavy guns - space marine, lockpicking&swords - ninja, unarmed - astronaut, repair - janitor, etc. Maybe they could do with some tooltips on the selection screen if that's doable.

2. Radiation sickness is one of the biggest dangers. There is a potion that reduces your radiation level (rad-away), an implant that purges radiation over time, a medical procedure that gets rid of your radiation, and some equipment pieces that protect against radiation with varying degrees of safety. Be very wary of buggy items that might have atomic processes going on inside them. Also, if you manage to mutate into the "restoration" power, you can survive terminal radiation sickness (or poisoning for that matter).

3. Sludge vats have several uses ;) but I feel that's a bit too spoil-y.

Also, you shouldn't ever throw away the wimpy gun - unless you're way too overencumbered and everything else is much more valuable. Wimpy guns are that, wimpy, but they have a fundamental trait that sets them apart from all other guns. At least that's my advice :)
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Re: PRIME 1.7 released
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2012, 03:43:06 PM »
Hay guyz, I'm down with the game and look forward to its continued devz. The dungeon layout (from my purely subjective perspective) is a little tough. Lots of locked, secret doors getting in the way of level 1. My poor foot was smashed into pulp. Overall, looks really neat!


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Re: PRIME 1.7 released
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2012, 04:50:43 PM »
Hay guyz, I'm down with the game and look forward to its continued devz. The dungeon layout (from my purely subjective perspective) is a little tough. Lots of locked, secret doors getting in the way of level 1. My poor foot was smashed into pulp. Overall, looks really neat!

Thanks a lot :) All credz go to Ancient for this version, this time I just added some YAFMs :P

You'll eventually get a feel for where should the secret doors be and, just in case, I'm sure your starting equipment pistol doubles up as a lockpick.
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Re: PRIME 1.7 released
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2012, 07:46:48 PM »

You asked for people to report bugs, so here comes:

PRIME 1.7 compiled on maemo (N900) using gcc 4.4 starts well asks for username and after accepting it segfaults. Here is output of gdb:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
shMenu::showHelp (this=<value optimized out>, win=0x0) at Interface.cpp: 1249
1249                                  wattrset (win, A_NORMAL);

Compiled debug version without -O:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00055230 in shMenu::showHelp (this=0xbe82e5c4, win=0x0) at Interface.cpp: 1249
1249                                  wattrset (win, A_NORMAL);

Hopefully you can solve this. Luckily PRIME can be still run through qemu :)


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Re: PRIME 1.7 released
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2012, 06:48:59 AM »
Woah! I did not expect such great feedback. Lets take it one by one.

Skeletor, about points which Psiweapon did not respond to:
I'd say it need some UI polish; things like these:
- wait should be possible with . but also 5 on the numpad
- "/" to look is a little ankward (shift+7), "l" is more intuitive and easy
- maybe there should be a brief 1-line description of some skills like concentration, programming, search vs spot
- no need to take off if I want to wield something under my armor (automatic procedure, like adom)
- weapons should display informations, otherwise I can't tell what's the best melee weapon among my initial +3 football, a stylish baton or a club, or if I can throw away wimpy pistols when I get a laser gun
- when answering to "do you want to pick this lock?", space and "o" should work like "y"
- "what do you want to drop/wield/quaff?" should immediately display the list of droppable/wieldable/drinkable inventory items (not only their letters)

Wait has bothered me too. Now that you remind me it gets added to the top of to-do list. A must have for next release.

Look: it is the same as in NetHack which Zap'M and then PRIME inherit from. Probably not going to be changed for now. But! When key remapping gets introduced I shall compile an ADOM player friendly keymap where 'l' will look and vi keys are not going to be available.

Yes, skills need some ingame description. For now please look into Guide.txt bundled with game and search for skill names.

When taking off and wearing do you mean jumpsuits? That is the only instance of it left in the game. In earlier versions you needed to take helmet off to install/remove implant which sucked badly. Jumpsuits were left because body armor has non-constant equip time and 'W'ear jumpsuit might consume like 5 turns when you have some power armor on yourself. But hey, PRIME is going to get its own "died while dressing up" death message. :-) I think you are right and it will improve gameplay overall.

Interesting thought about lockpick usage. It did not occur to me but this would streamline open door command. Placed on to-do.

With displaying a list of items I do not agree. PRIME like NetHack and Rogue keeps inventory letters in constant places. Furthermore, you can 'A'djust them to your liking. I find myself usually remembering what item has what space and not obscuring the screen is good thing. For remaining cases typing '?' is enough.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 07:03:17 AM by Ancient »
Michał Bieliński, reviewer for Temple of the Roguelike


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Re: PRIME 1.7 released
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2012, 06:56:57 AM »
Jim, thanks for chime in. As Psiweapon says there are ways around locked doors that not necessarily involve kicking or lockpick.

Szopin: thank you for this report. While it is good to hear qemu serves you well this is not the ideal solution. The bug you caught is related to displaying key help at the very bottom of screen. Why a NULL pointer was passed to showHelp() is a good question. The bug report you provided is very accurate. Most probably I will have it tracked down shortly. Please drop in within a week or so for a patch.

Psiweapon: Yes, matter compiler can be quite fickle when it comes to assembling stuff. Make sure there is lot of stuff to render apart. Stuff includes items but is not exclusive to them  ...

Also, I must confess about a bug which crept in to 1.7. When you wear all three wearable items that protect you against radiation (jumpsuit, helmet, armor) your protection value wraps around! This irradiates constantly for huge amounts and soon death follows. You will know what these items are once you find them. This is fixed for next release.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 07:02:45 AM by Ancient »
Michał Bieliński, reviewer for Temple of the Roguelike


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Re: PRIME 1.7 released
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2012, 02:22:46 AM »
PSI you are no longer the only guy developing? Sweet team work my friends. I'll be checking this out as soon as I've run SIL into the ground.

BTW the windows link didn't seem to work. I'll be downloading from the website.