An episode on Mercury would be good. I find it a bit pointless to play, but it's fun for a quick dip in dip out. Since it changes regularly it tends to stay fairly fresh. I find myself playing it not for the score but for just a quick and simple dive without all the frills.
Regarding yours and Andrew's discussion on cardinal/diagonal/hex - pillar dancing is irrelevant. In a cardinal movement system, if you are a multiple of two tiles away you will always be hit first unless you can perform a wait action. Thus if you are an odd number of tiles away you will always hit first.
Therefore: if you only have cardinal movement and no wait action, your distance to one monster is irrelevant. It is whether the distance is a multiple of 2 that matters. Try it for yourself on paper.
With diagonal movement you get to jump back and forth each side of the binary system. Distance now matters.
I thought that with hex you would have the same issue with cardinal grid movement, but on trying it out on paper I'm not getting the same result. I can spend a turn but still be the same distance from the enemy - thus distance does matter in hex, yet it doesn't have the binary system that grids impose.
Not that the binary system isn't fun. But it does have a big impact on AI and on survival.
edit: multiple of 2 not factor of 2