The specter was near the top of the screen, I believe one square away from the topmost wall, remember it had not seen me yet. I attempted to bump it and I went into it. I walked off it and there it was. If it happens again I will
The only thing I can think of is there might be a memory problem somewhere generated from a c array, if you are writing in C/C++ that is. I.e. the specter was not really in that dungeon cell but by some bug the graphics engine thought it was, so when I attacked it the combat engine determined that there was no monster there.
Possibly it was not even on that level, but for some reason was shown on that level??
Just throwing ideas out there.
maybe if you threw in a monster that did larger damage earlier on it might be more scarier
I'm not really attempting to make a scary game. I've never felt fear in a game myself (and I've played Undying, Penumbra, etc), so it's seems like a futile attempt. Same thing when I read Lovecraft. What I get from his stories instead is a sense of wonder. It's rather this sense that is the long-term goal for the game, coupled with the black humour from the Evil Dead series et al. Your character is supposed to be a mix between your typical Lovecraft protagonist + Ash from Evil Dead + Caleb from Blood. 
The atmosphere is great, exploration and a sense of wonder, good good good.
Ok let me reiterate, I meant more difficult, not scarier. How can an ascii game be scary, although they can raise the heart beat sometimes

I really meant that I find the combat a little too easy, and when I die, I die because of lack of attention rather than not having the necessary skills to avoid death. Lack of attention happens because I dont think anything around me can kill me, because they do so little damage. My suggestion was to up the damage or some "scarier" monsters so I was more wary of encounters.
I never seem to use ranged combat, I hardly ever use explosives except for fun. I just thought maybe you can inject some heart stopping moments in the early levels, or force a reason for me to use ranged combat, but if other people find it too difficult then maybe it is fine the way it is. I guess roguelikes don't have to be impossible. Come to think of it I enjoyed DoomRL more when I could win it with out problems.

I find the same problem in ADOM, where I am killing hundreds of wolves and then I dont see that werewolf amongst them and I die, because I get complacent easy. Games like doomrl and crawl you never get complacent. Complacency in crawl is a death sentence.