Version 3.3
NEW IN THIS UPDATE- New sky box -which isn't actually a box
- Resolution scaling replaces window resolution in the options-show picture
- Monster info display will appear if you hover over a monster for a few seconds
- Color of tiles on the minimap now match their physical counterparts
- Dead monsters redden the tiles they bump against
- Player now slides on ice as long as time is moving rather than just when pressing a movement key
- Aiming reticle size slider added in the options
- Very light controller lockout when using a keyboard/mouse -to fix a lingering bug
- Added some physics to dying
- Added option to turn off bumping into dead monsters
- The red screen flash when you're hit now roughly indicates the direction you were hit from
- Some new visual goodies to the gold pile
- Kestral feathers can now be used with any type of projectile
- Kestral feathers now provide a +15 percent to hit instead of +10
- Bat ears now show which wall tiles have already been lit and which have not
- Moved inventory below the stat bar
- Altered the camera shake when hit
- Sharpened up some of the fonts
- Adjusted player and monster movement speeds slightly
- Made the options menu a bit bigger
- Updated centaur bestiary text
- Updated monster bit text in How To Play section
- Adjusted the slipperiness of ice
- Increased the amount of damage fire does to monsters
- Lowered the amount of time a monster stays on fire
- Flake of frost now has a percentage chance to activate like the other monster bits
- Reimported a lot of textures to hopefully smooth out performance and decrease game boot times
- Roofs on halls in classic mode
- Cursed items can now be dropped even if they aren't equipped
- Run stats are no longer lost when loading a save
- Player now has the correct amount of hp when a save is loaded
- Stat bar now shows the correct numbers when a save is loaded
- Items are no longer be invisible when a save is loaded
- Fixed rare chance the player could spawn on the same tile as a monster
- The minimap now correctly shows what you are seeing when you are hallucinating
- Pit trap now properly sends you down a level even if you are holding the amulet
- Wraiths no longer light up tiles after they are dead
- Orcs now properly abandon their gold if they're shot at, even if you miss
- Orcs now no longer jitter while sitting on their gold
- Bonfires no longer cause the ground around them to pulse strangely
- Fixed rare instance of part of the dungeon floor being blocked off
- Fixed late game bug where certain monsterbits would cause a crash if you were hit with dragon fire
- Rattler venom now works properly again
- The CRT shader -it may come back someday but it wasn't playing nice with the new way I have the viewports set up in-game so it had to go, alternatively you can set your resolution scale to about 20-25 percent and get a crt-esque resolution.
- FXAA -it's bugged with the new way of rendering I'm doing. The sky is visible through walls and ceilings, and everything is overly bright
This update is mostly about upping the presentation of the game a bit. I took a few week break after Christmas so there's not as much here as I would like but I figured it was about time for an update.
But there is one gameplay improvement here though. The player and monsters now slide on ice when waiting. Which means if you're in a fight with a monster both of you will slide around after you attack each other, so watch out if you're fighting on ice around pits! Also you will be pushed back when you are hit and when you land hits so be careful.