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A little late, but...

Cogmind, Brogue and DCSS are focused on, broadly speaking, dungeon crawling and don't feature special side quests, at least not in the usual meaning.

Caves of Qud _might_ feature mechanics you are looking for, but I never played it for a long time. I believe it's still mostly focused on fighting.

You might have a better luck with UnReal World (open world / survival / crafting roguelike that takes place in Iron Age Finland), Ultima Ratio Regnum (unfinished but still developed roguelike focused entirely on generating interesting world; I don't think it features quests yet, but if I remember correctly it's planned for the feature), Dwarf Fortress adventure mode (basically "do whatever you want", buuuut it's still mostly travelling and killing monsters).
Other Announcements / Re: Rage of Mages 2 (online RPG multiplayer server)
« Last post by salim.otis21 on March 26, 2025, 06:47:53 AM »
What you are doing is a great effort to preserve a gem in the RPG world. How to maintain and develop it long term in an era where gamers are increasingly demanding innovation?
Early Dev / Re: Where One Citizen - sci-fi life simulation
« Last post by MadShield on March 25, 2025, 12:52:38 PM »
Hey !!! sorry I just saw that you got no replies on this post, I just started playing the game and I'm loving it though i'm not far at all lol, the mechanics seem kinda deep and iI just love the general concept, thanks a lot for this !!!!
How do players adapt to changing dungeon difficulty, especially when a new dungeon can be "easier" due to the random element in map and item generation?

It's a bit of a tricky question to answer because each player will adapt based on their playstyle and knowledge of the game. A new dungeon could feel "easier" than the previous one due to the random items that were generated, but in any case, it will always be one floor longer, which means you'll encounter new and more dangerous enemies. In Coop Catacombs, the type of enemies you face is tied to the floor level—the deeper you go, the more dangers you'll find.
I've played it before, it's quite fun.
Me too, I find it fun to play.
The idea that dungeons become longer rather than strictly harder is an interesting twist—it ensures progression while still allowing for variance in challenge due to RNG.
How deep is the fusion system? Can you create completely new monsters, or is it more of a stat boost system?
What’s the best way to prepare for the increasing difficulty after a dungeon reset, especially in terms of choosing weapons, magic, or traps?

When a player completes the current dungeon, a new one (harder) is generated for the remaining players. When I say "harder," I simply mean that the dungeon’s depth level has increased, making the path to the goal (the Orb) longer.

The type of monsters you encounter is tied to the dungeon's depth level. So, by increasing the depth, you’ll face new, tougher monster types.

That being said, due to the completely random nature of dungeon generation, it’s possible that a deeper dungeon might actually feel "easier" than the previous one. This can happen if powerful items spawn early on, allowing you to progress faster. So, to be precise, a new dungeon is USUALLY harder... but not always. What it will ALWAYS be is longer.

Once the dungeon reaches its maximum depth level, a new season starts and the dungeon resets back to level 1, creating an endless cycle.

As for the best strategy... it really depends on how the new dungeon has been generated. There’s no magic formula that works every time, though there are some general tips that are useful in most situations:

In future updates, I’ll be adding new mechanics focused on strategy, giving each player more options to approach the game. Some of the main features I have planned include: pets (and the ability to use magical staffs like Healing or Protection on them), a wishing well, digging up graves, and more…
How do players adapt to changing dungeon difficulty, especially when a new dungeon can be "easier" due to the random element in map and item generation?
Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: ROGUE-FP
« Last post by JaryJurax on March 20, 2025, 11:22:18 PM »
Version 3.4
  • New Trap -roof collapse
  • Wait Command -activate by holding the search key Q
  • Added a tutorial popup for waiting/healing
  • Added a hanging chains sprite that replaces the hanging vines
  • While you're near a bonfire your natural regen is increased
  • Small chime is emitted when fast forward is toggled
  • Sound effect is emitted when your hunger bar is very low

  • The phantom can now hover over pits. -it still cannot fly over walls
  • Player can no longer shove loose tiles around like they're made of cardboard
  • Falling tiles hurt the player
  • Highlighted important parts of tutorial text and corrected small typos

  • Bolts from wands of fire/cold/elec couldn't bounce off of floors properly
  • A bug that caused new collision shapes to be put down inefficiently if a wall was blown up
  • Rings of regeneration weren't kicking in until you hit level 8
  • Some weapons that spawned with an empty enchantment were given very plain names with a typo to boot -Reported by jej on steam/gog

Here's a small update for everyone. I got more than a few requests for a wait command so I finally put one in. It's a bit of a hack since for the most part it just cranks up the engine speed but it should do for now if you just want to get a some hp back. Also, if you wait near a fire you'll heal a little faster so bonfires aren't just for decoration anymore.
The new trap took a decent bit of work to get in. Godot 3's physics engine didn't really want to cooperate with me but I got it working consistently enough I think. A falling tile does quite a bit of damage and so this trap shouldn't show up too often.

3.4.1 is out now as well so I'm going to start on 3.5. I'm going to to start putting in some "machines" as Brian Walker called them in Brogue. Semi-elaborate traps or room setups that involve the layout of the dungeon to put it simply.
I've created a couple of surveys for people who've played the game. I'd appreciate your feedback!

The first survey (and the biggest focus, at the moment) is focused on debt and item value. The next release is going to feature mansions, which have a lot of valuable-but-not-useful loot, so I'm looking to take this opportunity to rebalance the values of items and the debt, and I'm curious what people's experiences have been with them so far in play.

Debt survey:

The second survey is more general questions about what you like/don't like about the game so far. It's less directed, but if I see that a multiple people saying the same thing, it might give me an idea of things to focus on that I might not otherwise have thought of on my own.

General survey:

And here's some information about some new stuff! I'm currently working on adding a new location type: Mansions, full of expensive loot.

Mansions can of course be assaulted like other locations, but they're heavily guarded so that might not always be the best idea.

Instead, if you haven't managed to piss off the nobility yet, you might be able to walk right through the gate! Fancy nobles are always having each other over for parties and to show off their homes, so if you manage to get an invitation for one of them (or bribe the guards!), and you're dressed the part, you might just be allowed to wander around unimpeded!

Though you may be allowed inside, that doesn't mean you're just allowed to take whatever you want, though. If you're caught stealing, you will get a chance to put the item back, which will prevent everyone from becoming hostile towards you. This will also apply in most other situations where creatures who aren't already hostile towards you catch you stealing.

Once you've gained access to the mansion through peaceful means, there are a variety of nobles inside to talk to. Some may offer mini-quests you can do which will grant small rewards and increase your favor with the nobility, and may even lead to contacting a new faction with plenty of disposable income to throw your way...
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