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Messages - Legend

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Temple of the Roguelike / Re: Roguelike Round-up
« on: August 02, 2011, 04:29:10 PM »
You forgot Infra Arcana. It's a very interesting and fun roguelike being worked on. It's in the forums.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Infra Arcana release 5
« on: July 28, 2011, 03:05:02 PM »

I especially like the idea of the height mechanic, although I'm not totally sure what the difference is between firing a shot at a shorter enemy versus a taller one is command-wise.
Command-wise it only depends on where you aim. The rules are there only because a rat shouldn't block your shot when you aim at a person.

---***Ok. I figured it was something like that. So if there is a rat in front of a zombie, I cn fire a shot over the rat and at the zombie? Cool.***---

How do I throw missiles? I had throwing knives, but every time I used the throw command, I got a message saying I have nothing to throw. They can't seem to be equipped either. Is this not fully implemented yet or am I missing something?
It seems to work for me. The throw command is 't', and missiles are equipped in the "missiles" slot. They should be equipped in that slot when the game starts.

Ah maybe you pressed the command to EQUIP missiles ('m'). Then it would say "You have nothing to use as a thrown weapon". Which means there is nothing in the inventory to equip.

t = throw equipped missile
m = equip missile

---***lol. That's exactly what I was doing. Hitting "m" instead of "t". I was playing with a gamepad so I confused which button I had assigned to m/t.***---

Vilomaxus and the Fungi handed my butt to me. Almost unfairly so. They kept diseasing me from a distance.
Vilomaxus? What? Who?  :)
Well, I balance the game after my own play testing, and I don't think they are that much of a problem. They always fall for the old 'wait-around-the-corner-with-a-shotgun' trick.  ;)

---***My first time getting that far and I rushed down and was only at xp level 2, no shotgun, and several of the fungi. I don't really think it was unfair. Just learning the game afterall.***---

Btw, how does a fungi wave it's hand and have an alien electric gun? Is that supposed to be like the Tesla Cannon/THunderbolt from Blood/Quake?
I don't know if you've read Lovecraft. Those are extremely evolved fungi. As it says in their in-game description they look like crustaceans and have wings, several limbs and a tail. The electric gun is one invention of this great scientific race.

---***I'm aware of lovecraft and am familiar with works inspired by him. Also aware of some of his mythos, but unfortunately have not read anything of his yet. I was going to buy a compilation of his works the other day that I had been eyeballing at the bookstore for months, but it was gone. :( ***---

The reanimating corpses are very annoying, but very cool.
Hm, "annoying" isn't good.

---***I like them. More like a pain in the butt, but good challenge. I didn't really mean annoying as in they shouldn't be there. I really like them. They are kinda hard to deal with a hoard of them on the very first level though.***---

Any chance of adding the page up/down and home/end keys as an alternate diagonal movement? I play on a laptop so I have no number pad and it's kinda annoying to use the number row at the top of the keys for diagonal movement.
Yeah that should be easy to add. Something that could also be used:
shift + left = up left
shift + right = up right
ctrl + left = down left
ctrl + right = down right.

What do you think of that?

---***That's a really cool and interesting idea. I'm surprised no one else has ever thought of something similar for rl players without a numpad.***---

Think it would also be possible to make it possible to navigate the menus using the arrow keys and enter to select the option/item/etc
I'll see if I can add it.

---***You would be my hero if you did!***---

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Infra Arcana release 5
« on: July 28, 2011, 11:22:43 AM »
Extremely cool.

Some thoughts/comments:

I especially like the idea of the height mechanic, although I'm not totally sure what the difference is between firing a shot at a shorter enemy versus a taller one is command-wise.

I really like the tombstone screen.

Kinda weird how the program seems to close then open when returning to the main menu after dying.

How do I throw missiles? I had throwing knives, but every time I used the throw command, I got a message saying I have nothing to throw. They can't seem to be equipped either. Is this not fully implemented yet or am I missing something?

Some commands like bashing doors or closing them can't be cancelled using the esc key like other commands.

A yes/no confirmation before lighting dynamite would be extremely helpful. or an option to extinguish it right after you light it in case you did it by accident. Like I did.

Vilomaxus and the Fungi handed my butt to me. Almost unfairly so. They kept diseasing me from a distance. Btw, how does a fungi wave it's hand and have an alien electric gun? Is that supposed to be like the Tesla Cannon/THunderbolt from Blood/Quake?

The reanimating corpses are very annoying, but very cool. I especially like how you can hear them "thud" against doors you close in front of them. Haven't tried it yet, but can they be completely stopped by making them blow up or dismembered somehow? I think that would make sense that they keep getting up if shot or stabbed, but can be stopped for good if they are blown up or somehow completely dismembered by a heavy duty bladed weapon.

I really like the healing mechanic where you have to find somewhere safe to try and heel instead of just healing every few turns like most other roguelikes.

Is there an arm-mounted chainsaw somewhere? That would be awesome! Any kind of chainsaw?

Nice selection of skills to choose from.

Any chance of making a power-up, scroll, skill, etc. or some sort of way to dual-wield a melee weapon and a firearm so you don't have to switch weapons so often? Not as a standard permanent ability, but some way to earn it?

It would be nice if there was also a command to exit the game from the Tombstone screen instead of having to return to the main menu to do so.  

Maybe the Necronomicon could be used kinda like the Tome of Power from Heretic/Hexen II? a Temporary buff to your weapons.

Is saving implemented yet and I'm just missing it?

Is there a way to change the default player name or make it start blank so you don't have to delete "player1" everytime you start a game?

Any chance of adding the page up/down and home/end keys as an alternate diagonal movement? I play on a laptop so I have no number pad and it's kinda annoying to use the number row at the top of the keys for diagonal movement.

Think it would also be possible to make it possible to navigate the menus using the arrow keys and enter to select the option/item/etc like in doomrl? I often play with a gamepad using xpadder, and this is a very nice addition. At least for me.

This is a very nice blend of themes that makes it stand out on it's own as a roguelike. I can't wait to see how it progresses. Thanks for a very cool addition to roguelikes.

Been playing a bit and it is a very cool game. I have a few nit picks about the ui and features, but overall it's very fun and I love the humor and references. I like the crafting system too. Seems like i was pretty much taken straight out of minecraft though.

I wish there was a way to close doors, there was a button to click on with the mouse to wait instead of only being able to press "space" to do so, a way to scroll through the areas you have explored, and wish there would be a highlited area in areas that are blocked by walls, but you can still move there like hallways. Would be nice if there were a few more varied types of skills. The tutorial also left out a couple things.

Very cool that the games is going for a measly $5. Kinda makes the upcoming commercial version of Desktop Dungeons for $10-$20 seem a little over-priced.

They get extra bonus points of steel for having Manowar references in the game.

This is really cool. I love the theme and gameplay mechanics.
Always great to hear.  :)

One small feature request. It would be very cool if it was possible to use the arrow keys and the enter or space key to navigate and make selections in the menu screens. Like the intro screen, picking stats/traits, inventory, equipping, using items, etc.
That... is not a small feature request.  :P

I'll write it down as a to-do for the future. Not for next version but maybe sometime. :)

... and music. Maybe a very creepy horror ambient music and sounds? It would add to the atmosphere and would be nice bonus to see after the main parts of the game are polished/done. The Quake and Hellraiser soundtracks go nicely with it.
I think sounds would be fine to add from a data base. But music on the other hand should be original I think. I agree that it could add much to the game, but I'd need to find someone to compose a bunch of tracks. Now I have actually been messing around a lot with composing midi tracks in Guitar Pro over the last 5-6 years. So there is a tiny chance I could do it myself. It would probably be some non-melodic ambient stuff though (simplest to do + doesn't get as repetitive).

Didn't mean to imply that I thought the menu interface request would be easy to implement.

Just to be clear, I wasn't implying that you use the Quake and Hellraiser soundtracks to include with the game. I agree that they would have to be original tracks and be interesting enough to listen to frequently. I also write music myself and do so in Midi. I have a couple short tracks I'm not using, but not sure if they would fit. Two of the tracks I think would because they are more subtle, but one is longer and more interesting, but not so horror-themed.

This is really cool. I love the theme and gameplay mechanics.

One small feature request. It would be very cool if it was possible to use the arrow keys and the enter or space key to navigate and make selections in the menu screens. Like the intro screen, picking stats/traits, inventory, equipping, using items, etc.

I bet this game would also be great with sound fx and music. Maybe a very creepy horror ambient music and sounds? It would add to the atmosphere and would be nice bonus to see after the main parts of the game are polished/done. The Quake and Hellraiser soundtracks go nicely with it.

Would also be nice to name the character and have a mortem and high score screen.

Maybe a little flavour from the original Quake too? It was somewhat inspired by Lovecraft. Maybe some of the enemies like the Vore/Shalrath, Scrag, Fiend, Shambler, or the Polyp/Spawn that always gets forgotten? The nail gun weapons would be fun to see in a roguelike too. Don't know if it would fit the setting exactly, but it might. The ring of Shadows might make a cool item. Just throwing it out there.

Just noticed that Donnie Russel has updated his port of Rogue and the original Hack. Check them out. ClassicRogue is great.

Thanks for your suggestions psiweapon.

Will probably try them out friday or saturday.

I'm using a program called xpadder to do the mapping. Using a logitech dual action gamepad.

D-pad for orthagonal movement, left analog stick for diagonal movelment, left shoulder for shift, and the other left shoulder as a toggle switch so I can map more keys than the gamepad actually has. I also use the right anolog stick as four buttons. Not that hard overall. Hardest part is trying to remember what button is what key.

This works extremely well for doomrl, frozen depths, hydra slayer, Berserk, and AliensRL.

Besides remembering what key you assign to what button, the hardest part is inventory menus. Some games let you navigate the inventory by using the arrow keys to navigate and enter to select. Unfortunately, nethack requires that you press the letter of the item.  The only way I can see to get around that is to make each alphabetic key correspond to the number on the button (a=1 b=2 c=3 etc) but that would ultimately require using at least 3 different key maps. Personally I would like to keep it to two. 

If anyone else uses xpadder and a logitech dual action gamepad and is interested, I could post my config files for doomrl, hydra slayer, and frozen depths if anyone wants to try. 

I was wondering what people thought the most essential and frequently used keyboard commands for nethack and or dungeon crawl. About 20 or so commands.

I like to use a gamepad to play roguelikes like frozen depths, hydra slayer, and doomr since I play them on a laptop without a number pad and lack a proper desk to sit at properly to play, so a gamepad is just more comfortable.

Crawl and Nethack have far more commands though so I never really tried mapping the keys to a gamepad yet. Was thinking about trying it out this week. Wanted to get some other peoples input on what the most essential 20 or so commands would be.  

Other Announcements / menu/inventory nethack patch?
« on: May 03, 2011, 03:49:35 AM »
I was wondering if there was a patch for nethack out there that anyone might know of that lets the player navigate the menu and and inventory screens using the cursor keys? Similar to the way it can be done in doomrl.

Other Announcements / UnNethack?
« on: April 29, 2011, 02:28:51 AM »
Recently heard about UnNethack. I was curious what the difference is really from regular Nethack. Is it any good? Are the differences major or subtle? Anyone think it's better than regular Nethack? Is it much harder?

p.s. What are some good nethack patches that are relatively subtle? Nothing with huge major changes that is. More like improvements and sound, effects, ui changes, extra colors. Things like that.

Other Announcements / Front End for Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup?
« on: April 29, 2011, 02:22:26 AM »
I was just wondering if there is currently a front end like vultures eye for Dcss like there is for nethack? Or is one in development?

I think it would be kinda cool. I never liked the look of (most) tiles in roguelikes. I usually prefer Ascii. But I do like how vulture's eye adds sound, music, and interface to nethack even though the graphics aren't the greatest.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Hydra Slayer version 11.1
« on: April 29, 2011, 02:15:50 AM »
I was curious, is there or will there be a way to designate which control scheme to use by default instead of having to pick at the beginning of each game? Like a config setting or a command line comment kinda like how you can always have the same player name by using the command line like you described here:

To set a default character and player name, run e.g. "hydra.exe cCharacter uLegend" (BTW you can press Tab or Esc while editing the name to erase "Administrator") (the information about command line options is shown when you try to use them (run "hydra -h" or something), although it might be difficult to see on Windows)

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Hydra Slayer version 11.1
« on: April 28, 2011, 11:09:02 PM »
That's awesome that you made different control design options for those of us using laptops. I would guess that it's a first for a roguelike. Hope more developers take laptop users into consideration in the future.

              t he lack of numberpad on my laptop is what got me into using a gamepad for some roguelikes such as hydra slayer, frozen depths,  and doomrl. Using the gamepad is what led to the arrow key navigation requests too.

Probably going to stick to 8 way directions with gamepad though since I lack not only a number pad, but a proper desk as well to sit comfortably at and utilize the keys while playing.

But I think it is an absolutely fantastic idea.

Is the vi setup still available? What keys are used in hex mode? 

even if it has not much to spare with roguelikes

Yeah. The only part that is roguelike(ish) is the random layout of (most) the castle and random placement of (most) the relatives you have to save. It completely lacks character development which is a major part of most roguelikes.

I manage to find the doctor and then lead him to the dying monk, then I say to them to stay there (am I doing right?)

You have to take them to the sanctuary. All the relatives you save have to be taken to the sanctuary to be completely safe. Otherwise, they could still be killed by monsters.

I play easy mode but without saving (permadeath)

I also play without saving so it feels like permadeath.

Never found the machinegun, am I missing something? and what happens if the doctor, the monk, the aunt, etc all die?

You have to rescue a particular relative in order to get the machine gun.

If 7 of the relatives die, then the game is over. If you manage to rescue 14 out of the 15 relatives, then the game skips to the final battle with the count. I don't think the dog counts towards that though.


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