« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2016, 05:10:19 PM »
Update #34
As we have been warning (again), we have performed a full wipe with this update. This will probably be the case for each update for a while, as we continue to tweak the campaign and work on balance.
This is a HUGE update with tons of new stuff. Some much needed UI improvements (see below for details), lots of bug fixes, new animations, more campaign mode. Whew.
Thanks to the following community members for feedback that has been incorporated into this release: Wuffell, Seoc, Bippo, and Darklord! We really take community feedback seriously, and appreciate the work everyone has done to help make this game great!
Chapter 1 of campaign mode has been re-worked based on some suggestions from the community!
Chapter 2 of campaign mode is now live! Help grow your academy and start to figure out the mysteries of The Land!
The way monsters unlock has been changed. Each Chapter has a “set” of monsters, and you earn “chapter points” to unlock these monsters. If you finish a chapter and haven’t unlocked all of the monsters, they will be “gifted” to you.
When performing chapter missions, only “set” monsters will appear. Random missions can include any unlocked monster from any chapter.
Temporarily (until all chapters are done), completing chapter 2 will unlock all remaining monsters.
New Random missions have been added. Several new random missions have been added to add more variety
The main map has been re-worked and some new stuff added. The towns on the map are no longer randomized.
Balance Changes:
Blobs are now vulnerable to fire
Golems are now vulnerable to magic and fire
The Dragon has been removed as an unlockable monster; he is now a special boss
If something that burrows catches on fire, they can burrow again to snuff out the flames, and will try to do so if they can
Army of One (Warrior ability) has been changed to be a percentage buff, rather than a + buff
UI Tweaks:
The upgrade/purchase process in the Academy has been radically updated. It should be much easier to buy multiple upgrades, and see where you are in the process of upgrading your buildings
Status effects (buffs and debuffs) for heroes now show on the main screen (in addition to the character sheet screen).
Quickmove will now check if it’s too close to a monster and not even bring up the grid
Added new attack animations for enemies that punch and slam
Added new Grim Reaper animation when heroes die
Flavor text has been added for usable abilities
“Feared” has been renamed “Frightened”
The main map now has a nifty looking table background
Elementalist damage bonus is now shown in the predictive damage display (that shows when you mouse over an enemy)
When rescuing the last prisoner in a rescue mission, you now have the option to continue playing the level
The amount of gold you have is now also shown on the main map screen
Left-handed heroes and monsters have been added
When clearing saved data, a prompt has been added to make sure that’s what you really wanted to do
Sound and Music sliders have been added to the dungeon menu
A prompt has been added when quitting a game to make sure that’s what you wanted
Fixed riposte icon
Bug Fixes:
Text for orb card now reflects reality: regular attacks convert half the damage done to shield; super attacks will convert all damage. This has always been the case, just the text on the card was wrong
Text for chaotic power in the academy has also been updated to reflect reality; the chance to activate increases per attack, not per turn
Clicking on an ability but not activating it will no longer break stealth
Enemies that aren’t aggro to the hero will now properly fall for decoys instead of ignoring them
Mousing over the captured builders at the end of Chapter 5 will no longer cause an error message
Certain NPCs (like the Builders) can no longer be targeted for thrown items (such as decoys and traps)
The rogue’s dagger super attack now properly grants an extra turn
Fixed an exception that occurred if you clicked on the very bottom part of the hero
If you die when enemies are on fire, the fire animation is now properly cleaned up
If you kill Farmer Yorken without killing the statues first, he will no longer become immortal
Builders (and other NPCs) no longer prevent quickmove
Loot will no longer drop under prisoners
Stealth and Disguise now play together much nicer
Decoy and Super Decoy now play together nicer too
Army of One (Warrior abilities) no longer triggers for pets & NPCs
Pressing esc during the prologue text no longer causes an endless tutorial loop
Campaign mode! Help the Land rebuild the once powerful and famous Academy for Dungeoneering.
Quickmove has been improved. It will now automatically cancel if you do one of the following: Receive damage, rescue a prison, get treasure, or pick up key. Reminder: Quickmove can be activated using the “Q” key.
Balance Changes:
People hated rescue missions, so (for now) I made the people you are trying to save have lots of HP, so they should be very hard to kill.
Blobs now leave corrosive slime trails. (Thanks Bippo!)
Aggressive monsters no longer bear the “assistive” trait; they would have attacked you anyways, even if you didn’t attack their friends.
Enemies that are “keen-eyed” can now see through decoys (Thanks Bippo!)
Golems are now immune to poison and bleeding. They are robot-ish, after all. (Thanks Bippo!)
The dungeon shop will now always offer at least one equipment upgrade. (Thanks Bippo!)
Things that burp will now only use burps as an attack, instead of randomly burping. (Thanks Bippo!)
Goblins were universally hated for their careless bomb throwing. They are now a bit more precise, and will only throw bombs as a form of attack, instead of just randomly. They can still miss occasionally though (except bosses, they’re too good to miss). (Thanks Bippo and others!)
Speaking of bombs, bomb throwing monsters will do ½ of the damage they used to do. (Thanks RatBastage and others!)
UI Tweaks:
Cloak of shielding has been changed into a scroll of shielding. The cloak made it seem like an equippable item rather than a one-time use item.
Wording when dying from a bomb has been updated to indicate it isn’t always the player’s fault. (Thanks Bippo!)
Heal animation has been updated, and now features a casting trail from the caster to the recipient, so it’s clearer who is healing who.
The monster’s death animation has been tweaked ever so slightly.
Bug Fixes:
Monster turns shouldn’t take a super long time anymore (especially if there are no monsters on the screen) (Thanks to several people for this one)
Crazy masses of birds that sometimes appear on the main map and eventually crash the game should be shooed away now, hopefully.
Some cases of “monster turn” appearing at the beginning of a game
Some characters sometimes had no lips. What good is a phone call if you’re unable to speak? (Thanks Bippo!)
The miser and minimalist achievements should actually work now. Miser = don’t use any multi-card combos, minimalist = don’t buy any equipment in the dungeon (your starting equipment doesn’t count) (Thanks Bippo!)
Boss descriptions should be less crazy now (No more “shootarrow” or poison poison poison people). (Thanks Bippo!)
If you level up at the same time you win, you shouldn’t get a level up screen for the next character (maybe; this was hard to reproduce reliably) (Thanks to the several people who have reported this!)
Mini-boss and boss blobs should not longer split into regular blobs. (Thanks Bippo!)
Meandering shrubs now limit the number of times they can throw off sapplings, and their children should never throw off sapplings. (Thanks xFAZIKx!)
Resist Physical/Magic perks now, for reals, give 10% bonuses. (Thanks xFAZIKx!)
Predictive damage displayed for Shouts and Head butts now accurately show the damage they will do. (Thanks xFAZIKx!)
If the arena in the top left corner of the map was the “next” mission, the main map could get “stuck” so you couldn’t move it left or right.
Disease should no longer freeze the game if you have over 5 cards in your hand.

Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training