Author Topic: We Slay Monsters (now at Early Access #40 "Ravenous Raven") $  (Read 20919 times)


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Re: We Slay Monsters (now at Early Access #31 "Dangerous Dragon") $
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2015, 04:37:25 PM »
Update #31

This release heavily focused on introducing some new mechanics to the game, largely inspired by this thread on our forums (Thanks to Raiderrpg and Arkabed for the great ideas). Details can be found in the full patch notes below. Additionally, work continues on building out the campaign.
I’ll repeat here what I said last couple of times, just so no one is surprised. Although I’m sure someone will be surprised.
There is a lot of work going on behind the scenes getting campaign mode ready to go. Some advanced warning to everyone – when the campaign mode is ready, we’re going to do a game wipe and have everyone start from scratch so we can make sure to get the progression and balance right.
As per usual with updates, saved dungeons will be deleted. Additionally, saved campaigns will be deleted, but the only effect will be everyone’s town names will be re-assigned, and you will get all new missions.
We are still building this as a “development build” to help us track down bugs better, so you’ll see a “development build” watermark in the lower right corner of the screen.

A new monster ability has been introduced: Curses. A curse adds a curse card to your hand, replacing a card at random that’s already there. A curse is an unusable card, and it causes damage every turn. You can get rid of a curse by discarding it, but it will cause more damage when you discard it. Good luck!

Balance Changes:
Burrowing things will now only stay burrowed for a certain number of turns, and they will burrow less frequently now (Thanks Wuffell for the idea!).
The scarecrow’s enfeeble ability has returned to the game; it reduced the size of your hand for a while and forces a random card to be discarded.
The disease monster ability now swaps cards in your hand for lower values of the same cards.
Rescuing a prisoner will now remove stealth (Thanks Wuffell!)

UI Tweaks:
The Troll’s “Troll Smash” ability now shows up properly as an ability on the Troll’s tooltip and character sheet, and will be announced via some floating text when activated.
The rogue’s stealth effect has been changed. Hopefully you will be amused.
When your hero loses, there is now some sounds that play on the final scorecard screen, instead of silence.
The other types of “doors” (hay bales, grass, etc) now have their own distinct sounds instead of a creaky door.
Entrance doors have been re-vamped to be fancier. Everyone likes fancy doors.
Podrick the peg leg now has his own character image in the game.
The gold animation has been sped up.
Mini-map colors have been updated to go better with the new dungeon types.

Bug Fixes:
Using the warrior “Call to Arms” ability could really mess up your deck and make cards unusable, unclickable and all kinds of other nastiness. This *should* be fixed now (Thanks FrostyHoudini!).
Stealth was busted in lots of ways, hopefully they are all fixed now (Thanks Wuffell!).
Graphics for shoes for characters weren’t showing properly (they were behind the pants graphic, instead of in front of the pants).
There were several bugs around blobs and how they split, which could cause several problems, including not giving keys correctly on rescue levels (Thanks Wuffell!).
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: We Slay Monsters (now at Early Access #32 "Crazy Cow") $
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2015, 06:52:32 PM »
Update #32

Update 32 is now live on Steam and!

The Golems are coming, the Golems are coming!
This release sees the introduction of the last monster set that is planned for our release, magically animated metal monsters, the Golems! You’ll see these start unlocking as you reach higher point values for your academy.

This release also has a TON of bug fixes, and implementation of idea suggested by the community. Check out the full game notes.
I’ll repeat here what I said last couple of times, just so no one is surprised. Although I’m sure someone will be surprised.
There is a lot of work going on behind the scenes getting campaign mode ready to go. Some advanced warning to everyone – when the campaign mode is ready, we’re going to do a game wipe and have everyone start from scratch so we can make sure to get the progression and balance right.

As per usual with updates, saved dungeons will be deleted. Additionally, saved campaigns will be deleted, but the only effect will be everyone’s town names will be re-assigned, and you will get all new missions.
We are still building this as a “development build” to help us track down bugs better, so you’ll see a “development build” watermark in the lower right corner of the screen.

The Golems are here! You will start seeing six new golem monsters in dungeons now.
The single most requested feature of all time: Quickmove! You can use the “Q” hotkey to activate quickmove, which allows you to choose a destination square and quickly move there. If you come close to a monster, quickmove will be automatically cancelled.

Balance Changes:
Eyeball monsters now have the “confusion” ability, which causes the discard of all card in the current hand, replacing them with newly drawn cards from the deck.
One Eyed Lizard’s laser attack will now do ½ the damage it formerly did. Turns out people were getting killed by these guys, a lot (Thanks Cruick31!).
All monsters that have ranged attacks should now indicate as such with an ability icon on their character sheet.
Burrowed enemies can no longer be targeted with abilities such as decoy or trap (Thanks BippoErnesti!).
Meandering Shrubs and Blobs are now immune to poison (Thanks BippoErnesti!).
One Eye Lizard is now keen-eyed (can see through stealth). It has a giant eye! (Thanks BippoErnesti!).
Enfeeble, Curse, Disease and Entangle didn’t play well together. Now, cards that are entangled or curses can’t be discarded with disease or enfeeble. Cards that are entangled can’t be replace by curses (Thanks BippoErnesti, and other!).
Dragons are now immune to fire, because DRAGONS (Thanks BippoErnest!).
Using an item or ability will now break stealth (Thanks BippoErnesti!).
The “sedentary” monster trait has been removed. It was too similar to the “slow” monster trait.
Stealth and Disguise are now mutually exclusive. If you are stealthed, and don a disguise, stealth will break. If you are disguised, you will no longer go into stealth mode (Thanks BippoErnesti!).
A new item can be found that safely removes curses.

UI Tweaks:
Updated tooltip for One Eyed Lizard’s laser attack to indicate that it ignores the hero’s armor.
Fixed some typos in a couple of places (Thanks BippoErnesti!).
Hero tooltips will now be position properly if the hero is in disguise.
Disguise should now properly hide the character’s equipment (Thanks BippoErnesti!).
When health potions and runes of discard show up in the shop, you will now see how many you already have of these items (Thans BippoErnesti!).
Sounds effects have been added when all NPC prisoners die. Hopefully no one hears them :)
When you acquire a new item, you can now view the item’s tooltip on tha acquire item screen (Thanks Wuffell!).

Bug Fixes:
There were some abilities that could be given to bosses that didn’t actually grant that ability to the boss (like the elf’s Bow and Arrow, or the Ninja’s poison throwing star). These will no longer be given to bosses.
Using a trap when the character is blind will no longer cause the trap to appear on top of the blindness.
Army of one will no longer be triggered by prisoners (Thanks BippoErnesti!).
If you clicked the wrong place on the discard screen, you could lock up the game (Thanks BippoErnesti!).
Curse cards are no longer selectable from the keyboard (Thanks BippoErnesti!).
Curse cards are no longer storable in the rogue’s sleeve (Thanks Wuffell!).
Cards up the sleeve were not being saved correctly (well, they weren’t being saved at all. Doh!) (Thanks BippoErnesti!).
Stealth and Disguise should now persist properly across saved games (Thanks BippoErnesti!).
If you are disguised when you exit a game, you will now have the same disguise when you load the game.
Game music/sounds were messed up if you clicked through the game-ending score card too quickly.
Leveling up will no longer break stealth (Thanks BippoErnesti!).
It is now possible to earn the “minimalist” achievement. Starting equipment doesn’t count toward this achievement, and there is guaranteed to be at least one non-equipment item in the shop (Thanks BippoErnesti!).
Pounce attacks now properly reset the stealth counter so you can’t re-stealth directly after being pounced upon (Thanks Wuffell!).
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: We Slay Monsters (now at Early Access #34 "Peppy Pinata") $
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2016, 05:10:19 PM »
Update #34

As we have been warning (again), we have performed a full wipe with this update. This will probably be the case for each update for a while, as we continue to tweak the campaign and work on balance.
This is a HUGE update with tons of new stuff. Some much needed UI improvements (see below for details), lots of bug fixes, new animations, more campaign mode. Whew.
Thanks to the following community members for feedback that has been incorporated into this release: Wuffell, Seoc, Bippo, and Darklord! We really take community feedback seriously, and appreciate the work everyone has done to help make this game great!

Chapter 1 of campaign mode has been re-worked based on some suggestions from the community!
Chapter 2 of campaign mode is now live! Help grow your academy and start to figure out the mysteries of The Land!
The way monsters unlock has been changed. Each Chapter has a “set” of monsters, and you earn “chapter points” to unlock these monsters. If you finish a chapter and haven’t unlocked all of the monsters, they will be “gifted” to you.
When performing chapter missions, only “set” monsters will appear. Random missions can include any unlocked monster from any chapter.
Temporarily (until all chapters are done), completing chapter 2 will unlock all remaining monsters.
New Random missions have been added. Several new random missions have been added to add more variety
The main map has been re-worked and some new stuff added. The towns on the map are no longer randomized.

Balance Changes:
Blobs are now vulnerable to fire
Golems are now vulnerable to magic and fire
The Dragon has been removed as an unlockable monster; he is now a special boss
If something that burrows catches on fire, they can burrow again to snuff out the flames, and will try to do so if they can
Army of One (Warrior ability) has been changed to be a percentage buff, rather than a + buff

UI Tweaks:
The upgrade/purchase process in the Academy has been radically updated. It should be much easier to buy multiple upgrades, and see where you are in the process of upgrading your buildings
Status effects (buffs and debuffs) for heroes now show on the main screen (in addition to the character sheet screen).
Quickmove will now check if it’s too close to a monster and not even bring up the grid
Added new attack animations for enemies that punch and slam
Added new Grim Reaper animation when heroes die
Flavor text has been added for usable abilities
“Feared” has been renamed “Frightened”
The main map now has a nifty looking table background
Elementalist damage bonus is now shown in the predictive damage display (that shows when you mouse over an enemy)
When rescuing the last prisoner in a rescue mission, you now have the option to continue playing the level
The amount of gold you have is now also shown on the main map screen
Left-handed heroes and monsters have been added
When clearing saved data, a prompt has been added to make sure that’s what you really wanted to do
Sound and Music sliders have been added to the dungeon menu
A prompt has been added when quitting a game to make sure that’s what you wanted
Fixed riposte icon

Bug Fixes:
Text for orb card now reflects reality: regular attacks convert half the damage done to shield; super attacks will convert all damage. This has always been the case, just the text on the card was wrong
Text for chaotic power in the academy has also been updated to reflect reality; the chance to activate increases per attack, not per turn
Clicking on an ability but not activating it will no longer break stealth
Enemies that aren’t aggro to the hero will now properly fall for decoys instead of ignoring them
Mousing over the captured builders at the end of Chapter 5 will no longer cause an error message
Certain NPCs (like the Builders) can no longer be targeted for thrown items (such as decoys and traps)
The rogue’s dagger super attack now properly grants an extra turn
Fixed an exception that occurred if you clicked on the very bottom part of the hero
If you die when enemies are on fire, the fire animation is now properly cleaned up
If you kill Farmer Yorken without killing the statues first, he will no longer become immortal
Builders (and other NPCs) no longer prevent quickmove
Loot will no longer drop under prisoners
Stealth and Disguise now play together much nicer
Decoy and Super Decoy now play together nicer too
Army of One (Warrior abilities) no longer triggers for pets & NPCs
Pressing esc during the prologue text no longer causes an endless tutorial loop

Campaign mode! Help the Land rebuild the once powerful and famous Academy for Dungeoneering.
Quickmove has been improved. It will now automatically cancel if you do one of the following: Receive damage, rescue a prison, get treasure, or pick up key. Reminder: Quickmove can be activated using the “Q” key.

Balance Changes:
People hated rescue missions, so (for now) I made the people you are trying to save have lots of HP, so they should be very hard to kill.
Blobs now leave corrosive slime trails. (Thanks Bippo!)
Aggressive monsters no longer bear the “assistive” trait; they would have attacked you anyways, even if you didn’t attack their friends.
Enemies that are “keen-eyed” can now see through decoys (Thanks Bippo!)
Golems are now immune to poison and bleeding. They are robot-ish, after all. (Thanks Bippo!)
The dungeon shop will now always offer at least one equipment upgrade. (Thanks Bippo!)
Things that burp will now only use burps as an attack, instead of randomly burping. (Thanks Bippo!)
Goblins were universally hated for their careless bomb throwing. They are now a bit more precise, and will only throw bombs as a form of attack, instead of just randomly. They can still miss occasionally though (except bosses, they’re too good to miss). (Thanks Bippo and others!)
Speaking of bombs, bomb throwing monsters will do ½ of the damage they used to do. (Thanks RatBastage and others!)

UI Tweaks:
Cloak of shielding has been changed into a scroll of shielding. The cloak made it seem like an equippable item rather than a one-time use item.
Wording when dying from a bomb has been updated to indicate it isn’t always the player’s fault. (Thanks Bippo!)
Heal animation has been updated, and now features a casting trail from the caster to the recipient, so it’s clearer who is healing who.
The monster’s death animation has been tweaked ever so slightly.

Bug Fixes:
Monster turns shouldn’t take a super long time anymore (especially if there are no monsters on the screen) (Thanks to several people for this one)
Crazy masses of birds that sometimes appear on the main map and eventually crash the game should be shooed away now, hopefully.
Some cases of “monster turn” appearing at the beginning of a game
Some characters sometimes had no lips. What good is a phone call if you’re unable to speak?  (Thanks Bippo!)
The miser and minimalist achievements should actually work now. Miser = don’t use any multi-card combos, minimalist = don’t buy any equipment in the dungeon (your starting equipment doesn’t count)  (Thanks Bippo!)
Boss descriptions should be less crazy now (No more “shootarrow” or poison poison poison people). (Thanks Bippo!)
If you level up at the same time you win, you shouldn’t get a level up screen for the next character (maybe; this was hard to reproduce reliably) (Thanks to the several people who have reported this!)
Mini-boss and boss blobs should not longer split into regular blobs. (Thanks Bippo!)
Meandering shrubs now limit the number of times they can throw off sapplings, and their children should never throw off sapplings. (Thanks  xFAZIKx!)
Resist Physical/Magic perks now, for reals, give 10% bonuses. (Thanks  xFAZIKx!)
Predictive damage displayed for Shouts and Head butts now accurately show the damage they will do. (Thanks  xFAZIKx!)
If the arena in the top left corner of the map was the “next” mission, the main map could get “stuck” so you couldn’t move it left or right.
Disease should no longer freeze the game if you have over 5 cards in your hand.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: We Slay Monsters (now at Early Access #35 "Dogmatic Dog" ARRP) $
« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2016, 11:10:49 PM »
Update #35 ARRP

Update #35 “Dogmatic Dog” is now live on Steam and!
Sorry it’s been so long between updates, but rest assured, we’re still working on the game. Real life is just getting in the way. The final two chapters in the campaign should go faster, then we’ll be close to final release!

As we have been warning (again), we have performed a full wipe with this update. This will probably be the case for each update for a while, as we continue to tweak the campaign and work on balance.

Chapter 3 of the Campaign is now live! A new UI is now live! Lots of bug fixes! Excitement!
Thanks to the following community members for feedback that has been incorporated into this release: Bippo and Wuffell! We really take community feedback seriously, and appreciate the work everyone has done to help make this game great!

Chapter 3 of the campaign is now live. Battle the evil goblins and golems and uncover more of the mystery of the Institute of Evil.

Balance Changes:
Summoned monsters (of any kind) will no longer drop loot.
Farmer Yorken is now (properly) undead.
Cowardly Rat AI should be a little more sensible
The “Alright Already” and “Three Strikes” badges have been re-balanced

UI Tweaks:
An entirely new bottom HUD is now in the game, providing easy access to the character’s abilities and inventory.
The splotches on the scroll that shows when loading a dungeon have been lightened so the text is easier to read.
Confirmation dialog now properly restricts keyboard input when showing.
Chapter intro text can now be clicked to make it scroll faster.
Right and Left click should now behave as expected.
Skipping turns with cards selected will automatically de-select the cards.

Bug Fixes:
Canceling out of the building management screen in the academy behaves as expected now.
You can no longer play unlimited cards by clicking really fast.
Three-headed dwarves no longer aggro if you *dont* pick up the quest treasure.
Boss music should play/stop appropriately now.
It should no longer be possible to spike yourself.
3-packs of health potions in the store will now properly give you 3 potions.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: We Slay Monsters (now at Early Access #36 "Silly Snail") $
« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2016, 01:14:04 PM »
Update #36

Chapter 4 of the Campaign is now live! We are in the home stretch for completing all of the campaign-related content. Once we get that done, we will be focusing on fleshing out more of the side quests, and working on balancing and polish.

    Chapter 4 of the campaign is now live. Strange aliens have arrived in The Land. Why are they here? What do they want?

Balance Changes:
    Arena missions now award more gold.

UI Tweaks:
    Turn indicators have been added to the status effect icons on the main HUD.
    Some new shapes of rooms have been added to the randomly generated dungeons.

Bug Fixes:
    Hopefully the game will “freeze” less now; the game isn’t really frozen, it’s just blocking all user input inappropriately.
    Fixed a bug where summoning bosses in arenas case a 2nd “final” wave to happen.
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Re: We Slay Monsters (now at Early Access #37 "Bumbling Boar") $
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2017, 03:52:39 PM »
Update #37

This update mostly consists of UI tweaks, and a lot of behind-the-scenes work to prepare for Chapter 5 of the campaign, which will be released with Update #38. Once we finish the campaign, we will shift our work towards balance & polish, getting us ever so closer to a 1.0 release.

Environmental Effects (Burp Clouds, Fire, Slime Trail) now show on the HUD to give you an idea of what’s going on. Now you’ll know if you’re standing in something bad. Some of the visual effects have also been updated to show better.
The range of attack is now shown on screen to help players better understand how far an attack can reach.

UI Tweaks:
There is now a slight delay (½ a second) before a tooltip is shown.
Hero tooltips have been removed; they weren’t very helpful.
Some very simple “reminder” popups have been added to help new players who might not know about turn skipping, quickmove or how to view the character sheet.
Card tooltips will now be turned off automatically at the end of Chapter 2; players should know what the cards do by then. They can be turned back on from the dungeon menu, or turned off prior to the end of Chapter 2 (If you have already passed chapter 2, you can turn them off manually).
The map will now center on the active story mission, or the academy if there isn’t an active story mission.
A new animation has been added for Bosses when they taunt you that more interesting.
Space bar can be used (in addition to a mouse click) to skip the flavor text screens at the beginning of a chapter.

Bug Fixes:
Sometimes monsters wouldn’t have a shadow, now they will.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: We Slay Monsters (now at Early Access #38 "Grumbling Goat") $
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2017, 09:45:23 PM »
Update #38

This is a huge milestone for us. With Update 38, the campaign mode is now complete (well, sort of, read more below). Battle through the Institute of Evil to discover the evil behind the problems that have been plaguing The Land!

The story needs to have a few more tweaks, and we’ll be working on those next, but with this update, we’re calling it “done”. We now being the push to get the game out of Early Access – there’s still stuff we want to do, but we’re close to being feature complete. The biggest thing left to do is to balance the game. It’s too easy, especially as you upgrade your academy. This needs to be fixed so it’s more challenging.

    Chapter 5 of the campaign now live!
    A new item has been added: Gem of Balance. It provides a benefit for being in your inventory, and a super-buff when used.

Balance Changes:
    Monster’s ability to see and target the player was effected by a flaw in logic; monsters should be able to see and attack the player slightly better now.
    Some dungeons (only a few for now, more coming later) have locked doors. Find the keys!
    Things without ears are now immune to the Warrior’s shout ability (This included Blobs, Eyeballs, Meandering Shrubs, Worms, Skeletons, and Walking Trees).

UI Tweaks:
    Named bosses with “taunt” less often now.
    Warrior’s shout animation has been improved, and there is now a visual animation on monsters effected by shout (they are “cowed”).
    A glow has been added to make missions on the main map stand out more (Thanks Zoltan!).
    Which buildings are clickable in the academy should be clearer now too.
    Tweaked the wording for enhancements to existing item in the shop (they now say “Make XXX better”).

Bug Fixes:
    You don’t get double bounty gold for killing chickens; the headless versions will no longer give bounty or show up on the scorecard.
    Fixed a bug with the animation for summoned monsters where the monster would appear full size for a brief second.
    Long boss names should no longer overflow on the character sheet.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: We Slay Monsters (now at Early Access #39 "Terrible Teether"!) $
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2017, 05:08:56 PM »
Update #39

Another big release, with lots of new stuff, and big balance changes. Because of this, a full reset will be performed with this update; we want to see how the new balance changes effect everyone’s ability to move through the game.
This is our antepenultimate update before 1.0, and with this release, we are almost feature complete. There are a couple of new things we’re working on for Update 40, but we’re planning on that update being mostly bug fixes, balance tweaks, and polish. We are aiming for Update 40 by the end of May, and 1.0 min-June.

Full list of changes for this update:

The shoppe in the Academy behaves differently now. At the beginning of each mission, you now have the opportunity to purchase items for your recruit (including extra potions and discard runes) from your shoppe, and as you increase the level of items in the shoppe, better equipment will be available to purchase for your recruits. If you don’t like the equipment that’s presented, you can pay 50g to get another assortment of random items.
Dungeons can now have miasmas. These are negative effects that make the dungeon harder. Seoc from the Steam forums suggested this idea, and I liked it so much, I pretty much did exactly what he suggested (mostly). Many of the Dungeon Mods he suggested have been implemented as miasmas.
A new badge has been added for completing a dungeon with a miasma.
The Hall of Records is finally open in the Academy, along with the Beastiary. Check out your progress in the game, learn interesting facts.
Pets are back! I think we finally nailed the pesky bugs that were plaguing some players. Pet AI has also been tweaked to be a little better (pets shouldn’t wander off randomly now).
A certain mission in Chapter 3 has been “happied” up. Seoc from forums point this out, and we agreed.
A new achievement has been added for winning the game.
The original sound track DLC has been published to Steam. All early access customers will get this for free. If you own this content, a button has been added to the main menu to open the folder that contains the album.
A new gem has been introduced: Gem of Hunger. It steals your life gradually, but gives a huge strength bonus when used. You have been warned.

Balance Changes:
Monster hit points, attack and defense have all been raised, and the rates at which they increase as monsters level has also been increased.
As you progress through the campaign, monsters will become increasingly more difficult (essentially +10% harder for each chapter in the campaign).
Combos that contain more than one card have been made more powerful (to encourage their use against harder monsters).
Runes of Discard no longer consume a turn to use (to encourage their use to help build combos against harder monsters).
If you fail a dungeon multiple times, the difficulty will be adjusted slightly to make that particular dungeon easier.
Due to the changes in the way the shoppe works, new recruits will no longer come with their own items or weapons.

UI Tweaks:
A tooltip has been added for prisoners that need rescuing or things that need doing in the dungeon (trees that need to be cut down, for example).
A new animation has been added when keys are found in the dungeon.
Status effect tooltips have been updated to show “per turn” damage for things that actually cause “per turn” damage (Snaked, Sticky Barf, etc).
Added a button on the chapter intro screen to skip boring flavor text, if you want to hurt our feelings and not read our amazing story.
Multiple bosses of the same type are now combined on the final scorecard (the gold given is the same, they are just shown once instead of multiple times).

Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug with the Gem of Balance (wouldn’t cause any problems, just show a red error message in the console).
Changing sound preferences (music & SFX volume) now properly saves those settings.
Things that are “snaked” will no longer attack pets.
Loot pinatas are now “truly” random and wont show up in the same place if you fail a dungeon and retry that same dungeon. Sorry, loot scammers.
Fixed some stuff around how missions were assigned to areas. This was causing problems for some players.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: We Slay Monsters (now at Early Access #40 "Ravenous Raven") $
« Reply #23 on: June 08, 2017, 02:51:37 AM »
Update #40

Update #40 is now live on Steam! This is our penultimate release before 1.0, which we’re currently scheduled to release on June 22nd (assuming no massive, game breaking bugs are found between now and then).
With “Ravenous Raven”, we are feature complete for our 1.0 launch. We will be focusing on bugs and balance issues between now and launch, and there may also be a bit of polish added as well (touching up animations, changing some of the campaign wording, etc).
We have been in early access for a long time, and we appreciate all of the great feedback and ideas we have gotten from the community during this time. We look forward to getting 1.0 out the door!
Enough gabbing, here’s the release notes for this release:

Challenge Missions have been added to the game! These missions will be generated weekly, and give all players a chance to compete on an even playing field. Every player will get the same dungeon, with access to the same starting characters – limited to a single profession each week. There is an in-game leader board that will show the top 10 people, and show you where you are in the leader board.
A couple more notes:
Every dungeon in challenge mode has a miasma. It’s supposed to be challenging, after all!
The shoppe is closed for characters running through challenge levels
Likewise, these recruits are the rawest of the raw. They haven’t even been given the chance to learn any of the skills that you might have unlocked in the academy!
Challenge Missions are unlocked after finishing the third mission in the campaign.
Challenge Mission points don’t contribute to any unlocks for a chapter.
Challenge Missions can be repeated as much as you want to try to get to #1 on the leader boards!
The Hall of Records and the Beastiary have been separated. There is now a “Zoology Department” building in the Academy where your record keeps catalog all of the beast you encounter or might encounter soon.
Card Effects have been added. These are perks that are available for starting characters, or as level up perks during the game, and they provide extra effects when cards with certain face values are dealt. These four effects have been added:
4 the win: when a 4 card is dealt, earn 4 experience
Takes a 3 to make a Heart: when a 3 card is dealt, heal for 3 HP
Lucky 7s: when a 7 card is dealt, earn 7 gold
8 Gents of Shield: when an 8 card is dealt, gain a shield that absorbs 8 damage
Curses have returned to the game! People who have been part of early access for a while may remember these. They were way to powerful for monsters, and they have been tuned down significantly.

Balance Changes:
The 10,000 gold bonus for early access has been removed.
All flush attacks (3 or more cards of the same suit) were audited to make sure the damage they were doing was accurate, and that the damage was displayed correctly on the screen. In some cases (warrior attacks), the flushes were not doing the proper damage, and in others, they were doing the proper damage, but the predictive damage text was inaccurate.
Gem of Hunger is not quite so hungry. Before being sated, it will claim only 5% of your hero’s health. After sated, it will still claim 1 HP per turn. It now gives a +20 strength boost instead of +30.

UI Tweaks:
A new credit screen has been added. You can view it from the main menu, or see it when you finish the campaign.
A new animation has been added for shuffling your cards. It’s about time that a card-based game has shuffling!
The predictive damage shows as part of the selected combo information has been removed. It was always a bit confusing, because there were two different predictive damage displays being shown: One on the monsters themselves, which took into account the monsters’s defense value, and the one on the bottom of the screen, which was the potential maximum damage the combo could have done. They never matched, and I don’t think it was ever clear why, so I removed the one on the bottom, leaving on the predictive damage number on the monsters.
As a corollary, the display at the bottom of the screen *does* show the correct bonus damage that playing the combo will do, and all of these have been audited to ensure they are displayed the same way (some showed +25% vs +125% when they really meant the same thing, +25%. If +125% is displayed now, it really does mean double plus an extra 25%).
An animation has been added to the icon that shows environmental effects (things like burps, slime, etc), to draw the player’s attention that there is some trouble they might want to be aware of.
Tooltips have been added on the player’s character sheet to help explain what the different attributes do (Strength, Intellegence, etc).
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training