Added damaging item effects - blasting, cleaving, fire. These probably need tweaking. Also I've been neglecting animation and message queues on all the effects, and they really need it.
Globally lowered the monster spawn rate. I might change it back, but previously floors 4+ were really crowded.
Remaining engine work is the identification system and reworking statuses. Then it's all content and polish. The plan was content tonight, polish tomorrow, and last minute panic / polish / packaging it up on Saturday morning. So I need to squeeze some engine work into there somehow.
But square fonts have own disadvantages - for example, they are not looking good as text, due spacing. I see libtcod roguelikes with square fonts that spacing between letters was just too big - i t i s j u s t u n co m f o r t a b l e t o r e a d s u c h a t e x t .
That's true. And indeed, large blocks of text in my game look like ass. But the majority of the game isn't these so it's an acceptable tradeoff.
A better approach would be to switch back and forth between console style and variable width, which I'd consider if I was writing my own rendering engine, but I'm not rewriting rot.js this week.