Didn't get as much done tonight as I wanted. I might "cheat" and take a day off work later this week for extra time.
Did about half of the sidepanel rewrite stuff I wanted. Multi-pickup still goes into a full screen window. I might swap the game to a one-item-per-tile system rather than bothering with that (Brogue and Shiren, my main influences, both get away with it). Didn't get to targetting UI, which is needed for staves and descriptions.
Implemented "flee" AI behavior using slightly sillier techniques than I wanted. I could do better if I was using my own pathfinding instead of rot.js's, but I'm trying not to get too potholed on technical purity here. It does actually accomplish its goals a large percent of the time so I can't complain too much. "flee" is the critical component of "harass," an AI behavior that toggles between hunt/flee based on whether a blast (summon, exchange, or bow) is on cooldown. This makes elves, centaurs, Necromancers, Liches, and Exchangers all much more clever.
I did triage my item list. I identified a list of nine simple item effects (five in a pinch) that would make this a functioning game, and I could balance it by cranking up their generation rates.
That quail is BADASS!