Hey, so even though I'm Crawling a fair bit recently, I thought I'd post a couple of tips that have helped me finish up the quests in Terinyo, at least - with fighter blokes.
A very important thing: whatever class you pick, if you haven't got the healing skill, then choose the Mayor's quest in favour of the Druid's. Go into the Dungeon, and when you find the crazy lumberjack (or whatever he is) down in the last level, instead of killing him, set yourself on Coward tactics and make him follow you all the way to the Healer, about halfway or two-thirds down the dungeon. Let them get next to each other, and the healer'll heal him, and teach you the Healing skill if you ask him to.
The Druid quest is pretty hard because he's immunce to most magic, so I usually just go on that quest if I've got healing AND I'm a fighter.
For the doggie quest, skip the past few levels as fast as you can, especially the cave. It's got a very big monster spawn-rate. Don't forget the doggie will die if you take more than 3 days! You can come back later for more experience.
And finally (and most important, for me), here's the melee combo that's worked best for me: spear + shield.
The polearm skill, if you manage to train it enough, grants you a great DV bonus. Up to 22, if I'm not mistaken. You'll start getting DV at the first or second level of the skill. At the 5th or 6th, that rate increases, I think. If I remember correctly, the only weapon skill that gives you more DV is Staves (quarterstaff), but those are two-handed, and you can't get a shield then.
The shield skill works exactly the same way (increasing lots of DV every skill-level). Plus, if you're a regular fighter, your base class DV should be also getting higher every level. If you manage to survive, you'll easilly get around 40-50 DV after finishing up the quests.
Another good thing is that spears are not that hard to find, and because they're used in traps, you can get some for backup in case of rust or corrosion. Crude spears are orc spears, and they usually have a couple of bonuses, so don't be afraid to switch just because they're "crude".
And finally, if you find an altar with your alignment, you can simply drop stuff on it and it'll let you know whether it's cursed or not. This is extremely useful - so you know which rings you can try out safely, and experiment with weapons/armour to see which has the greatest bonus!
This is what has worked out for me a few times. I currently have severe problems with slugs, which corrode me into nothingness, and the dungeon on the northwest, where the enemies are much, much more experienced. I always die in the first few levels, mostly out of carelessness, I guess. There aren't many healing potions, so it's hard.
Someone else's turn now