If you want someone to even try your game, you better post more information about this language.
All directions, all conditions, more information about how this even works.
I tried it and have no clue what's going on.
I tried to edit my program, but all of sudden it changed to this:
notWalkable is not walkable
to wallFollow
increase moveRight by 5
increase moveLeft by 5
increase moveForward by 10
increase moveRight by 10 ( notWalkable back ) or ( notWalkable forward ) right
increase moveLeft by 10 ( notWalkable back ) or ( notWalkable forward ) left
increase moveForward by 5 ( notWalkable left ) or ( notWalkable right ) forward
I changed the program to this:
to walk
increase moveforward by 10
but golem still wanders around randomly, while supposed to move straight forward.