Author Topic: New RL in development  (Read 39564 times)


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Re: New RL in development
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2015, 05:45:53 PM »
If you saw me walking through your town with my backpack, threadbare jacket, long hair and dog, you would probably label me as homeless. And if you're anything like the majority of people that see me, you will pretend not to see me and try to go about your business, or else judge me or pity me. You might even be scared of me. And it's true that I haven't lived indoors for over 3 years. I carry a sleeping bag and a tarp with me and prefer very much to sleep outside. I was born in Vegas, grew up in New Orleans, spent years in Reno and other cities... I'm just not into cities, or the system that it represents (the war machine, killing the environment, raping the land, poisoning the minds of the slave-population, pharmaceuticals melting the brains of my brothers and sisters, fucking profit and destruction and ignorance) anymore. I prefer to live with minimal impact on the environment, not living for money but for intense human interaction. (Hunter\gatherer\nomad style)

Yes I am actually a shaman, actually a healer. I know how to heal multiple diseases and have saved many people's lives. I've been initiated into multiple spiritual modalities at this point, and have been exposed to them since I was a child. I am what Buddhists would call 'self-realized', specifically that I've seen through the illusion of duality, recognized the underlying reality of consciousness (self) as the substance of the universe, practice Bhakti yoga and extensive forms of energy work. I see auras and have talked to spirits. Dealing with spiritual crises is my passion and calling. Especially since I met the Ancient African Grandfather Spirit and became Bwiti. I've studied Ayurveda, several forms of massage, advanced pranayama for many years... I astral project, lucid dream.. The organizing principle of my life is synchronicity and frankly if I told you some of my stories, you almost certainly wouldn't believe me. I've studied with Thai monks, Peruvian shamans, and actual wizards, not to mention several forms martial arts all my life. I don't smoke, don't drink, don't do any drugs except for puffing the herb and, in certain sacred contexts, imbibing certain spiritual medicine plants.

I know the path to samadhi and am a capable guide. The clear light is a clear memory for me. I'm a national merit semi-finalist, in the 99th percentile of my generation academically. I was a chemistry major for several years before I became disheartened by the self-serving scientific community who pay their rent with lies that don't accomplish anything of benefit to life. I'm an author, artist, musician, dog-trainer, lover of all life. Every violent thing I've ever seen I've interrupted. I'm writing this all down in a journal, and it would make the craziest book or story you've ever read. I am well respected with friends all over the country. I can go get a job (sell my soul) any time I want.

Home-free, not homeless, and I'm not schizo, not crazy - I'm just NOT SATISFIED. I live this way because I intend to make an impact in this society, and I'm DOING IT. Sure I could make millions and influence the world that way... But there is another path, much more Taoist... Something like zero-point energy. By having nothing there is another form of energy available. People who aren't as courageous convince themselves, "I'm going to change the system from within it..." That's not the way I'm going about it. I am light-hearted and clear-headed. And I know and live deep secrets of the universe. Most people aren't ready to take the red pill. Most people are not prepared for the ultimate truth, even though it's closer than all the scientists, scholars, and sages would have you believe.

But I want to be of benefit to this planet. So what do I do, save the whales? To save the whales I need to save the oceans. To save the oceans I need to stop nuclear technology and pesticides. To stop those things I need to encourage self-sufficiency, perma-culture... What is the root cause of all of the wanton destruction and ugliness on the planet? Human beings. Thus there's only one purpose to my life - ACTIVATION of human beings. I want people to turn their brains on, and even more importantly, ACTIVATE THEIR HEART. Most people are SO deluded by society, locked in boxes within boxes, that they literally don't see what's right in front of them. (Like, the suffering of their brothers and sisters is invisible.) And I think it's fucking disgusting. And yet I also live and walk among beautiful selfless activated people that society does not even acknowledge, that popular culture would refuse to believe even existed - and I mean DEEP, potent, aware people, who hold the keys to all of the mysteries attainable as a conscious being in this universe.

My purpose is to be a catalyst of the mass cultural awakening on this planet. This is the age of 10 million buddhas. Never before have we had this chance - we must take the next step in our evolution as a species. Or die painfully, leaving this planet in worse shape than when we got here.

Got a youtube channel btw:

Hope that answered your question...


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Re: New RL in development
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2015, 07:16:18 PM »
At minimum, the potential impact of a great Roguelike to inspire future generations to do great(Heh, not aware of anybody that has juggled doing outright obviously terrible things AND Roguelike enjoyment given the latter doesn't exactly leave much time/headspace for the former so...) and interesting things down the line, assuage at least some of the stresses for all that enjoy it, and poke folks general critical thinking and problem solving faculties with a stick a bit---all good stuff.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: New RL in development
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2015, 09:38:17 PM »
Yes I am actually a shaman, actually a healer. I know how to heal multiple diseases and have saved many people's lives. I've been initiated into multiple spiritual modalities at this point, and have been exposed to them since I was a child. I am what Buddhists would call 'self-realized', specifically that I've seen through the illusion of duality

Cool! But now you are facing your ultimate test, the creation of a major roguelike.


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Re: New RL in development
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2015, 10:42:06 PM »
Yes I am actually a shaman, actually a healer. I know how to heal multiple diseases and have saved many people's lives. I've been initiated into multiple spiritual modalities at this point, and have been exposed to them since I was a child. I am what Buddhists would call 'self-realized', specifically that I've seen through the illusion of duality

Cool! But now you are facing your ultimate test, the creation of a major roguelike.

Haha! yes we have to keep things in proper perspective  ;D


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Re: New RL in development
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2015, 05:07:08 AM »
Cool! But now you are facing your ultimate test, the creation of a major roguelike.
Quite the punchline.


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Re: New RL in development
« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2015, 07:38:56 PM »
Where does making a roguelike fit into that?
It sounds like I'm being a dick, but I'm genuinely curious. The main activities in most roguelikes are hoarding material wealth and killing things (including presumably sapient beings in most of them). Is yours going to be different in that way?


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Re: New RL in development
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2015, 08:14:20 PM »
Way I see it the -snip- was just an answer to Krice`s prodding, unrelated to roguelike development.

Besides, c`mon...roguelikes are games. The fact that I enjoy strolling through a dungeon surrounded by my undead minions doesn`t mean that I have a ReAnimator-style lab in my basement.


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Re: New RL in development
« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2015, 10:37:47 PM »
I am @.

The game I'm making is about exploring, facing various challenges, growing in skill and awareness...
Same with life, especially the life of an explorer, adventurer. (I'm kinda like the dos equis guy...)

Also, my real life is quite magical (applies to magic system, lore), requires the consciousness of survival (combat), etc... My awareness of holistic herbalism applies to game mechanics... And more than anything, as a real life @, I can encode that vibration into the game... Believe me, it applies, though it may not be apparent at first...

Sort of how someone writing a story might develop an extensive lore from which to draw from during the creation of the story itself - even though many of the specifics are not present in the final version, it gives an underlying sense of coherency that increases immersion into that world.

My life is roguelike. And I'm a kung fu computer wizard...
« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 10:39:25 PM by Nomad »


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Re: New RL in development
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2015, 03:44:29 AM »
Way I see it the -snip- was just an answer to Krice`s prodding, unrelated to roguelike development.

Besides, c`mon...roguelikes are games. The fact that I enjoy strolling through a dungeon surrounded by my undead minions doesn`t mean that I have a ReAnimator-style lab in my basement.
Obviously not, but Nomad said
My purpose is to be a catalyst of the mass cultural awakening on this planet.
That's a pretty strong statement, and I was just wondering if the game fit into that purpose or not, and was interested to see what kind of differences that would mean. The creator of URR's hinted at some ways the eventual gameplay of that game will reflect some of his own philosophies on the world, and it sounds like it's going to be pretty cool...whenever it actually happens. ;)
Obviously it doesn't have to, but I'm interested in games that try and push the boundaries, and Nomad seems like a pretty boundary-pushing person.


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Re: New RL in development
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2015, 11:19:24 AM »
Something about the lifestyle of a traveling\shaman\coder...

Are you a homeless person? What is that shaman thing, do you perform actual shaman stuff to people?

This is a crazy livestyle, but it's time to each roguelike developer to be more shaman!
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Re: New RL in development
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2015, 12:11:25 PM »
and Nomad seems like a pretty boundary-pushing person.

If you are on Jesus/Buddha-level you get 50% chance to finish a major roguelike.


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Re: New RL in development
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2015, 04:27:32 AM »
Short answer is yes. The game will be very trippy.

I have a bit of a moral dilemma. If this game is successful by any measure, it represents thousands and thousands of hours of players' lives devoted to... what? The only way I can justify this is if the game increases awareness in meaningful ways. (While retaining fun) I'm exploring mechanics that convey real-world knowledge, ie, of herbs, and other subjects. The game may also deal with certain heavy concepts, such as addiction. Ideally the game itself will directly lead to various levels of self-realization... The game is targeted to a more mature audience, probably 16+, in order to appreciate the tactics of the game in the first place... Less cartoony graphics than many other options. The game is intended to have a spiritual impact, perhaps in similar ways that various cartoons have had.. Avatar: The Last Airbender comes to mind...

Also, and I know this won't be a popular decision, but please understand where I'm coming from... If I feel like I am harming the world by creating a video game, I won't do it. Video game addiction is real, and it's ugly. Designing a serious game like this is similar karma to designing a slot-machine. However.. recognizing that people will invent these games anyway, I've chosen this as an opportunity to introduce the concept of a gaming-governor. This game will have a 5hr play limit before the player is locked out for at least an hour with a message that says, 'Go Outside' or perhaps redirects to information about a healthy lifestyle...

I want people to pay attention to reality, to BE CHANGE, not get lost in games... Even if its a game I made...

For now I just code, code, code... The big picture will come together...

No this game will not simply be a soap box for me to philosophize... It will, however, be trippy as fuck and lead to deep, meaningful realizations.. or I'm wasting my time.


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Re: New RL in development
« Reply #27 on: September 26, 2015, 12:40:48 PM »
Hey now, have some confidence---it is plain as day that this, and by far most Roguelikes for that matter, is not at all playing at the same realms as slot machines, MMO-style whaling, f2p extortions, etc when it comes to utter contempt and disrespect to the prospective audience.  It can't be healthy to labor under an additional false Sword of Damocles when you've already got an adventure on your hands just from the work and scope of the game outright!   :D
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: New RL in development
« Reply #28 on: October 10, 2015, 10:19:13 PM »

Progress continues rapidly... Everything going as planned...

Some things I'm playing with now...

Got a decent overworld generator... Continents, islands, mountains... Dungeon generator also works well... Working on regional 'terraforming' next, ie, desert, forest regions... Lots to do over the long term - overworld generator will evolve with the rest of the program...

Worked out the kinks with the turn-based system... Fully turn-based, ended up sticking with a variation of the Charge Timer technique (I love the mechanic that entity A with Spd 4 times entity B's speed may move 4 times before entity B can move once...) And yet this causes no lag with thousands of entities... Super happy about that...

Skeleton structure of the skill system, item system in place...

very basic proof-of-concept melee functionality... will have to do this for realz once the equipment system (mod stacks, status effects) is implemented...

Other than that, lots of work on the UI... getting everything to scale properly (message log, buttons, stat display) on resize events, all of that bs...

next few days are about the projectile system..


Major thought as to the purpose of the game itself and how this will affect gameplay... NF will be a true roguelike (proc gen terrain, permadeath, turn based) yet the actual goal is not the traditional 'retrieve amulet, bring to altar'... Without giving away too much, the goal of the game has more to do with balance within the simulation itself.. Something like a story line - more like a thematic context - has begun to take shape...

life is so awesome