Lol, right getter... The world needs a serious roguelike for android, iOS, etc... it's time.
And anyway, let's look at each of these 'lofty goals'...
Extremely lightweight - It's lightweight because of procedurally generated and scriptable content. The engine is what I was referring to, the game itself will of course have scripted data, pixel art, and music... Roguelikes are usually lightweight, nothing unusual here..
Highly procedurally generated (Overworld, Dungeons, Items, etc) - Will focus on Overworld and Dungeons for first release... Item system is going to be in-depth but for a later day.. I wrote a tutorial on random map generation like 6 years ago that people seemed to appreciate... I've made random overworld generators and random dungeon generators a dozen or more times, even on hexagonal grids... kid stuff!! Old hobby, and I dream in code.
very dynamic environment - by this I mean, trees burn (fires can spread), rock can be mined, walls can be built, all simple stuff.
highly expandable through scriptable content - i wrote my first scripting language for an rpg game when I was 15... I've updated my design pattern theory significantly since then... Already have an awesome structure for the language modeled out, implementation will be easy.
awesome pixel art - I am an awesome artist. Regarding pixel art, my most notable creation was the tileset for the under-appreciated roguelikelike, Legerdemain, some 1200 or so *beautiful* tiles, if I do say so myself. I mean... Most people don't get far enough into the game to appreciate the graphics but... it's a fucking rad tileset.
flexible skill system which allows for adding skills over time - again, easy, by that I mean essentially that a skill (which generally performs a scripted action on execution, though not always) which has experience, leveling system, etc... Add a new skill to the skills list, actual coding will be minimized...
Complex AI profiles, etc... Last AI system I wrote was for hexagonal tiles which was *way* more complicated than a grid-based world... It included many behavior types like, Aggressive, Wait Until Attacked, Coward, etc... That was like 6 years ago... I'm a little better at that stuff now... game even supported an ally (a dog)...
Soooo basically, what I'm getting at is...
By making the engine scriptable and procedurally generated, it actually makes it *way* easier to create...
and also, maybe we should all eat a few berries once in a while...

how about a little encouragement, sheesh!!
now, excuse me, back to development...!